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Disney Movies Rankdown - Part II


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16. FROZEN (2013)
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Chris - 6/30
Diana - 8/30
Dee - 9/30
Denise - 12/30
Public - 17/30
Wallace - 24/30
Victoria - 28/30
Elliott - 29/30

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For its 53rd animated feature film, Walt Disney studio brought us to the land of ice & snow – the movie entitled Frozen was inspired by “The Snow Queen”, a fairytale written by Hans Christian Andersen. The movie’s soundtrack was written by Robert Lopez & Kristen Anderson-Lopez – considering their involvement on many Broadway shows, it should be no surprise that I absolutely love this movie. But the movie also features the voices of Kristen Bell – which really contributed to her career post Veronica Mars, Santino Fontana – he would later go one to win a Tony Award for his role in Tootsie as well as appearing in Crazy Ex Girlfriend, Josh Gad, Jonathan Groff – another actor that I absolutely adore, and Idina Menzel – one of my modern Broadway queen so it’s no surprise that I am such a fan of this movie… The movie was a huge success for Disney; it earned more than $1.276 billion worldwide while being the highest grossing animated film & musical film of all time – it was recently surpassed by The Lion King remake which is quite a choice… But now, let’s go through this movie through the eyes of a super fan;

At the beginning of the movie, we are introduced to some ice man which gives us an idea where the storyline is taking place – we are notably introduced to a little boy and his reindeer whom are trying to be an ice man, as well. Shortly after this introduction, we are transported to a castle where we meet 2 young princesses, Elsa & Anna – this is the famous scene where Anna utter the words “Do You Want To Build A Snowman?”. We soon come to find out that Elsa, the eldest of the two princess, have some magical powers which allows her to create snow & ice; Anna is constantly amazed by this power…

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In a secret room in the palace, Anna & Elsa are having fun while Elsa is controlling the snow & ice – we introduced to Olaf, a snowman created by Elsa – Elsa utter the words “I am Olaf and I love warm hugs” which leads to Anna replying “I love you, Olaf”… However, the night took a dramatic turn when Elsa accidentally slipped on the ice which led to her accidentally hitting her younger sister with her power. And in that moment, Elsa lost control of her power – it’s quite the emotional scene when Elsa realizes that she might be losing her sister due to her power.

In order to save Anna, the entire family make their way to the trolls – the elder troll recommend that the only way to save Anna is to remove all magic from her memory while keeping the fun. Young Elsa then find out that her power will only grow from here where it comes with great danger, despite the beauty of it all – she will need to control them to prevent these from happening. Her parents, mainly her dad, makes the decision to close the gate while keeping Elsa’s power away from everyone.
Anna is starting to become lonely without her sister – she tries to convince her sister to build a snowman while Elsa is slowly losing control of her powers. Now in their teenage years, their life takes a dramatic turn when their parents passed away while at sea. The scene of their funeral always breaks my heart as Anna is the only attending since Elsa still can’t control her power. Also, when teenage Anna sings the following to Elsa – “Elsa? Please I know you’re in there. […] We only have each other, it’s just you and me. What are we going to do?” – it just breaks my heart :bye2:.

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3 years later, the gates are finally opening after many years of them being closed. But what is the special occasion? It’s coronation day! And there’s no one happier than Anna – she’s finally going to have some human contact for the first time in forever. This leads us to Anna’s signature song,
– the song fits Anna & Kristen Bell’s quirkiness, perfectly. I absolutely love the scene when Anna put herself into the pictures hanging on the wall – the animation there, absolutely killed it… While Anna is excited, Elsa is quite nervous for her coronation – after all these years, she can only pray that she will be able to control her power.

Shortly her musical number, Anna runs into a handsome gentleman – Anna is quickly drawn to his good looks where she finds out that his name is Prince Hans of Southern. During their little meetup, Hans’ horse is really trying to make them an item – my favorite moment is when the horse lift his legs which send Hans into the water :haha:.

And it’s now time for Elsa’ coronation – she was quite hesitant to grab onto the items; She managed to let them go right before they turn to ice. Elsa is now known as Queen Elsa of Arendelle, and there’s a huge celebration happening in the castle. One of the standout scenes from this part of the movie is when Anna & Elsa finally talk to each other after all these years and they bound over the smell of chocolate; If these parties smell like chocolate, sign me up! And another scene that I love is when Anna has to dance with the Duke of Weselton – the scene of him dancing and his hair being tossed around never gets old.

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Shortly after dancing with the Duke of Weselton, Anna gets to dance with Hans which leads to them going on a mini stroll throughout the castle – this scene gave us
where they realize that they are made for each other. He then has to ask her something crazy – Will you marry me? Anna then says something crazier when she says “Yes”. They then go to see Elsa to receive her permission which she refuses to give – Why? You can’t just marry a man that you just met. This disagreement led to Anna saying to Elsa that the only thing she’s good at is shutting people out. Frustrated with her sister’s response, she then decides to end the party. Anna’s unhappy with the response, she decides to get an answer from her sister which lead to Elsa losing control of her powers which lead to the Duke calling it sorcery and referring to Elsa as a Monster.

Elsa then decide that it's best for the kingdom that she runs away - by running away, she sets an eternal winter on Arrendale. Anna, feeling like all of this is her fault, decides that she must go after Elsa to fix it all - when everyone tries to tell her to avoid going or to be careful, she makes sure to state that Elsa won’t hurt her - we could start to understand their bond as sisters. And right before she goes after Elsa, she puts Hans in charge of the kingdom - was this a good decision? We will find out, sooner than later.

And now, we are the point where we are introduced to
; this song is to show that Elsa is finally acknowledging her powers. Despite the song being overplayed, I still live for this song - Idina serves vocals for days. And I absolutely love the effects and transformation during this scene - the sassiness of Elsa with Idina’s signature walk is everything.

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While Elsa is living in her new ice castle, Anna is on adventure of her own where she’s trying to find her sister. She runs through some challenges such as losing her horse while falling into the water where her dress freeze - Anna’s awkward walk to the store always kill me. And now, in the store, she meets this gentlemen that came from the northern mountain - knowing that she needs his help, she then purchase the items that a certain blonde gentlemen tried to purchase before he got thrown out by the owner for insulting the latter… She forces him to take her to north mountain by bribing him with the items because she knows how to stop this internal winter - why would he care? He’s the cute little boy from the start of the movie, and he still has his beloved reindeer with him.

They’re now on a mission to find Elsa and they make conversations - how did the queen go all ice crazy? She explains that it was her fault due to the fact that she wanted to marry someone she just met. He’s essentially judge her for her decision which lead to them bickering at each other - there’s some non-PG stuff in there :giggle:. However, my favourite part is when he goes “What if you hate the way he picks his nose [...] and eats it?” which Anna replies “Excuse me sir, he’s a prince” which Kristoff’s rebuttal is “All men do it” - there’s also a little disclaimer in the movie where it states;

The views and opinions expressed by Kristoff in the film that all men eat their own boogers are solely his own and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of The Walt Disney Company or the filmmakers. Neither The Walt Disney Company nor the filmmakers make any representation of the accuracy of any such views and opinions.

But their conversation was cut short when wolves starts chasing them; Sven has to jump over the cliff to bring them to the other side - this was not good news for Kristoff as his sled just got destroyed; He just finished paying it off! But luckily for Kristoff, he’s on adventure with a princess who offered to pay for his new sled. Kristoff did not want to continue but he went on anyway - this gave us a cute moment between Sven & Kristoff where Sven wants Kristoff to pursue Anna.

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The trio continues their journey in the winterland where they suddenly run into a familiar character from Anna & Elsa’s past. Who could it be? It’s the one and only, Olaf - he was brought back to life by Elsa… Anna started to realize who Olaf is; this led to Olaf helping the trio to get to Elsa. Why? Because Olaf wanted to experience warm weather - this leads to Olaf’s performance of his well known anthem,
. Kristoff wants to tell Olaf the truth about summer but Anna ensure that he does not ruin Olaf’s life by telling him the truth.

Back in Arendelle, Anna’s horses return by himself where Hans set out to find Anna & Elsa - this scene reminds me of a certain movie that we all love, Beauty & The Beast. Before Hans could set out on the mission, the Duke ensures to send 2 of his minions with Hans where they have the secret mission to kill Elsa. Will they manage to do so? We are about to find out!

While all of this is happening in Arendelle, Anna and her friends finally find Elsa’s ice castle. In the castle, Elsa reveals that she is unable to control her powers & Anna finally realize that Elsa is unaware that she created an eternal winter. Their mini-reunion led to a reprise of “First Time in Forever” which is completely underrated and one of the highlights from the movie - the vocals provided in the song, I live!


Anyway, Elsa lose control of her powers and accidentally froze Anna’s heart. Filled with anger, she then creates a huge snowman that start chasing Olaf, Sven, Kristoff & Anna away from the castle - this leads to some funny moment. However, the crew must act quick to save Anna so Kristoff brings them to the trolls - the trolls that we met when Anna & Elsa were a kid, and it just happens that they are Kristoff’s adoptive family. The trolls are under the impression that Anna & Kristoff are an item which lead to them singing
, one of my least favourite from the movie. Shortly after this useless number, we are reintroduced to Grand Pabbie who tells Anna & Kristoff that the only way to save Anna is an act of true love.

Kristoff & Sven race Anna back to the castle where Hans can save her, while the latter is in a situation where they are in a battle with Elsa & Marshmallow - Hans really reminds me of Gaston as this scene also reminds me of Gaston vs. the Beast. Anyway, they managed to capture Elsa where she is then locked in a cell while her sister is slowly freezing to death. Why is Anna freezing to death? Hans was essentially supposed to save her with a true love kiss. However, they were never meant to be together because he was only planning to get close to her so he can still the throne - he’s essentially a villain but not that exciting as a villain. Hans are telling people that Elsa killed Anna; he locked both of them away, in the hope that they both will die. But that didn’t go according to plan for Hans as Elsa found a way to escape while Olaf helped Anna to get out of the room.

Now in the blizzard, Anna & Olaf are rushing to Kristoff whom is in love with Anna - it was quite obvious that Kristoff was smitten by Anna, the moment they met. While they’re running towards Kristoff & Sven, Elsa & Hans are confronting each other - Hans is telling Elsa that she killed Anna which lead to Elsa breaking down which caused the storm to stop. And in that moment, Hans thought he had the perfect opportunity to kill Elsa until Anna, out of nowhere, jumps between Hans & Elsa as she freezes to death - When Elsa realize that Anna is gone forever, it completely breaks my heart. But luckily for Elsa, they just committed an act of true love which helped break the curse.

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The movie ends with Elsa & Anna reuniting, and Elsa promising to never lock the doors of the kingdom ever again. And what about Hans & Duke of Weselton? Hans got exiled while the Duke of Weselton saw his trade link with Arendelle end. And Olaf? Elsa made sure to give him his own snow flurry so he experience summer without melting, even though sometimes its worth melting for someone. And Kristoff? Anna fulfilled her promise to give him a new sled, followed by 2 kisses. Will they live happily ever after? You just have to watch Frozen 2 to find out.

Even after all these years, I am still obsessed with Frozen. What do I love the most about Frozen? I love its animation, especially the icicle hanging from the trees. I also appreciate it having some funny lines while having some heartfelt moment that pulls on your heartstrings - this is what Disney does best, afterall. And of course, I also love the soundtrack which is given with Queen Idina Menzel being featured on it. However, I got a new love & appreciation for Frozen following its journey to Broadway, featuring Cassie Levy (known for “With You” from Ghost The Musical) and Patti Murrin (known for being a Bachelor superfan) - I have yet to see it but the soundtrack is fantastic where they introduced so new songs. And there’s some reveals here and there which I stan. So instead of posting songs from the movie, here are some of my favourite track from the musical version of the movie:

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8. Frozen
LET IT GO, DO YOU WANT TO BUILD A SNOWMAN, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER, apparently, I really love musicals because a lot of my top movies have music in in. I actually love Frozen and have from it barely came out. Now I wasn’t as obsessed as everyone else but it’s in my top ten so obviously I love it. Part of my reasonings for this high ranking is OLAF. I love him and his want for warm hugs LOL. Kristen Bell is in this and I love her so I am going to rank this high for her and her alone. She’s the best.

To be added.


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Frozen centers around two sisters, Elsa and Anna, whose relationship has been strained after years of growing up separated due to Elsa's intense magical powers. Elsa is able to create snow and ice with her hands, and as children, she accidentally hurt Anna. Anna is healed, but her memories are also altered to forget about Elsa's powers. It is heartbreaking to watch the girls grow up during the song "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" as Anna continues to knock on Elsa's bedroom door. :bye2:

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Elsa is crowned queen of Arendelle, but when Prince Hans proposes to Anna at her coronation, Elsa refuses to give her blessing. This causes more tension between the sisters as Anna demands to know why Elsa is so closed off, resulting in Elsa's powers unleashing in her anger. She runs away to the North Mountain and we get the infamous "Let it Go." She builds an ice palace for herself to live in isolation. In the process, she also creates an eternal winter in Arendelle... and unknowingly brings life to Olaf, the snowman she created with Anna when they were kids. :giggle:

Anna sets out after her sister, where she meets Kristoff and his reindeer, Sven! :wub: What a trio. Adventure happens and of course, they meet the loveable Olaf! Anna recognizes him as Elsa's creation... so I guess that memory wasn't completely gone. :teehee: Poor Olaf is longing to see summer and doesn't realize what would really happen to him in that situation. LOL his little song is funny.

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He takes them to Elsa though, who learns that Arendelle is covered in snow, but has no idea how to undo it. She once again accidentally hurts Elsa with her powers in her frustration and then her huge snow monster chases them out of the castle. Unfortunately, the impact of Elsa's misdirected power is severe, as Kristoff notices her hair turning white. He takes her to his troll family for help, but they reveal her heart now has ice in it, which only an act of true love can reverse. But LOL the trolls are hardcore shipping Anna and Kristoff and their song is amazing!


omg :lmao:

But Kristoff rushes her home to Hans for a kiss, although Hans has actually set off with a bunch of men to find Elsa and ends up capturing her. When he returns home and is reunited with Anna, he won't kiss her and reveals that he is actually evil and only wanted to marry her to gain access to the throne. He locks her up to die and pretends she died right after they're married. How convenient. :yawn: Of course Elsa is blamed for her "death." However, Olaf is able to save Anna and yay! :wub: Unfortunately, Hans already reached Elsa and has her believe that she killed Anna. He's about to hurt her, which causes Anna to jump in front of her.... demonstrating an act of true love. :bye2: Not a kiss, but sisterly love! I love that plot twist. :wub: It's not all about romance. Elsa learns that love is the key to controlling her powers, and she is able to end the eternal winter and give Olaf his own flurry of snow to live on through summer. Anna and Kristoff does still happen and we ship it! :wub: The sisters are reunited in love and all is well and happy!

I really like so much about this movie! Of course the relationship between sisters is central and I love that it focuses on that kind of love and its importance, more so than romance. There are a few plot twists that I really enjoyed, although was kind of sad because I originally liked Hans. :bye2: But we have Kristoff! I love the animal characters, like Sven and Olaf, although he's not an animal? But yeah, he's so lovable and everyone adores him. The plot of the movie is creative and I really enjoy all the characters. It's so good and also visually beautiful. There are quite a few great songs in this movie as well, including "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?", "For the First Time in Forever", "Love is an Open Door", and of course, "Let it Go." I also love "Fixer Upper", as you can see. :giggle:

I love a lot and am looking forward to Frozen 2 coming out very soon... or maybe it's already here by the time this is posted. :teehee:


Frozen - Overexposed and boring. There’s too many good Disney movies out there to care about this one. Prince Hans being evil the whole time lowkey did That and left me shook, but not much complexity to this movie or campiness. So if it’s not complex and it’s not campy then what’s the point. Also Olaf didn’t actually die so that’s a major point against it.

Frozen (2013)
Oooh I feel like Frozen has to be the biggest Disney (non Pixar related) film of the 2010s, for sure. There could be another to rival it but i feel like Frozen is THAT film. Frozen is also a film I haven’t really seen in full but I did see parts of it at some point. I can’t remember when…. maybe 3-4 years ago? But I haven’t gotten to see it in full, and not sure if I really would want to? It looks cute and I know the kids love it, which is great sooo that’s great. I will rank it at #24 and have this ranked as my highest ranked film of the 2010s. Again I am more familiar with the films ranked above it.

I do like a number of songs from Frozen, so I will post them. They include: “Let It Go” (both Idina Menzel and Demi Lovato’s versions) and “Love is an Open Door.” Gosh I remember “Let It Go” being those songs that were EVERYWHERE and you could not get away from it in 2014. :dead: I did get sick of it for a moment but I’m back to loving it now so yay.



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So a little backstory regarding my journey with this film. I never wanted to see it in theaters. I was determined to watch it when it came to Blu-ray. I was bust watching The Hunger Games: Catching Fire many times in theaters to be bothered with Frozen. I wasn't even aware of the earworm in "Let It Go" yet that's how for removed I was from the film. So on my families way to watch The Hunger Games: Catching Fire for the first time (it would have been my 7th time) my nephews decides that the movie looks too scary so he wanted to watch Frozen instead. He was the youngest in our party so my mom let him have his way. I was at a crossroads I could watch Catching Fire by myself or watch Frozen with the whole family. I chose to watch Frozen and I did not regret it. The movie was cute, Olaf was cute, the music was good and I was singing "Let It Go" by the the time I had left the theater. I had been corrupted and I fully blame my nephew. :giggle:

Frozen is a 2013 American 3D computer-animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The 53rd Disney animated feature film and it is inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen". It tells the story of a fearless princess who sets off on a journey alongside a rugged iceman, his loyal reindeer, and a naive snowman to find her estranged sister, whose icy powers have inadvertently trapped their kingdom in eternal winter. The screenplay was written by Jennifer Lee who also co-directed with Chris Buck. The film features the voices of Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff, Josh Gad, and Santino Fontana. Christophe Beck was hired to compose the film's orchestral score and Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez wrote the songs that you can't get out of your head.

The story follows Princess Elsa of Arendelle who possesses magical powers that allow her to control and create ice and snow She often uses them to play with her younger sister, Anna. Elsa accidentally injures Anna with her magic, their parents, the King and Queen, take both siblings to a colony of trolls led by Grand Pabbie. He heals Anna, but alters her memories so that she forgets about Elsa's magic. Grand Pabbie warns Elsa that she must learn to control her powers and that fear will be her greatest enemy. The King and Queen isolate both sisters within the castle, closing the castle gates to their subjects. In an effort to protect her sister from her increasingly unpredictable powers, Elsa ceases all contact with Anna creating a rift between them. When the sisters are teenagers, their parents are lost at sea during a storm. ALL ANNA WANTED TO DO WAS BUILD A SNOWMAN. :'(

Elsa is to be crowned queen of Arendelle following her 21st birthday. The castle gates opens to the first time tom the public in years so Elsa is scared of the people finding out her secret. Among them are the scheming Duke of Weselton and the dashing Prince Hans of the Southern Isles, with whom Anna falls in love at first sight. Elsa's coronation takes place without incident, but she still remains distant from Anna. Anna and Hans develop a romantic connection during the coronation festivities and he impulsively proposes to her. Elsa objects when they seek her blessing. Hurt and confused, Anna protests, begging Elsa to explain her fear and isolation. The emotional strain causes Elsa to accidentally unleash her powers before the court. Branded a monster by the Duke, Elsa flees to the North Mountain, where she finally acknowledges her powers, building a palace of ice in which to live a hermit life. In the process, her magic unintentionally engulfs Arendelle in an eternal winter. In other words she sings "Let It Go". :giggle: Anna goes to find Elsa and end the winter, leaving Hans in command. She gets lost but needs an iceman named Kristoff and his reindeer, Sven. She convinces them to take her to the mountains. An attack by wolves leads Kristoff's sleigh to be destroyed. They must now travel on foot where they meet Olaf, a cheerful snowman brought to life unknowingly by Elsa. He offers to lead them to her. Anna's horse returns to Arendelle without her so Hans sets out to find Anna and Elsa accompanied by Duke's minions who have orders to kill her.

They reach the ice palace and Anna meets Elsa. Anna has informed Elsa what has become of Arendelle. Horrified, Elisa says she doesn't know how to undo her magic. Her fear causes her powers to manifest and she accidentally freezes Ann's heart which poisons her. Elsa then creates a giant snow monster named Marshmallow, who chases Anna, Kristoff, and Olaf away. Realizing the effects of Elsa's spell on Anna, Kristoff takes her to the trolls who are his adoptive family. Grand Pabbie reveals that Anna will freeze solid unless "an act of true love" reverses the spell. This leads them to believe that Hans can give her true love's kiss and the spell will be broken. Anna is delivered to Hans, but rather than kissing her, Hans instead reveals that he has actually been plotting to seize the throne of Arendelle by eliminating both sisters. Hans and his men reach Elsa's palace, defeating Marshmallow and capturing Elsa. Han locks Anna in a room to die and makes the others believe it was Elsa who killed her not before they got married though. He orders the queen's execution only to discover she has escaped her detention cell. Olaf frees Anna and they venture out into the blizzard to meet Kristoff who is in love with her. Hans confronts Elsa outside, claiming that she killed Anna, which causes Elsa to break down and abruptly stop the storm. Anna spots Hans about to kill Elsa and she leaps in the way and freezes solid stopping Hans. Devastated, Elsa hugs and mourns over her sister, who thaws out, her heroism constituting "an act of true love". Realizing that love is the key to controlling her magic, Elsa ends the winter and gives Olaf his own snow flurry to survive the warmer climate. Hans is arrested and exiled from the kingdom for his attempted assassination, while the Duke's trade links with Arendelle are cut off. Anna gives Kristoff a new sleigh and the two kiss. The sisters are reunited and Elsa promises never to lock the castle gates again. I love that ending didn't revolve around needing a mans kiss to be saved and that it involved the two sisters. GIRL POWER. <3 The movie had many songs so let me link a few.


And then there is the inescapable hit: LET IT GO.

That song was everywhere. :omg: Frozen premiered at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, California on November 19, 2013, had a limited release on November 22 and went into general theatrical release on November 27. It was met with praise for its visuals, screenplay, themes, music, and voice acting; some film critics consider Frozen to be the best Disney animated feature film since the studio's renaissance era. The film also achieved significant commercial success earning $1.276 billion in worldwide box office revenue while only costing $150 million to make. It went on to surpass Toy Story 3 as the highest-grossing animated film at the time as well as the highest grossing musical film before being surpassed by the remake of The Lion King in 2019. It also ranks as the 15th highest-grossing film of all time, the highest-grossing film of 2013, and the third highest-grossing film in Japan. It was also the highest-earning film with a female director in terms of US earnings, until surpassed by Warner Bros. Pictures' Wonder Woman. With over 18 million home media sales in 2014, it became the best-selling film of the year in the United States. By January 2015, Frozen had become the all-time best-selling Blu-ray Disc in the United States. Wow, talk about achievements. But wait it's not over.

Frozen won two Academy Awards for Best Animated Feature and Best Original Song ("Let It Go"), the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film, the BAFTA Award for Best Animated Film, five Annie Awards (including Best Animated Feature), two Grammy Awards for Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media and Best Song Written for Visual Media ("Let It Go"), and two Critics' Choice Movie Awards for Best Animated Feature and Best Original Song ("Let It Go"). The film has a 90% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. The album debuted at number 18 on the Billboard 200 chart and has went on to top the Billboard album chart for thirteen non-consecutive weeks. As of April 2015 has sold 4 million copies in the U.S. alone. "Let It Go" peaked at #5 on the Billboard Hot 100. Legends Only. :wub: The movie overtook Disney land for awhile with all the little girls dressed up as Anna and Elsa. Anna and Elsa made an appearance in 2018's Ralph Breaks the Internet along with the other Disney Princesses. The merchandises for this film is out of this world so it's no surprise that Frozen 2 was announced and released on November 22, 2019. Disney has another big hit on their hands so I don't think they will be letting it go anytime soon. :giggle:

29. Frozen (2013)
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Whoa shocked Frozen came up like that.... I was expecting it to be higher. :o Not upset with its placement. :ph34r:


Some really amazing write-ups there though! :o And not too surprised that Chris and Diana ranked it the highest. Shocked Victoria ranked it so low though.


Oh just noticed me and Wally ranked Frozen the same.


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