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Weekly Rank the Survivors: 42


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Episode 3:

1. Maryanne (=) - I support you skipping Tocantins, queen!

2. Hai (+10) - He snapped at TC, made Daniel look like a fool :wub:

3. Jenny (+2) - TOP of the Second Chance 2 ballot!

4. Mike (=) - He should've murdered Daniel when he lost his Idol ❤️

5. Lydia (-2) - As sad as I am to lose Jenny, I'm glad we haven't lost Lydia Chlamydia.

6. Drea (-4) - All the irrelevants are ranked on how much I like them in general for the most part.

7. Tori (-1)

8. Romeo (+6)

9. Lindsay (-1)

10. Chanelle (=) - I threw her in the middle of the irrelevants because I'm mad at her for f*cking up, but I also have hope for her that she'll right the wrong by destroying Daniel.

11. Rocksroy (+4)

12. Omar (+1)

13. Swati (+3)

14. Jonathan (-5) - Lol as if I'm ever gonna care about a character whose appeal is "OMG look how strong they are in challenges!!111!!1"

15. Daniel (-4) - I'm embarrassed for him. Watch this space as I turn to ironic stanning if he does get destroyed immediately for his horrible gameplay.

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6 rankings this episode!


Episode 3:

1. Maryanne Oketch (=) - 2.3

2. Hai Giang (+4) - 2.7

3. Jenny Kim (-1) - 3.8

4. Lydia Meredith (+1) - 5.3

5. Chanelle Howell (+2) - 6.7

6. Tori Meehan (-2) - 7.3

7. Swati Goel (+5) - 7.8

8. Drea Wheeler (-5) - 8.3

9. Omar Zaheer (+2) - 8.5

10. Jonathan Young (=) - 8.7

11. Lindsay Dolashewich (-2) - 9.0

12. Mike Turner (+1) - 10.0

13. Romeo Escobar (+2) - 12.7

14. Rocksroy Bailey (+2) - 13.0

15. Daniel Strunk (-1) - 14.0


Episode 4 ranking will go until Wednesday, April 6th at 8 pm.

-Please no "strategic ranking" (this isn't a game, no need to rank a popular contestant you like low just because you wanna see someone you like more rank higher overall)

-Please don't edit your posts. I like adding up the rankings as I get them. If you feel you have to change something, just rank again and let me know that you're ranking again. I'll use everyone's final rankings in the tally at the end of the week.

-Please include all the Survivors, including the ones voted out this episode, in your rankings

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Weekly Rank the Survivors: 42 (Episode 4 Ends 4/6 8pm)

Episode 4:

1. Tori - She's like a bulldozer, she has no social skills, but just keeps pushing her way through. Kinda iconic.

2. Maryanne - Thank God she has Jonathan on her tribe to carry her to the merge ❤️

3. Drea - Personalityless queen :wub:. She is so blunt and so emotional, a very unique character and I'm looking forward to seeing where it takes us.

4. Hai - Lol @ him ending up in the power position and openly mocking Daniel in the confessional ❤️

5. Mike - Idk I'm still kinda getting king vibes from him.

6. Chanelle - Will destroy Daniel.

7. Lydia - Why is this queen invisible?

8. Swati - I didn't really like her, but she had a fun exit with her messy ass final two deals ❤️.

9. Rocksroy - Very old school, kinda reminds me of Brad from 41. Also underappreciated around these parts.

10. Romeo - He's cool.

11. Jonathan - Thanks for carrying Maryanne to the merge.

12. Lindsay - She's there.

13. Omar - He's there.

14. Daniel - Still the only one I don't like. He took no accountability for his actions from last episode.

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1. Maryanne (=)
2. Tori (+9)
3. Drea (+5)
4. Hai (-2)
5. Chanelle (=)
6. Jonathan (-2)
7. Mike (=)
8. Swati (+4)
9. Romeo (+5)
10. Lydia (-4)
11. Rocksroy (+4)
12. Omar (-3)
13. Lindsay (-3)
14. Daniel (-1)

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1. Tori - Queen of surviving tribal councils that she really shouldn't have survived. :wub:

2. Hai - King of shading and hopefully destroying Daniel! 

3. Mike - He seems cool

4. Maryanne - We didn't get much from her last episode and that's fine. 

5.  Drea - she seems cool

6. Jonathan

7. Romeo

8. Chanelle

9. Omar

10. Swati

11. Lydia

12. Lindsay

13. Rocksroy

14. Daniel

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1. Maryanne - let's face it, she's like the face of this season. :haha: giving me winner vibes.

2. Drea - She reminds me of Shan. (I have a feeling she's gonna crash and burn like Shan too. :dead:)

3. Hai - he's hot, cute, and pretty smart.

4. Tori - a queen (I will disregard for now the fact that she's an anti-vax person based on a tweet I saw).

5. Chanelle - she's slowly getting there with the edit.

6. Lydia 

7. Mike

8. Jonathan

9. Lindsay - she kind of got lost in the shuffle these past few weeks.

10. Omar - I have a feeling he's gonna be the villain of the season (him or Drea).

11. Swati

12. Romeo

13. Daniel

14. Rocksroy

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8 rankings this episode!


Episode 4:

1. Tori Meehan (+5) - 2.6

2. Maryanne Oketch (-1) - 3.8 (Higher than Hai 5/8 times)

3. Hai Giang (-1) - 3.9 (Higher than Maryanne 3/8 times)

4. Drea Wheeler (+4) - 4.6

5. Chanelle Howell (=) - 4.8

6. Jonathan Young (+4) - 7.0

7. Mike Turner (+5) - 7.1

8. Lydia Meredith (-4) - 7.9

9. Swati Goel (-2) - 8.0

10. Romeo Escobar (+3) - 9.1

11. Lindsay Dolashewich (=) - 10.3

12. Omar Zaheer (-3) - 10.4

13. Rocksroy Bailey (+1) - 12.0

14. Daniel Strunk (+1) - 13.8


Episode 5 ranking will go until Wednesday, April 13th at 8 pm.

-Please no "strategic ranking" (this isn't a game, no need to rank a popular contestant you like low just because you wanna see someone you like more rank higher overall)

-Please don't edit your posts. I like adding up the rankings as I get them. If you feel you have to change something, just rank again and let me know that you're ranking again. I'll use everyone's final rankings in the tally at the end of the week.

-Please include all the Survivors, including the ones voted out this episode, in your rankings

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Weekly Rank the Survivors: 42 (Episode 5 Ends 4/13 8pm)

6 rankings this episode!


Episode 5:

1. Maryanne Oketch (+1) - 2.2 (Higher than Drea 4/6 times)

2. Drea Wheeler (+2) - 2.2 (Higher than Maryanne 2/6 times)

3. Hai Giang (=) - 3.3

4. Chanelle Howell (+1) - 3.8

5. Tori Meehan (-4) - 4.3

6. Lydia Meredith (+2) - 4.7

7. Romeo Escobar (+3) - 8.0

8. Jonathan Young (-2) - 8.2 (Higher than Mike 3/6 times, peak position #4)

9. Mike Turner (-2) - 8.2 (Higher than Jonathan 3/6 times, peak position #6)

10. Lindsay Dolashewich (+1) - 9.5

11. Omar Zaheer (+1) - 10.8

12. Rocksroy Bailey (+1) - 11.0

13. Daniel Strunk (+1) - 13.0


Episode 6 ranking will go until Wednesday, April 20th at 8 pm.

-Please no "strategic ranking" (this isn't a game, no need to rank a popular contestant you like low just because you wanna see someone you like more rank higher overall)

-Please don't edit your posts. I like adding up the rankings as I get them. If you feel you have to change something, just rank again and let me know that you're ranking again. I'll use everyone's final rankings in the tally at the end of the week.

-Please include all the Survivors, including the ones voted out this episode, in your rankings.

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Weekly Rank the Survivors: 42 (Episode 6 Ends 4/20 8pm)

Episodes 6+7:

1. Romeo (+8) - 10/10 breakout episode. From randomly being excluded from the majority alliance to making me sob with his gay storyline to seething at the mouth as he talks about destroying Jonathan & Mike. Stanning will commence!

2. Maryanne (-1) - Truly an angel I'm so glad we're getting more time with her <333333333.

3. Tori (=) - Say hello to the most bitter jury member we will ever see.

4. Chanelle (=) - Poor queen is sooooo far outside of the tribe dynamics right now. I still stan.

5. Drea (-3) - One of the most unique Survivor characters ever. She is truly a take no prisoners HBIC.

6. Rocksroy (+2) - Lynze. Dude is in his own little world and I'm obsessed.

7. Omar (+5) - Winner pick. I'm okay with him sprinting around the island like he just did coke if it's to save Maryanne.

8. Lydia (-2) - RIP queen we'll always have your iconic twitter.

9. Jonathan (+2) - I'm sorry I can't relate to the struggles of muscly men.

10. Lindsay (=) - She seems like a sweet girl but what the hell is she bringing to the show?

11. Hai (-6) - I was on edge when he brought the stupid passengers analogy back to life and now he's dtm since he wrote down Lydia's name.

12. Mike (-5) - #Gays4Mike has died as he met one straight white man and is now ready to drop everything and run off into the sunset with him.

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