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8 hours ago, bswanson said:

if true thats bad but lets hear from others first to confirm it. this is just one person. 




How badly do Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats want to cover up this Afghanistan debacle? They just blocked Members of Congress from reading the names of the service members who sacrificed their lives in Afghanistan last week. Don’t you think our military deserves better?
I have requested to read the names and hold a moment of silence for the 13 fallen service members when Congress convenes tomorrow morning. I hope Speaker Pelosi recognizes my request and that the People’s House will honor these heroes as soon as possible.


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4 minutes ago, bswanson said:

Ok then there must be a reason they don't read the names. There are two sides to every story. Have the dems given a reason? Not saying you are wrong but so far the tweets are from one side.

Yeah, I’m sure the Democrats are going to tweet about their blocking of the reading of the names of the service members who gave their lives rescuing people. This one isn’t winnable for your side. 



Have you checked the state by state covid numbers yet? Pick your favorite blue states, and you’ll see where it’s headed. Start with Oregon and Hawaii.   



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2 hours ago, monkshood said:


1 hour ago, monkshood said:



Good to know that they didn't hang somebody from the helicopter. What would be good news is if US can get the equipment back, or destroy them before China, Russia and Iran can get hold of them. But I'm not holding my breath. They can't even get all the US citizens and allies out.


With all that happened in Afghanistan the past couple weeks, I don't think Biden and his officials will be held accountable. Nobody will be fired. Already, the media is starting to shift the narrative to make it favorable to Biden and the democrats. It was an "extraordinary success" according to Biden, and the media will slowly push that narrative. 


Pelosi will not investigate Biden, and the GOP leadership will mostly be quiet except for a few tweets or a strongly worded letter. Rand Paul and a handful of Republican representatives would try to push for investigations but the Democrat leadership will just ignore them. 

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8 minutes ago, season1 said:




Good to know that they didn't hang somebody from the helicopter. What would be good news is if US can get the equipment back, or destroy them before China, Russia and Iran can get hold of them. But I'm not holding my breath. They can't even get all the US citizens and allies out.


With all that happened in Afghanistan the past couple weeks, I don't think Biden and his officials will be held accountable. Nobody will be fired. Already, the media is starting to shift the narrative to make it favorable to Biden and the democrats. It was an "extraordinary success" according to Biden, and the media will slowly push that narrative. 


Pelosi will not investigate Biden's people, and the GOP leadership will mostly be quiet except for a few tweets or a strongly worded letter. Rand Paul and a handful of Republican representatives would try to push for investigations but the Democrat leadership will just ignore them. 

The American people won’t forget. Joe is done. Afghanistan isn’t his only problem. All it takes a moderate shift of movement among Independents to have an enormous impact on midterms. In addition, I fully expect conservatives to be motivated. 


Edited by TeamAudra
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24 minutes ago, bswanson said:

he checked his watch after  not defending how he handled the evacuation cause these 13 were killed and it could have been prevented but still facts are important. https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-biden-honored-members-180612827.html?.tsrc=fp_deeplink

People are going need to watch this and decide for themselves whether it was appropriate. 



Fathers of two of the fallen Marines are claiming he checked his watch after each of the 13 caskets were unloaded from the plane. I can not verify that claim at this time. 

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23 hours ago, bswanson said:

Ok then there must be a reason they don't read the names. There are two sides to every story. Have the dems given a reason? Not saying you are wrong but so far the tweets are from one side.

You're a one trick pony. 

See the wizard already. You have no heart. There must be a reason you don't have one.

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2 hours ago, Drew said:

What does everyone think about the Texas abortion law?


The Texas law is called The Texas Heartbeat Act. Technically, it's not an abortion law, but a law to protect the life of the unborn. Abortion ends the life of the vulnerable, the growing baby in the womb. The Texas law protects the unborn from the moment the heartbeat is detected (around 5-6 weeks of pregnancy). I believe that a baby in the womb has the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, and should be protected, not terminated or aborted.



Maybe this bill and similar in other states would truly make abortion very very rare.  50 Million + babies have been killed since the Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973. If you have the stomach for it, this website has images of babies aborted at different stages of pregnancy.


Other States' "heartbeat bills" have been tied up in courts. Proponents of the Texas law vowed to challenge the bill in court.





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