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The American Politics Thread!

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Youtube, can be a source for truth, or not. It depends, on what the content is, and whether it is true, or not. With that said ... since the MSM, Facebook, Twitter etc .... are not only NOT reporting the truth, they are  censoring everyone, that is. Therefore ...


JUST IN: Trump speaks out on Hunter Biden email report


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8 minutes ago, sneaky said:

Since we're just posting Youtube videos now I do agree with this from Jimmy Dore...except the whole "Obama putting kids in cages" didn't happen




I voted for Obama both times, and am sick about the FACT, that HE put up those cages, and ... yes (as much as I hate to admit this), he did cage children. Nobody, wants to know this. Nobody. It's a horrid truth

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Dueling town halls by Trump and Biden tonight in lieu of the debate. Also, PBS is rerunning "The Choice" which spotlights both candidates. I haven't seen it yet, so I might watch that. 

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2 hours ago, Drew said:


That's right.  They were setting Trump up, and he knew it. THAT, is a huge reason, why he chose not to participate in that farce of a "debate"


Why do they have to lie & cheat so much, huh?  

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On tonights' Town Hall, with President Trump & Savannah Guthrie, I was having deja vu. It was like watching interviewers, with Tulsi Gabbard. They would  ask time & time again ...  over & over, the most assinine questions (Assad apologist, Russian asset).  These drones, are doing everyone, such a dis-service. How many times, does Trump have to denounce White Supremacy? Apparently, it's never enough.  We deserve better, than this propaganda.


And then ... Biden, doesn't get asked any of the questions, that are being suppressed by the propaganda machine, as we speak


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On 10/15/2020 at 8:37 AM, Drew said:

Thoughts on the other email issue plaguing a Democratic candidate in 2020?

Maybe I sound like a total establishment shill but I dont think the leaks are ok at all. If you steal a car, even if its unlocked and appears to be abandoned its still wrong. The only problem I have as far as Biden goes with this is strongly hints the whole Biden family was enriched unfairly by Joe's political ties (which we already knew) The other stuff--so his son is kinda a d-bag...you cant really put that on Joe

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On 10/12/2020 at 8:24 PM, ButterflyEffect said:

We can bitch and moan about it all we want. Whether you like it or not, if the shoe were on the other foot the Democrats would be doing the exact same thing. It's just the nature of American politics.


I'm not sure they would. They're the Democrats...


In a vacuum, I think whoever is the president should be able to fill vacancies regardless of how close it is to the election. It's obviously ridiculous for Republicans doing this after the rationale they used for not confirming Garland, but again they don't care about being hypocrites and that's why they have power.


Getting rid of the lifetime appointments would do a lot to make these supreme court vacancies less insane. No other country does lifetime appointments, because it's stupid.

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While the MSM continues to lie, smear Trump, they continue to ignore the Joe Biden/Hunter Biden Family Ukraine/Russia/China stories

They keep showing themselves to be the lying corporate/pharmaceutical owned propaganda machine, that they are. It takes an Australian News outfit, to spell out, the truth



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There are signs that Biden’s internal polling shows a tighter race than what is being assumed. Either that, or they’re just worried about people thinking he has it in the bag, and staying home (a legit concern).  

Also, the Trafalgar pollster is predicting a narrow electoral victory for Trump. They operate under the assumption that many respondents are reluctant to admit to a pollster they intend to vote for Trump. They nailed it in 2016. 

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6 hours ago, psterina said:


ruh-roh  .... apparently not . So Sorry  :P  (I was actually looking for something else, and came across this)



You can watch YouTube anytime hence it doesn't count. If significantly less people cared to watch agent Orange live it means people are losing interest in his antics. Especially because Trump fans (on average older) are more likely to watch live TV than, on average younger Democrat voters 


Also it's well known that YouTube is a right skewing platform. The biggest political pundits are right wing so of course Trump will get more views

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9 hours ago, TeamAudra said:

There are signs that Biden’s internal polling shows a tighter race than what is being assumed. Either that, or they’re just worried about people thinking he has it in the bag, and staying home (a legit concern).  

Also, the Trafalgar pollster is predicting a narrow electoral victory for Trump. They operate under the assumption that many respondents are reluctant to admit to a pollster they intend to vote for Trump. They nailed it in 2016. 

They didn't really nail it in 2016. Sure, they predicted Trump victories in key states, but they massively overstated Republican support. I think they had the rust belt states around Trump +5% when he ended up winning by under 1%. Trafalger's heavy Republican bias is why their results often get tossed to the side and ignored when they're released. 

Biden camp shouldn't be sitting on anything though. Complacency is exactly how this slips through your hands. Democrats stay home because it's a sure thing, and then suddenly it's no longer a sure thing.  

EDIT: Biden up 2 in a GOP internal in a seat the Democrats lost by 10% in 2016.

Edited by ButterflyEffect
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And sort of related to that last point....I get why some people may not want to vote. It's been something I've been meaning to bring up in this thread to spark discussion for a while.

On average, whether you live in the USA or elsewhere, how long does it take you to vote? From showing up at the polling station to exit? Why does voting in the USA end up being such a chore?

On average I'm in and out in under 10 minutes, usually closer to 5. The longest I ever spent at a polling station was the very first time I voted, as I wasn't registered or on the voter list, so I had to be sworn in. Could have been quicker, but I was with a group of friends who had to do the same.

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21 minutes ago, ButterflyEffect said:

And sort of related to that last point....I get why some people may not want to vote. It's been something I've been meaning to bring up in this thread to spark discussion for a while.

On average, whether you live in the USA or elsewhere, how long does it take you to vote? From showing up at the polling station to exit? Why does voting in the USA end up being such a chore?

On average I'm in and out in under 10 minutes, usually closer to 5. The longest I ever spent at a polling station was the very first time I voted, as I wasn't registered or on the voter list, so I had to be sworn in. Could have been quicker, but I was with a group of friends who had to do the same.

I dont think its much of a chore--provided you have transportation which a fair amount of people don't. Probably 20 minutes since we vote on state amendments (and I could go off on that) along with president.


At least the last two elections I also cant blame people for not voting. The candidates are pretty bad. Could have had an honorable candidate but "I rely on social security and Im a Murican and "socialism is badd, Venezuela badd"

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