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Soā€¦as I was saying the other day, DeSantis doesnā€™t have to do a damn thing right now. Finish the book, and lay in the weeds, while Trump repeatedly shoots himself in the foot. When I said that, I had no idea that Florida would outperform the rest of the nation in such decisive fashion. He absolutely has to run now.Ā 

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She wrote an article almost a year ago called, ā€œTrump is Done.ā€ Itā€™s behind the NYT paywall, so I canā€™t get it right now, but she basically predicted what played out last night. Weā€™ll see how it goes from here. She repeated some of that a few moths ago in a video. This is a short clip. Itā€™s says subscribers only, but I was able to watch it.Ā 



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17 minutes ago, TeamAudra said:



At this rate, we should know the winners sometime next week.Ā 







Yes, it is ridiculous. I feel for the candidates left in limbo, waiting for the results.

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I found Ann Coulterā€™s ā€œTrump is Doneā€ article from January.Ā 

How did she know? šŸ¤”Ā 


ā€œā€¦.Trump is already two years ahead of Palinā€™s fade-out schedule. After his petulant endorsements this year deliver loss after loss in midterm elections that ought to be a blowout landslide for the GOP, heā€™ll be as popular as former Missouri Rep.Ā Todd Akinā€¦.ā€





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Elections updates thread:





Republicans are winning across the country yet they're acting like they lost.







Vance won in OH, Budd in NC for the senate, Zinke won in Montana, John James in Michigan for house seats several D to R house flips (incl NY, WI, IA, AZ), close race in OR governor, Republicans leading in NV Senate and Gov races, AZ election day votes are tracking 70/30 for Republicans, yet many GOP pundits downplaying the wins. Orange man bad, I guess, despite his endorsement record ofĀ 219-16Ā and counting.


Greene's take:



Tucker knows:



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Very few of Trumpā€™s ā€œendorsementsā€ were consequential. In the vast majority of cases, he endorsed incumbents who were all but guaranteed victoryā€¦like Rand Paul, and Marco Rubio. He endorsed Scott Jensen for MN Gov a couple weeks ago, but didnā€™t call him first. How do I know? Because Jensen said so himself in a radio interview the next day. This ā€œendorsement recordā€ he keeps hyping is a joke. Ā 

His handpicked candidates from the contested primaries didnā€™t fare as well. Ā Iā€™m not going to spend 10 minutes listing them. You know who they are. But I will point this one out, since JD Vance is being touted as a success story:Ā 


Mike DeWine was re-elected as OH Gov by a margin of 25.3%.Ā Meanwhile, JD Vanceā€™s winning margin in the Senate race was 5.5%. Not to mention, the party (not Trump) had to spend a ridiculous amount of cash to drag Vance across the finish lineā€¦cash that could have been used elsewhere.Ā 

ā€œToxic Trumpā€ is his new nickname. Keep him as far away from Georgia as possible for the next month.Ā 



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The right only has itself to blame. They live in a bubble and think the rest of the country sees things as they do in their election denial. The fact of the matter is they are just a loud minority. When all was said and done Trump ended with a lower approval rating than Biden. You cant sell a stolen election with numbers like Trump had.


They also pushed too far on the abortion thing. Its really a strange choice considering how well they were doing up until the middle of this year that they rode that so hard. I think some conservatives really think its murder but the only justification is from religious backing. You cant mix politics and religion.


On the plus side they did prove they wont just vote any idiot, snake oil celebrity into office so progress...

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47 minutes ago, sneaky said:

The right only has itself to blame. They live in a bubble and think the rest of the country sees things as they do in their election denial. The fact of the matter is they are just a loud minority. When all was said and done Trump ended with a lower approval rating than Biden. You cant sell a stolen election with numbers like Trump had.


They also pushed too far on the abortion thing. Its really a strange choice considering how well they were doing up until the middle of this year that they rode that so hard. I think some conservatives really think its murder but the only justification is from religious backing. You cant mix politics and religion.


On the plus side they did prove they wont just vote any idiot, snake oil celebrity into office so progress...

Democrats got wiped out in historic fashion in your state, though. Thoughts?Ā 

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6 hours ago, TeamAudra said:

Democrats got wiped out in historic fashion in your state, though. Thoughts?Ā 

I really dont know enough of the motivations of new residents to know why they are trending harder to the right. Gillum almost won last cycle so I think Democrats can win still. Crist was already governor once so I dont think he was a great choice and we always pick republican senators for some reason.


Technically the state was hit by a hurricane last night/ today so the Miami/Ft Lauderdale area specifically might have been distracted as well.

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34 minutes ago, sneaky said:

I really dont know enough of the motivations of new residents to know why they are trending harder to the right. Gillum almost won last cycle so I think Democrats can win still. Crist was already governor once so I dont think he was a great choice and we always pick republican senators for some reason.


Technically the state was hit by a hurricane last night/ today so the Miami/Ft Lauderdale area specifically might have been distracted as well.

Any lag in turnout, even in those counties, would have hurt DeSantis more that Crist, because he was getting more of the Election Day vote, even in the blue counties. Thatā€™s why he won Palm Beach and a bunch of other blue counties. He was already leading in Miami-Dade by 8 points, with the early Ā vote, and grew that lead with Election Day vote. Turnout was a little lower in those two areas you referenced, compared to statewide, but only a few percent in each party. I donā€™t think the hurricane had much of an impact.Ā 

Statewide, Republicans turned out 66%, Democrats only 52%, and many Democrats voted for DeSantis. Crist never had a chance of winning. The odds were literally zero from day one.Ā 

EDIT: Palm Beach County was affected by the hurricane, and Democrats had higher turnout there than than they did statewide (55% vs 52%), yet it still went red.Ā 

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11 hours ago, season1 said:

Elections updates thread:





Republicans are winning across the country yet they're acting like they lost.







Vance won in OH, Budd in NC for the senate, Zinke won in Montana, John James in Michigan for house seats several D to R house flips (incl NY, WI, IA, AZ), close race in OR governor, Republicans leading in NV Senate and Gov races, AZ election day votes are tracking 70/30 for Republicans, yet many GOP pundits downplaying the wins. Orange man bad, I guess, despite his endorsement record ofĀ 219-16Ā and counting.


Greene's take:



Tucker knows:



Media has mainly focused on the fact that election results didn't meet expectations for the Republican Party. Still, as you pointed out, there are some bright spots in addition to Florida.

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3 hours ago, Gmm99 said:

Remember Scott Presler's tweet back in September??

Just a little update.


Beyond this, I wonder how many Republicans across the country actually voted. In my opinion, people who don't vote (when they are eligible to do so) shouldn't complain about election results.

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Did yā€™all know thereā€™s a new term for a disappearing Republican lead over a period of days, as mysterious boxes of new ballots appear?

Itā€™s called ā€œRed Mirageā€





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He will be Florida Governor some day. Bookmark this. šŸ˜‰Ā 

He actually spoke right before DeSantisā€™ victory speech on Tuesday night, and killed it. Whoever gets DeSantisā€™ endorsement will be the next Florida Governor. Just reading the tea leavesā€¦.


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