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Disney Movies Rankdown - Part II


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Oooh 5 of my Top 10 are in the Top 10 sooo YAY for that! :w00t:


But seriously..... my #28 and #29 can show up ASAP, please. :ermm: Although if people can tell from my rankings and write-ups, they may be able to figure out those two films.

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But seriously..... my #28 and #29 can show up ASAP, please. :ermm: Although if people can tell from my rankings and write-ups, they may be able to figure out those two films.

Nah, my 20 and 21 can show up before my 27 tbh.

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I just saw #12. :broken: I'm actually not as upset as I thought I would have been but that is probably because I just came from the hospital and it's helping me put things into perspective.


I'm actually okay with everyone's rankings (even Elliott's because I knew he wanted to cut it prior) but Dee's ranking hurts the most. That one cuts like a knife because he knew it was my favorite and how hard I fought for it not be to cut prematurely. :(

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I got released from the hospital this morning so I'm catching up on everything right now. Thanks for all the well wishes. :flowers: I'll let you guys know more when the results for my blood results come back.

Glad you are home and doing better. :hug:


Oooh awww at this. Ooh lol yeah this was funny and cute to me but probably would be funnier if I saw the actual first movie. :haha:


I aim to shock and surprise. :giggle:

It would since you'd know what he's talking about and recognize the song snippets. You need to see. :bye2:


I just can't comprehend how one can not have seen Beauty and the Beast. :detective:


But seriously..... my #28 and #29 can show up ASAP, please. :ermm: Although if people can tell from my rankings and write-ups, they may be able to figure out those two films.


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It would since you'd know what he's talking about and recognize the song snippets. You need to see. :bye2:


I just can't comprehend how one can not have seen Beauty and the Beast. :detective:


Oooh yeah I know. Hmmm. :o


Oh. :" border="0" alt="blushing.gif" />


You may not know what they are. :o But all of these films making Top 10 is really such an amazing achievement.

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Oooh yeah I know. Hmmm. :o


Oh. :" border="0" alt="blushing.gif" />


You may not know what they are. :o But all of these films making Top 10 is really such an amazing achievement.





I have an idea how this will go and you even said we could based on your write-ups. :teeheewave: Although, it doesn't really change what I would have guessed anyway. Well, I'm sure of one that is in those two lower spots and think I know the other based on something you said, which saddens me most... but otherwise I thought it would have been a third movie. But those will be all the ones left in your 20s. I know. Also, we both have half of our Top 10s in the official Top 10. ^_^

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10. UP (2009)
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Dee - 2/30
Elliott - 4/30
Public - 7/30
Chris - 10/30
Diana - 11/30
Victoria - 15/30
Denise - 17/30
Wallace - 29/30

To be added.

04. Up (2009)
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The opening sequence alone makes this one of the greatest Disney movies all of time, but the rest of the movie manages to live up to that as well. The decision to focus on an elderly man was something unique, since Pixar films typically didn't do that, but it made the film even more emotional. Looking at the film's Wikipedia article, I also learned that it was praised by its decision to make one of the main characters Asian-American, and then to further never even address it. I never realized that that (unfortunately) wasn't fairly common, but In Pixar We Trust.


Up - I ranked this first only because I feared it would need any help it could get. Tbh it’s not my favorite and I don’t think it’s flawless the whole way through. In fact, I don’t remember the middle of the movie that well at all. All I know is, the first 10 minutes of this film is the greatest opening to any film in cinematic history. Straight up. The story of Carl & Ellie is so beautiful without saying a word and just thinking about it makes me cry. I do have positive memories of the middle of the film too though! Even though I don’t remember it that well lol, I know it’s good! It just doesn’t compare to the first 10 minutes, and nothing Disney/Pixar will ever do will ever compare.

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Often considered as one of the best animated films ever, it is fitting that Up found itself in the Top 30 - I would not be surprised if this movie end up winning, that is if everyone seen it because otherwise, it will most likely get tanked.. The movie was released in 2009 where it was an immediate success; it became the first animated movie since Beauty & The Beast to be nominated in the Best Picture category.

The movie starts out with a flashback where we are introduced to a young Carl who loves to pretend that he is Charles F. Muntz, his idol. He then meet Carl while he was looking for his balloon; she then invite him to join her club of explorers where she gives him a badge made of a soda’ cap. Following their meeting, Ellie shows her adventure book to Carl where she says that she wants to go where Charles F. Muntz, and how she would love move her clubhouse to Paradise Falls. And flashforward to many years, we find out that Carl & Ellie got married - the montage of their love story - their highs and their lows - is easily one of the best montages ever created in an animated movie (e.g.: my favourite moment in the montage is the cloud scene, and when Carl gives her the adventure book).

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Throughout their life, Carl & Ellie saved to go to paradise falls but they never realized it as life kept getting in the now. But now, an elderly & widowed Carl, is holding onto his love for Ellie where he refused to move out of the house - he accidentally injured a construction worker when he tried to touch the mail box he made with Ellie. Unfortunately for Carl, the matter got taken care of by the justice where he was ruled to move into a retirement home. But Carl was not ready to leave his house without doing one thing - going to Paradise Falls which he managed to do with the help of balloons; Carl’s reaction in that moment was so precious - “I’ll send you a postcard from Paradise Falls”.

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While on his voyage to Paradise, he then hear a knock - it’s Russell, the scout guide who never stop talking, whom he met previously. Throughout their journey to Paradise Falls, they face many challenges such as going through the eye of a storm - Carl is scrambling to save some of his precious belongings while Russell managed to steer the house away, doing a prematurely landing on the opposite of Paradise Falls - Russell eager to get his merit badge, suggest that he can assist him by walking to Paradise Falls like a parade balloon. Now, they are running against time and must bring it before they run out of helium in the balloons - there’s two scene that stands out at this point in the movie; Carl saying to Ellie than they will bring that house there, and Carl suggesting to Russell that they should play a game to see who can keep quiet the longest - Carl annoyance with Russell is hilarious.

During a quick stop, Russell runs into a cute little bird that we know was “Kevin” - Russell & Kevin develops a fun relationship. Shortly after meeting Kevin, they run into a dog named Dug - you will remember Dug because he was a talking dog... As their journey continued, they get chased by dogs that lead them in the middle of nowhere where they meet Charles Muntz - Carl’s idol. However, Carl quickly realize that Charles does not care for their being as he only want to capture Kevin. They managed to run away from Charles’ dogs with the help from Kevin & Dug.

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While Kevin was helping them, Kevin hurt herself which Russell was heartbroken about; Russell & Carl then nurture Kevin back to good health as soon as possible. However, Charles finds them because of Doug’s tracker and set the house on fire while kidnapping Kevin - this scene absolutely breaks my heart knowing how heartbroken Russell was, while Carl is doing all that he can to save the house. Following the entire situation, Russell & Carl get into “argument” as Russell want to save Kevin & blames Carl for Kevin getting kidnapped. Carl is determined to go to Paradise Falls, even if it means doing by himself.

Once at Paradise Falls, Carl goes into his house and start looking through Ellie’s adventure books - this is easily one of the most emotional scenes of the movie when he goes through the “Stuff I’m Going to Do” and it’s filled with pictures of her & Carl, and a note that says “Thanks for the adventures - now go have a new one! Love, Ellie”... Following that moment, he goes to find Russell who is going to go find Kevin - Carl decides to go help Russell but to get his house to fly, he had to get rid of some stuff including some furniture with a special meaning behind it…. In that moment, we realize that Carl is not a grumpy old man & how he truly care for Russell - probably because he sees himself in Russell.

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While trying to save Kevin, Russell finds himself in Charles Muntz’ flight and where he’s about to be thrown out. But Carl managed to save Russell with the help of Dug - Carl then tells Russell that he will be the one who will go save Kevin… While Russell is flying away in the house because he was too stubborn, Carl & Charles gets into a survival mode - Carl and Kevin managed to escape while Dug managed to steer the plane. And in the middle of the sky, Russell managed to steer the house away to rescue all of his beloved friend… In the end, in order to save Russell, Kevin and Dug, Carl had no choice but to let his house go - he was fine to let it go as “it’s just a house”. And Carl ensured that Russell received his final badge - he gave him the Ellie badge which definitely pulled on my heartstrings.

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This movie is absolutely brilliant - from its animation to the comedy to the emotional moments, and the storyline - and it deserves all the praise that it gets. But with that being said, the reason why it came at number ten was due to the fact that there’s other movies that I preferred to this one - this is not to say that I do not love it because I absolutely adore it.

11. Up
Another underrated gem that I am so happy is here. The movie shares the story of Carl Fredricksen, a 78-year-old man is about to fulfill his dream. He tied thousands of balloons to his house, he flies away to the South American wilderness. But Carl's worst nightmare comes true when he discovers a little boy named Russell in the house too. I love the story of this movie and feel like is a strong movie that has a beautiful message and one movie that makes me CRY every single time. No fail, any time I watch it, I need tissues. It’s just such a strong iconic movie in my eyes and I am so happy it made it this far.


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This movie is so visually stunning. The animation is seriously breathtaking and it's visually the most stimulating from Pixar only being beat by Wall-E imo. Wally hates Wall-E so I unfortunately can't talk about that film or Coco because Elliott has a boner for Ryan Merriman and Lindsay Lohan. :) The first beginning intro to this movie is so heartbreaking and it's only matched by Jessie's backstory set to "When She Loved Me". I can't get through the beginning of Up without crying. Why did I rank it at number 15 then? The Pixar bias was always going to be too strong in this rankdown and when MJ tragically left the rankdown and we got sacked with Elliott, I knew the battle was going to be uphill one. My rankings out all that truthful and and my rankings for 6 through 30 were strategic because I do love Up more than others I ranked above it. BUT PEOPLE WERE SO OPEN WITH THIER PIXAR BIAS I HAD TO TAKE MATTERS INTO MY OWN HANDS. You only have yourselves to blame. :giggle: Up ranks in my top half so it didn't do too shabby. I will end this intro with the saddest thing Pixar has done since Emily tossing Jessie aside. :'(


Sobbing again. So sad. This scene alone makes Up a worthy contender for the finals. :wub: I'm surprised Wally didn't cut it tbh. So Up is a 2009 American 3D computer-animated comedy-drama adventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It's the 10th Pixar film overall. The film follows Carl Fredricksen who is an old widow and a boy scout named Russell. Russell is so adorable. :wub: Carl and Ellie always planned to see the wilds of South America (Paradise Falls) but she sadly got sick and passed away. Carl ties a thousands balloons to his house to fulfill that promise he made to his wife, Ellie. The film was directed by Pete Docter and co-directed by Bob Peterson. Young Carl and Ellie are so amazing. Carl is a bit quiet little boy and Ellie is a spunky talkative little girl. They both love adventure and eventually fall in love until she tragically passes away. :(

The movie starts off in the 1930s where a shy 8 year old (Carl) idolizes a famous explorer named Charles F. Muntz. Charles is accused of lying about a skeleton of a giant exotic bird he discovered at Paradise Falls. He makes a promise never to retune unto he captures one alive and proves he is honest and true. Carl befriends a girl named Ellie who is also a fan of Charles Muntz. Ellie lets Carl become a member of her clubhouse and she shares with Carl her dream of moving her clubhouse to a cliff overlooking Paradises Falls. Carl and Ellie group up and get married and live a restored home. Ellie suffers a miscarriage and they are told they cannot have children. The couple remembers their childhood dream of visiting Paradise Falls and start to save for the trip. They save and save for the trip but have to repeatedly spend the money on other financial matters such as a broken tries, a roof repair, Carl's broken leg, etc. Now elderly Carl finally arranges for the trip to Paraside Falls but Ellie falls ill and tragically passes away. :broken: :'( A ballon is a repeating theme during this montage. :(

Fast forward a few years later and Carl still lives in the same house him and Ellie lived in. He is stubbornly holding out while the neighborhood homes are being torn downed and turned into skyscrapers. Carl accidentally injures a contraction worker and the court deems him a public menace. He is ordered by the court to move to a retirement home, but Carl resolves to keep his promise to Ellie by turning his house into a hot air ballon of sorts using thousands of helium balloons saved from his old job as a balloon salesman. Russell, a young Wilderness Explorer visits Carl in his effort to earn his final merit badge for assisting the elderly and floats way with Carl and his home. :dead: #POORRUSSELL

Carl's flying home encounters a storm and ends up high above South America. The house lands on the opposite side of Paradise Falls. Carl and Russell harness themselves to the house and begin to walk it across the mesa hoping to reach the falls before the balloons deflate. Russell comes across a tall, colorful bird who he named KEVIN. :wub: They also meet a Golden Retriever named Dug. Dug wears a special collar that allows him to speak. Dug vows to take the bird to this master. THE TRIO OF RUSSELL, KEVIN AND DUG IS TOO MUCH. :wub::wub::wub: The next day they encounter a pack of aggressive dogs led by Alpha, a Doberman Pinscher and are taken to their master who turns out to be an elderly Charles Muntz. Charles invites Carl and Russell to where he resides and he explains to them that he is still desperately searching for the giant bird he promised to bring back which is revealed to be of Kevin's species. Carl begins to realize that Charles's obsession with finding the bird has driven him insane. When Russell notes the bird's similarity to Kevin, Charles becomes hostile and he believe they are attempting to capture the bird themselves .Charles states that other suspected rivals have been met with death at his hands. :fear: Carl and Russell flee with Kevin and Dug, but Charles captures Kevin and starts a fire beneath Carl's house forcing him to choose between saving it or Kevin. Carl saves the house allowing Charles to capture Kevin. Russell is upset at Carl for choosing the house over Kevin. The two then arrive at Paradise Falls and Carl looks through Ellie's childhood scrapbook and is surprised to find that she has filled in the blank pages with photos of their marriage along with a note written from her hospital bed thanking him for the "adventure" and encouraging him to have a new one. :bye2:

Carl goes outside of his home only to see Russell sailing off with some balloons and a propulsive leaf blower to rescue Kevin. By throwing out his furniture and keepsakes, Carl lightens the house enough to follow him. Dug shows up and Carl lets him stay with him. Russell is captured by Charles Muntz, but Carl manages to board the dirigible, tether the house, and free Russell and Kevin. Dug saddles Alpha with the cone of shame and thereby unexpectedly becomes the dogs' new leader. Charles determinedly pursues them around the airship and disables Carl's house, but he inadvertently gets his foot caught on some loose balloon lines causing him to fall to his death. THAT IS WHAT YOU GET CHARLES MUNTZ. :* The house at this point has lost too many balloons to fly and descends out of sight through the clouds. Carl and Russell reunite Kevin with her chicks and fly the dirigible back home. Russell receives his "Assisting the Elderly" badge and Carl presents Russell with his own badge; a grape soda bottle-cap that Ellie gave to Carl when they first met. I'M NOT CRYING YOU'RE CRYING. :bye2: Unbeknownst to Carl, the house has lands on a cliff beside Paradise Falls exactly where Ellie had pictured it. Carl fulfilled his promise to Ellie. :'(

This movie is amazing and like I've mentioned before when doing write-ups on Pixar films there is usually no music so I'll post some of my favorite scenes.

Carl doing THAT and making his house float away with the help thousands of balloons.

Meeting the adorable Russell who is just trying to get is "Assisting the Elderly" badge.

KEVIN. :wub: My favorite character in the movie.


Carl awarding Russell a grape soda bottle-cap badge that Ellie gave to Carl when they first met. THE ELLIE BADGE. :'( HAPPY TEARS. :'(

Up was Pixar's first film to be presented in Disney Digital 3-D. It was released on May 29, 2009, and opened the 2009 Cannes Film Festival becoming the first animated and 3D film to do so. The film grossed over $735 million dollars and cost $175 million dollars to make. The film rightfully received universal acclaim, with critics commending the humor and heart of the film.The film received five Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture, making it the second animated film in history to receive such a nomination, following Beauty and the Beast. THE SECOND TO BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. SECOND. TO. BEAUTY. AND. THE. BEAST. :) The voice acting is impeccable and the score is beautiful. Up is the fifth-highest-grossing film of 2009 and the fourth-highest-grossing Pixar film. The film has a 98% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. The movie even received a video game which I'm sure sucked. :giggle: Up won two awards at the 82nd Academy Awards for Best Animated Feature and Best Original Score. Up also won Best Original Score and Best Animated Feature Film at the 67th Golden Globe Awards. I know not every Pixar film will become a franchise or have a sequel but they should really make an exception for this film. MAKE IT HAPPEN, PIXAR. (!)


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Up is such a cute, adventurous, and creative story. At its core, it's a love story between Carl and Ellie. The history between them and their life as is shown at the beginning of the movie is so sweet... and heartbreaking. :bye2: I could cry when Ellie can't get up that hill. I feel like their whole story at the start could be a Pixar Short, but then it'd be a really sad ending. I guess there is the inspiration to not wait and reach for your dreams, although at least Ellie's love of adventure got to live on through Carl. They shared a love for explorer Charles F. Muntz and a Ellie dreamed of moving her home to Paradise Falls, where Muntz discovered an exotic bird. Sadly, she never got the chance. But Carl is a man who is so devoted to the love of his late wife and her dream, that after countless requests and orders for him to move out of the only house left in that construction zone, he refuses. He finally "agrees" that he'll leave, only to pull a fast one on them all and peace out by floating his house up into the sky! WHAT A LEGEND. :wub:

The balloons carry Carl and his home away into the clouds to find Paradise Falls. :wub: Of course, there's a stowaway in Russell, a little boy scout or "Wilderness Explorer", who had stopped by earlier and ending up crawling under the porch... not knowing what would happen next. :giggle:

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The relationship between Carl and Russell is so sweet and endearing. Carl, or Mr. Fredricksen as Russell calls him, is really not in the mood, but he does eventually warm up to this harmless little boy. My favorite is the talk they have one night when Russell confides in Carl about his dad and how he hopes he'll teach him to build a tent... His dad's really never there for him and it's quite sad. :( Russell wanted to earn his last badge by "helping the elderly", which is why he approached Carl's home in the first place, and then maybe his dad would be at the ceremony. :bye2: I cry.

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They go through a lot together, including flying through a storm, and meet such lovable characters as the bird Kevin and dog, Dug... WHO I LOVE and loves us. :wub:

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They now have a traveling flea circus, as I believe Carl called it. :giggle:

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They even all end up meeting Charles Muntz himself, who turns out to be awful and provides them with way more trouble than they need. His pack of dogs does kind of amuse me though, specifically the Doberman leader with the super high voice. :giggle: And I die at how they call Russell a "small mailman." :lmao: Anyway, Mentz is a mess and is threatened by the fact that they have Kevin the bird, since he's still in search of one to prove his credibility since he was accused of faking the one he previously reported. Lots of adventure and action happens, but a wedge is put in between Carl and Russell when he chooses to save his house over Kevin. :bye2: Kevin ends up with Mentz and Russell takes it upon himself to go save him (actually a her because the bird is female). After looking through an old memory book of Ellie's, Carl gets a whole new perspective and sets out to help Russell and accepts Dug as his own. :wub:

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They manage to defeat Mentz and break free, but unfortunately the house is lost and flies away in the process. :( Otherwise, it all ends well for them, and Kevin reunites with her baby chicks to fly home. They're so cute. <3 Russell receives his badge, but Carl is there for him as a father figure, and it's so sweet. :bye2: He gives him a soda cap that Ellie gave him when they met. And best of all, Carl's house ended up landing on the cliff where Ellie wanted it, so her dream came true after all.

Such a wonderful movie that was recognized at the Academy Awards for Best Animated Feature and Best Original Score. <3 It's really a heartwarming story full of funny and interesting characters, and I enjoy it a lot.

Up (2009)
Never saw Up before so giving this my #29 spot. I heard great things about the film and congrats on making it to the Top 30.
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