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I agree with Trump’s involvement being key. 


Quite frankly, it shows that Trump still has a significant hold on the party. 

he flexed his power, and can now call solving the speaker issue a win for him, and convincing the crazy twenty to vote for McCarthy. Total power mover on his part. 

The problem though..is the crazy twenty want to break the government in order to cut social security and Medicare. That is tremendously unpopular. 

there is always a shot that Democrats don’t call it out when it happens and the media spins it as “Congress being ineffective” or “congress cutting social security”..but I don’t see Jeffries letting it happen. When means a Republican candidate not tied to congress will be more appealing for the 2024 election. (Aka an eventual win for DeSantis).


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One of these is an announced candidate, and the other has never even publicly hinted at running for President. Who’s the one playing 4-D chess? :haha: 

I think it was about a year ago, in this thread, when I mentioned what a savvy operator DeSantis is. That’s why he has Trump and his grifters all chasing their tails. 



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This should probably be in the "Funny" thread but I think y'all can appreciate the (bad) humor in this Bad Lip Reading video. :haha:



I think We The People got screwed in the congress deal so might as well laugh (either that or be upset about things I can't control).






Ocasio-Cortez and Dr. Gosar discuss... dreams? :haha:




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Arkansas and Massachusetts are making history as the first two states to have women serving as both governor and lieutenant governor.


Republican Sarah Huckabee Sanders was sworn in Tuesday as the 47th governor of Arkansas. She became the state's first female governor and is believed to be the first daughter in the US to serve as governor of the same state her father once led. (Mike Huckabee was Arkansas' governor from 1996-2007.) At age 40, Sarah is also the youngest governor in the nation. "I did not seek this office to be the first anything, but I ran to make Arkansas first in everything," she said.


Leslie Rutledge was sworn in Tuesday as the first female lieutenant governor of Arkansas. She became the first woman and the first Republican to serve as attorney general in Arkansas when she took office in 2015.




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FoxNews: House Republicans to vote on bill abolishing IRS, eliminating income tax



Fox News Digital has learned that the House will be voting on Georgia Republican Rep. Buddy Carter's reintroduced Fair Tax Act that aims to reel in the IRS and remove the national income tax, as well as other taxes, and replace them with a single consumption tax.


The vote on the bill was made as part of the deal between House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and members of the House Freedom Caucus and was pushed forward in his quest for the gavel last week.


Additionally, the bill gets rid of the death, gift and payroll taxes, and it would replace the current tax code with a national consumption tax.




It'd be nice to get rid of the income tax and move to Fair Tax, but this bill, even if passed by the House, won't be taken up in the Democrat Senate. And even if by some miracle, the Senate puts the bill up for vote and it passes, Biden will veto it. 


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2 hours ago, season1 said:

FoxNews: House Republicans to vote on bill abolishing IRS, eliminating income tax



Fox News Digital has learned that the House will be voting on Georgia Republican Rep. Buddy Carter's reintroduced Fair Tax Act that aims to reel in the IRS and remove the national income tax, as well as other taxes, and replace them with a single consumption tax.


The vote on the bill was made as part of the deal between House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and members of the House Freedom Caucus and was pushed forward in his quest for the gavel last week.


Additionally, the bill gets rid of the death, gift and payroll taxes, and it would replace the current tax code with a national consumption tax.




It'd be nice to get rid of the income tax and move to Fair Tax, but this bill, even if passed by the House, won't be taken up in the Democrat Senate. And even if by some miracle, the Senate puts the bill up for vote and it passes, Biden will veto it. 


True, but I'm glad the House is at least voting on the bill.

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4 hours ago, season1 said:

FoxNews: House Republicans to vote on bill abolishing IRS, eliminating income tax



Fox News Digital has learned that the House will be voting on Georgia Republican Rep. Buddy Carter's reintroduced Fair Tax Act that aims to reel in the IRS and remove the national income tax, as well as other taxes, and replace them with a single consumption tax.


The vote on the bill was made as part of the deal between House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and members of the House Freedom Caucus and was pushed forward in his quest for the gavel last week.


Additionally, the bill gets rid of the death, gift and payroll taxes, and it would replace the current tax code with a national consumption tax.




It'd be nice to get rid of the income tax and move to Fair Tax, but this bill, even if passed by the House, won't be taken up in the Democrat Senate. And even if by some miracle, the Senate puts the bill up for vote and it passes, Biden will veto it. 


Would they be voting on those things if they had a a chance of becoming law? I’m guessing probably not, so I can’t really take it seriously. 

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1 hour ago, TeamAudra said:

Would they be voting on those things if they had a a chance of becoming law? I’m guessing probably not, so I can’t really take it seriously. 


You mean like the Obamacare Repeal? (They voted for a repeal bill when Obama was in office, but when Trump became President in 2017 and ready to sign the repeal bill, the GOP House passed the bill but  a couple of senate "republicans" voted against it.)



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7 minutes ago, season1 said:


You mean like the Obamacare Repeal? (They voted for a repeal bill when Obama was in office, but when Trump became President in 2017 and ready to sign the repeal bill, the GOP House passed the bill but  a couple of senate "republicans" voted against it.)



Something like that, but at least that had a realistic chance. I’m just wondering whether the House would be voting on abolishing the IRS and eliminating the income tax if there was a willing Republican Senate and President. I have doubts!

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15 minutes ago, TeamAudra said:

Something like that, but at least that had a realistic chance. I’m just wondering whether the House would be voting on abolishing the IRS and eliminating the income tax if there was a willing Republican Senate and President. I have doubts!


This Fair Tax bill has been submitted years ago, but the GOP leadership didn't put it up for vote in the House when they had the majority (the first 2 years of Trump's term). So there's a reasonable basis for doubting.  McCarthy had to be dragged to agree to this bill being brought up for a vote even though it's nothing but a show vote at this point.



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7 minutes ago, season1 said:


This Fair Tax bill has been submitted years ago, but the GOP leadership didn't put it up for vote in the House when they had the majority (the first 2 years of Trump's term). So there's a reasonable basis for doubting.  McCarthy had to be dragged to agree to this bill being brought up for a vote even though it's nothing but a show vote at this point.



This is my biggest beef with Congressional and Senate Republicans. They love to grandstand, but there are no results to show for it. Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Kennedy, McCarthy, etc…they all talk tough on Hannity’s show, but it ends the minute the camera stops rolling, and Hannity doesn’t hold them accountable, despite his tough talk. 

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14 hours ago, TeamAudra said:

Downtown LA..




California was a beautiful state; great weather, abundant natural resources. Decades of democrat policies and being a sanctuary state for third worlders, many of them are illegals, have turned it into a 3rd world place.


It saddens me to see people are leaving the state in droves, abandoning the state to its continual demise, but I don't blame people for leaving a seemingly lost cause.

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1 hour ago, TeamAudra said:





Kari is 53 years old. That’s quite a reversal of values and beliefs at that age. How does that happen? I can assure you there is no way I will ever become a liberal. 

Hmmm. You make a good point.

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AG Garland appointed a Special Counsel to investigate Biden re classified docs. This move can serve 3 objectives:

1. Push aside Biden in 2023 (and usher in Kamala as president, who will then appoint their chosen 2024 candidate as Kamala's VP).

2. Defensive move against any GOP House investigation into the Bidens (Joe and Hunter) with the excuse that they can't discuss nor provide testimony because there's an ongoing SC investigation.

3. Push for Trump indictment (there's already a special counsel on Trump docs) and further investigation, with the rationale that the DOJ has to handle the matters the same for Trump and Biden.


If they're really trying to push aside Joe, this could be the White House resident before the year ends:




Historic. /




If you haven't heard about Biden and his possession of classified documents found in several locations, here are the latest:












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4 minutes ago, season1 said:

AG Garland appointed a Special Counsel to investigate Biden re classified docs. This move can serve 3 objectives:

1. Push aside Biden in 2023 (and usher in Kamala as president, who will then appoint their chosen 2024 candidate as Kamala's VP).

2. Nullify any GOP House investigation into the Bidens (Joe and Hunter) with the excuse that they can't discuss an ongoing investigation.

3. Push for Trump indictment (there's already a special counsel on Trump docs) and further investigation, with the rationale that the DOJ has to handle the matters the same for Trump and Biden.


If they're really trying to push aside Joe, this could be the White House resident before the year ends:




Historic. /



Joe is getting close to announcing his candidacy for re-election, so I’m betting on #1, without the Kamala part. This could have easily been swept under the rug. 🤷‍♂️ Whether it will work, remains to be seen. Hopefully, fellow Democrats will turn up the heat in the coming days and weeks. 


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3 hours ago, TeamAudra said:

Joe is getting close to announcing his candidacy for re-election, so I’m betting on #1, without the Kamala part. This could have easily been swept under the rug. 🤷‍♂️ Whether it will work, remains to be seen. Hopefully, fellow Democrats will turn up the heat in the coming days and weeks. 



When the story first broke out a few days ago on CBS or NBC, a foremost question for me is, what bigger issue is the media trying to get ahead of and bury? What's their game plan? Then more stories of more classified docs found in different locations, and I began to think that maybe they're bussing Joe so he won't run in 2024, or possibly force him to resign and have Kamala step in as placeholder.


We'll see if Dem leaders would turn up the heat on Biden, or with media's help, they'll spin it, make more excuses that it's not a big deal, or change the topic.



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