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Musician Discography Rankdown (Bonus Round)


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9. See You Again (2012 prod. by Mark Bright, written by Carrie Underwood, Hillary Lindsey, + David Hodges)

Album: Blown Away




US Billboard Hot 100: #34 (Single)

US Hot Country Songs (Billboard): #7 (Single)

US Adult Top 40 (Billboard): #2 (Single)

United States Certification (RIAA): Platinum (Single)





Derek: 20

Steven: 3

Wally: 13

Sola: 4

Lily: 18

Kaley: 9

Andy: 13

Tom: 6

Denise: 12

Andrew: 1

Amanda: 18

Chris: 14

Victoria: 3

Public: 11


Final Average = 10.36




On 8/3/2020 at 10:00 PM, *Chris said:


tumblr_mpwg11mPpS1rftjwwo1_250.gifv tumblr_mpwg11mPpS1rftjwwo5_250.gifv tumblr_mpwg11mPpS1rftjwwo3_250.gifv


Originally written for "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader",  "See You Again" would later be featured on her fourth studio album. And the song would later conclude the "Blown Away"-era as it was released as the fifth & finale single of the album in 2013 - the song found its way at the #1 on the Mediabase Country Airplay chart. 


On this song, Carrie delivers an incredible vocal performance which is to be expected from her when it comes to a power ballad like "See You Again". Considering the message behind the song - moving forward about after the passing of a loved one & keeping hope that one will be reunited in the afterlife - it is not surprising that lyrics of the song is incredibly inspiring: "Sometimes I feel my heart is breaking, But I stay strong and I hold on 'cause I know, I will see you again, This is not where it ends, I will carry you with me" & "I can hear those echoes in the wind at night, Calling me back in time, Back to you, In a place far away, Where the water meets the sky, The thought of it makes me smile, You are my tomorrow".  With that being said, the song itself is not an ultimate favourite of mine despite connecting to the meaning of the song - it remains an highlight from the album but out of this top 20, it is probably near the bottom. 


On 7/30/2020 at 11:56 AM, *Wallace said:



“See You Again” is a really gorgeous and beautiful song from Carrie. This song has a sad but hopeful message to it and Carrie does deliver it beautifully. This song has such a beautiful angelic quality to it which I do really like. I love the parts where she sings: I will see you again. This is not where it ends. I will carry you with me. Til I see you again. :wub: I also love how soft and angelic her voice is on the bridge too. 


On 7/30/2020 at 1:39 AM, Steven_ said:

"See You Again" was originally written for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Carrie co-wrote three songs to be pitched for the movie, and "There's A Place For Us" was chosen for the soundtrack. But Carrie still decided to include "See You Again" on her Blown Away album, and I'm so glad that she did. The song is about looking at the hopeful side of death. The song is telling us that when our loved ones have passed away, it really is not the end. We will see them again in Heaven. It's such an inspiring song with a message I definitely believe in. However, the song does not only have to mean that. The lyrics are broad enough that listeners can interpret the song differently. And the "See You Again" music video definitely showcases that with graduations and military homecomings. Goodbyes don't necessarily have to be sad when we know that we will see each other again. "See You Again" is just an amazing song that I really love. From the lyrics to the soaring vocals, this is definitely one of my all-time favorite songs.


Favorite lyric:

🎵 I will see you again, oh
This is not where it ends
I will carry you with me, oh
'Til I see you again.


On 7/30/2020 at 8:12 PM, #jeah said:

Strong chorus, but a bit cheesy. Still have an attachment to it though


On 8/3/2020 at 2:19 PM, sublymonal said:

See You Again - The only Carrie song that still makes me cry. Let's flashback to Kree Harrison's gorgeous performance of it dedicated to her parents: 




On 7/31/2020 at 8:01 PM, miss denise said:

Such a heartfelt and meaningful song. ❤️ I feel like her voice really hits a sweet spot on the chorus of this song and I love it. The music and lyrics also have such an uplifting feel, despite me also feeling sad listening to it. It's a bit bittersweet for me and maybe that's why it's one I don't listen to over and over compared to others. However, it strikes a chord, and can bring a lot of hope during difficult times. ❤️ Her vocals at the end are some of my very favorites too.


On 7/30/2020 at 4:23 PM, *Lily said:

A lovely and touching number!


On 7/30/2020 at 9:39 PM, ~Tom~ said:

See You Again is so simple lyrically and mid-tempo which I am not always terribly fond of but the chorus is so lifting with a beautiful message. 







8. So Small (2007 prod. by Mark Bright, written by Carrie Underwood, Luke Laird, + Hillary Lindsey)

Album: Carnival Ride




US Billboard Hot 100: #17 (Single)

US Hot Country Songs (Billboard): #1 (Single)

United States Certification (RIAA): Platinum (Single)





Derek: 8

Steven: 5

Wally: 4

Sola: 21

Lily: 13

Kaley: 15

Andy: 6

Tom: 19

Denise: 3

Andrew: 3

Amanda: 17

Chris: 16

Victoria: 9

Public: 4


Final Average = 10.21




On 8/3/2020 at 9:51 PM, *Chris said:


 tumblr_mf9ikpscll1ql5ingo7_r1_250.gifv tumblr_mf9ikpscll1ql5ingo2_r1_250.gifv tumblr_mf9ikpscll1ql5ingo9_r1_250.gifv


Released as the debut single for her sophomore album, “So Small” is also the first single that she co-wrote with Hillary Lindsey, and Luke Laird.  The song was an immediate success for Carrie on the country radio where it debuted at #20 which was the highest chart entry by a solo country female artist – the song would late become another #1 hit for Carrie. And this is a song that is loved by many individual due to the message of the song, which Carrie explains as a song that express “how people invest so much of their time and energy into things that aren't really important, and you don't really realize that until it's too late” – this something that we can all relate which is why I assume the song is well received by many.

Onto my thoughts now; I absolutely love her voice in the song, and how she convey the message of the song – it is beautifully written and my favourite part of the song is when she sings the following part: “It's so easy to get lost inside, A problem that seems so big at the time, It's like a river that's so wide it swallows you whole, While you're sitting around thinking about what you can't change, And worrying about all the wrong things, Time's flying by, moving so fast, You better make it count 'cause you can't get it back”.  But with that being said, I thought at the time that the single was weak for a debut single but after all these years, it remains one of her best debut single as she released much weaker songs as debut single after this one.

Overall, I really enjoy the song for its simplicity and for its message. As well, I am glad this started a long partnership between Carrie Underwood & Hillary Lindsey who proved herself to be one of the best songwriter in the business, and I am pleased that she co-writes many songs for / with Carrie. And I will conclude that everyone should watch
 the version featuring PS22 Chorus because it forever gives me chills - the vocals Carrie is serving in that video is unreal. 


On 7/30/2020 at 11:56 AM, *Wallace said:



Gooshh THANK GOODNESS we got a Top 21 so that “So Small” could make it into the finals that it so rightfully deserves its place in. (!) I have an interesting relationship with “So Small.” I didn’t really know or pay much attention to it whenever it was released….. which I don’t know. But I think a year or so later, I grew to absolutely love and adore this song…. and I honestly think it is my 4th favorite Carrie song ever. :wub: I think maybe Matt Giraud’s version on American Idol gave me a newfound appreciation for this song. It was my favorite ballad of hers until another song came out. This song is just sooo beautiful. I love her emotional connect and vocals on here. :wub: That chorus is straight up GOLDEN. I love it all but especially the part where she sings: And what you've been up there searching for forever is in your hands. When you figure out love is all that matters after all. It sure makes everything else seem so small. Some other parts I love from this song are where she sings: While you're sitting 'round thinking 'bout what you can't change. And worrying about all the wrong things. And then her belting of “seems sooooo smaallllll” before she gets into the final chorus and all of her belting on that chorus too. :omg: Fingers crossed this gets a good placement being the last entry of the Final 21.


On 7/30/2020 at 1:39 AM, Steven_ said:

"So Small" is a song everybody can relate to. It's about how we all let little and sometimes insignificant problems cause us so much stress and worry that we oftentimes lose focus on what really matters in life. Carrie came up with the concept of this song and co-wrote it with two other songwriters. It's just an amazing song with a profound message. The lyrics really puts life into perspective, and it's one that I will often play when I'm feeling down about something that I know I shouldn't care so much about. But I still listen to this song on happy occasions too since it's one I love a lot anyway. I love when we get to hear Carrie's vocals soar on a song, so the chorus is my favorite part of the song. With six albums released already, sometimes I wonder if "So Small" has become one of Carrie's forgotten singles for more casual fans. That would be a shame since "So Small" is an incredible song with a deep and hopeful message. I love everything about this song, hence why it lands this high on my rankings.


Favorite lyric:

🎵 Sometimes that mountain you've been climbing is just a grain of sand
And what you've been out there searching for forever is in your hands
And when you figure out love is all that matters after all
It sure makes everything else seem so small.


On 8/3/2020 at 2:19 PM, sublymonal said:

Another one of the few Carrie ballads that I love. I think the secret ingredient is that it's inspirational. I love a good, uplifting anthem.


On 7/30/2020 at 4:23 PM, *Lily said:

Congrats to all the So Small fans who got this into the top 21! I read (on Wikipedia lol) that this is her first song where she has a writing credit, and it's a really lovely number.


On 7/30/2020 at 8:12 PM, #jeah said:

It’s not like, the most groundbreaking song or anything, but I’ve always loved it a lot and the lyrics are super uplifting and not in a cheesy way imo. Love this


On 7/31/2020 at 8:01 PM, miss denise said:

I already have the feels from that beautiful music right at the start of this song. ❤️ It starts soft, but quickly blossoms into one of my favorite choruses. :wub: So powerful and meaningful. I love the lyrics, the music, the flow of it, and of course, Carrie's amazing singing.  Carrie's powerful vocals are on full display here and there is nothing so small about them. :wub:  Somehow they even get more and more powerful and SLAYFUL as the song goes on? I do not know how it's even possible. 😢  "Sometimes that mountain you've been climbing is just a grain of sand" :wub: My favorite and so important to realize sometimes. I also love the whole last part of the second verse. I also love all the other parts of the song. ❤️ Ugh, the way the choruses powers up like crazy at the end and comes back down is something sent from up above. I just love an empowering, optimistic, hopeful, powerful song with meaningful lyrics and killer vocals. Carrie always delivers. ❤️ I always feel like I've had an epiphany listening to this masterpiece. ❤️  


On 7/30/2020 at 9:39 PM, ~Tom~ said:

A story about this song! So before I even joined IDF me and the first gay guy I ever talked to online were listening to So Small, her newest single at the time. We both agreed it was meh and I was concerned how the rest of the album would be. Thankfully most of the songs on it were better than this one. 








7. Just A Dream (2007 prod. by Mark Bright, written by Gordie Sampson, Hillary Lindsey, + Steve McEwan)

Album: Carnival Ride




US Billboard Hot 100: #29 (Single)

US Hot Country Songs (Billboard): #1 (Single)

US Billboard Pop 100: #96 (Single)

United States Certification (RIAA): 2x Platinum (Single)





Derek: 21

Steven: 10

Wally: 8

Sola: 13

Lily: 15

Kaley: 12

Andy: 11

Tom: 12

Denise: 2

Andrew: 21

Amanda: 4

Chris: 3

Victoria: 1

Public: 7


Final Average = 10.00




On 8/3/2020 at 9:51 PM, *Chris said:


tumblr_lvr2muC4Aw1qazma4o3_250.gifv tumblr_lvr2muC4Aw1qazma4o6_250.gifv tumblr_lvr2muC4Aw1qazma4o4_250.gifv


Released as the 4th single for Carnival Ride, "Just a Dream" is one of the highlight of the album while being one of the better single from that album, in my opinion. And many critics would agree with the statement as one critics said that this song proved that Carrie Underwood was able to deliver a song that's normally reserved for the vets of the genre - "Previous singles have stuck to a similar lyrical theme, contrasting between Underwood's girl-next-door image with inspirational or family-centered songs. 'Just a Dream' delivers the heartbreaking, storytelling side of Nashville with the kind of song usually reserved for vets like one of her idols Reba McEntire or Martina McBride. Underwood convincingly sells the story of a young widow of a soldier killed in combat, using shades of her emotive vocal to convey anger and despair".  And the success was found on Country Radio where the song went all the way to Number One - she scored her 6th straight #1 single. 


And when it comes to my relationship with this song, I share the same sentiment as I did when the album was first released - it is the highlight of the album as this is one of the few song on the album that really took advantage of Carrie's vocal ability, notably in the chorus. On top of the vocals delivered, the song is written perfectly where the writers managed to give us a visual of what the song is all about - "She heard the trumpets from the military band, And the flowers fell out of her hands" // She put her veil down trying to hide the tears, Oh she just couldn't believe it, She heard the trumpets from the military band, And the flowers fell out" // "And then guns rang one last shot , And it felt like a bullet in her heart".  And the music video managed to perfectly deliver the visual of the song - one of the better music video of her career. 


To conclude, I can confidently confirm that this song is one of my all-time favourite of Carrie's notably due to the incredible vocals delivered in the song - I highly recommend that everyone watch this CMA Awards performance where she delivered an incredible & emotional performance of the song.


On 7/30/2020 at 11:56 AM, *Wallace said:



You all remember how long it took for us to advance “Just a Dream” just from that very first round? SHAMMEE on us. :dead: Thank goodness “Just a Dream” is in the finals because this is such a gorgeous, sad and heartbreaking song and music video. Ugh that music video especially with how it transform from a wedding to a funeral is such a tearjerker. :broken: The chorus is also sooo heartbreaking but I love her vocal delivery on it. My favorite parts are where she sings: Baby why'd you leave me

Why'd you have to go? I was counting on forever, now I'll never know. I can't even breathe and This can't be happening to me. This is just a dream. :broken: I love the mix of her belting and falsetto notes there. Such a gorgeous song and I can see it ranking it really well here.


On 7/30/2020 at 9:39 PM, ~Tom~ said:

Vocally, Just A Dream slays, but I don't find it her most interesting melodically so I'm ranking it #12.


On 8/3/2020 at 2:19 PM, sublymonal said:

My rankings will make it clear that I'm not really into Carrie's sad ballads, except for one. I know people love them because they were some of her biggest hits and I even advanced some of them because, lyrically, they're beautiful but they're also the songs I listen to the least. I ranked Just a Dream the lowest because it feels like military propaganda. That's probably an unpopular opinion.


On 7/30/2020 at 4:23 PM, *Lily said:

This is a super heartfelt number and the story behind it is super emotional. Carrie brings lovely vocals to this.


On 7/30/2020 at 1:39 AM, Steven_ said:

"Just A Dream" is a beautifully sung yet heartbreaking tribute to the military that does not come across as pandering at all. It's a very honest song that helps people who go through the feelings of losing a loved one like the narrator of this song feel a little more understood. It's a tragic song, and Carrie performs it so beautifully. Her performance of "Just A Dream" at the 2008 CMA Awards was truly spectacular. The best country songs tell a story, even sad ones like this one does. I do believe the writers captured the pain that is expressed in the song very well in the lyrics, and Carrie's brilliant vocals take the song to a whole new level.


Favorite lyric:

🎵 Then they handed her a folded up flag
And she held on to all she had left of him
Oh, and what could've been
And then guns rang one last shot
And it felt like a bullet in her heart.


On 7/30/2020 at 8:12 PM, #jeah said:

Points for being from Carnival Ride ❤️ 


On 7/31/2020 at 8:01 PM, miss denise said:

Ugh,, this song absolutely rips my heart out and doesn't even attempt to put it back together. :broken:  The story is so so heartbreaking and unfortunately, all too real for many people. :( Carrie captures the emotion of a tragic loss so well in both the lyrics and her vocals on this song. It's extremely moving and powerful. It always stands out as one of my favorite Carrie songs and as sad as it is, I still can't help listening to it over and over. The chorus is one of my favorite things ever. "Baby, why'd you leave me, why'd you have to go? I was counting on forever, now I'll never know, I can't even breathe. It's like I'm looking from a distance, standing in the background, everybody's saying he's not coming home now. This can't be happening to me. This is just a dream" THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THIS IS JUSTTTTTTTTT A DDDDDDDDREEEEEAMMM.  If that doesn't make you cry in a corner, then I don't know what will. 😢   Those lyrics get to me every single time. And her vocals and nuances on them throughout the song only add to the emotion. :broken: Another stand out lyric for me is at the end of the second verse: "and the guards rang one last shot and it felt like a bullet in her heart" UGH :broken: But really, those I CAN'T EVEN BREATTTTTHE parts. I can't breathe hearing them. :broken:  Again, Carrie shows tremendous dynamics with her belting and then the softer vocals near the end. ❤️ So much emotion, power, and beautiful singing on such a heartbreaking story.

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