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Weekly Rank the Survivors: 42


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11 minutes ago, rockerannah said:

1. Jonathan

2. Mike

3. Omar

4. Rocksroy

5. Hai

6. Lindsay

7. Drea

8. Maryanne

9. Romeo

10. Chantelle

11. Tori

We like to include the contestants eliminated that episode in our rankings as well so please edit Lydia in 🙂

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1. Maryanne - not using her idol and still being safe yas. :wub:

2. Romeo - supeeer great episode for him. him and his story. he's so genuine. 🤍

3. Drea - her clocking the twist lol. she's a fighter.

4. Omar - thankful for him saving Maryanne, he should just leave Lindsay and Jonathan to be with her tbh.

5. Chanelle - it's so satisfying to see her being saved last minute because of the apparent target on her back.

6. Tori - she's a mess and I'm honestly here for it. :blargwave:

7. Lydia - we will miss you twitter queen!

8. Rocksroy - I've been vocal about me not liking him, but this episode tweaked my impression about him a little.

9. Lindsay - I thought she was going to be a star on premiere but up until this episode, she's just fading into the background lol.

10. Mike 

11. Hai 

12. Jonathan



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9 rankings this episode!


Episode 6:

1. Tori Meehan (+4) - 3.7

2. Maryanne Oketch (-1) - 4.1 (Higher than Drea 6/9 times)

3. Drea Wheeler (-1) - 4.1 (Higher than Maryanne 3/6 times)

4. Romeo Escobar (+3) - 5.4

5. Hai Giang (-2) - 5.8

6. Chanelle Howell (-2) 6.6

7. Omar Zaheer (+4) - 6.8

8. Jonathan Young (=) - 7.2

9. Rocksroy Bailey (+3) - 8.0

10. Lydia Meredith (-4) - 8.1

11. Mike Turner (-2) - 8.8

12. Lindsay Dolashewich (-2) - 9.6


Episode 7 ranking will go until Wednesday, April 27th at 8 pm.

-Please no "strategic ranking" (this isn't a game, no need to rank a popular contestant you like low just because you wanna see someone you like more rank higher overall)

-Please don't edit your posts. I like adding up the rankings as I get them. If you feel you have to change something, just rank again and let me know that you're ranking again. I'll use everyone's final rankings in the tally at the end of the week.

-Please include all the Survivors, including the ones voted out this episode, in your rankings.

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Weekly Rank the Survivors: 42 (Episode 8 Ends 4/27 8pm)

Episode 8:

1. Maryanne (+1) - Cackling about her emotional pitch to get Omar to sit out :wub:. Shrieking as she dived into the water in the reward challenge :wub:. I'm so blessed we've gotten this many episodes of this icon.

2. Romeo (-1) - He's not paranoid he's on the bottom!!!!!!!!

3. Tori (=) - Lol @ her being an immunity whore to the fury of literally everyone.

4. Drea (+1) - Casually sitting there like :mellow: as she hoards literally every advantage in Survivor history lol.

5. Rocksroy (+1) - What is he and Tori's relationship? I need a whole miniseries about it.

6. Chanelle (-2) - A fun character, went out with a bit of a whimper though. I would love to live in the universe where she protects her vote, sooooooo much changes for her (and everyone)

7. Lindsay (+3) - Breakout episode is coming!

8. Omar (-1) - Verging into gamebot territory, but I'm hopeful it ends in an epic flameout.

9. Mike (+3) - I want to like him...but I don't really anymore sadly.

10. Jonathan (-1) - Jonathan is good at challenges.

11. Hai (=) - What a disappointment he's been in this merge. He's got an undeserved cockiness combined with gamebot tendencies.

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11 rankings this episode!


Episode 8:

1. Drea Wheeler (+2) - 3.1

2. Maryanne Oketch (=) - 3.2 (Higher than Tori 6/11 times)

3. Tori Meehan (-2) - 3.2 (Higher than Maryanne 5/11 times)

4. Romeo Escobar (=) - 5.4

5. Chanelle Howell (+1) - 5.8

6. Omar Zaheer (+1) - 6.7

7. Lindsay Dolashewich (+5) - 7.4 (1.8 ranking against Jonathan and Mike)

8. Jonathan Young (=) - 7.4 (2.0 ranking against Lindsay and Mike)

9. Mike Turner (+2) - 7.4 (2.2 ranking against Lindsay and Jonathan)

10. Hai Giang (-5) - 7.6

11. Rocksroy Bailey (-2) - 8.9


Episode 9 ranking will go until Wednesday, May 4th at 8 pm.

-Please no "strategic ranking" (this isn't a game, no need to rank a popular contestant you like low just because you wanna see someone you like more rank higher overall)

-Please don't edit your posts. I like adding up the rankings as I get them. If you feel you have to change something, just rank again and let me know that you're ranking again. I'll use everyone's final rankings in the tally at the end of the week.

-Please include all the Survivors, including the ones voted out this episode, in your rankings.

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Weekly Rank the Survivors: 42 (Episode 9 Ends 5/4 8pm)

Queens of the Episode (i mean?? still hating them after this moment.. will say a lot about your views on this important social topic tbh)

1. Maryanne - i love seeing this other side of herself, the serious one. her giving up her idol for that moment in the tribal was too powerful. probably has the best jury management atm.

2. Drea - she perfectly summed all the struggles of being a black person on a life outside/inside survivor. my heart goes out for her.


Queen of Underediting

3. Lindsay - i'm just crushed that we only got to see little time of her on every episode. she crushed jonathan's mastermind thought, she genuinely emphatized with Maryanne and Drea, and she went head to head with Jonathan on that challenge.


4. Omar

5. Romeo

6. Tori - I appreciate her graceful exit. She's sweet. Kudos to her for surviving 2 near eliminations!

7. Hai - him hating the all male alliance's the only reason he's here lol.

8. Rocksroy - I just hated his misogynistic remarks. He's sweet for that last message for Maryanne and Drea tho. I also love how he looked proud of the both of them during their moments.

9. Mike

10. Jonathan - calling Drea aggressive when he's the one who's afraid of being called aggressive 🙄. and going the defensive route and having the need to be comforted by Drea who is having such a rough moment. 

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