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Everything posted by Elliott

  1. @1234567890 @JC @*Wallace tagging ppl I remember from the RE days.
  2. Elizabeth Filarski Kathy Vavrick O'Brien Candice Woodcock-Cody Tacy Hughes-Wolf Susie Smith Jessica "Sugar" Kiper Gillian Larson Taj Johnson-George Brenda Lowe Andrea Boehlke Whitney Duncan Carolyn Rivera Aubry Bracco Hannah Shapiro Kellyn Bechtold Reem Daly
  3. I'm working on it. I'm trying to cut my list down to 16
  4. Zoey stealing one of my cuts and then accusing me of being The Shape.
  5. Forgot it was my turn! I’ll have them up in the next couple of hours.
  6. Well I know that's a lie because one of them is your favourite song so you'll be delaying that reveal as long as possible.
  7. It turns into Dee & I arguing about something 75% of the time.
  8. I thought of not submitting write-ups for the Alanis round as a gag.
  9. @Deeee I'm tired of typing so just let me know in Twitter when you need my last two write-ups.
  10. Nothing could disappoint me more than your low ranking of Brandy Norwood.
  11. And yet this isn't even the most racist classic Disney movie considering Dumbo exists.
  12. As someone whose gaming PC is a 2015 MacBook Air, same.
  13. What other parts of my body would look like after Henry Cavill was finished OKAY I'M DONE
  14. 6-4 are done, I just haven't sent them because I was keeping them in the same PM as 3-1, but I will do so now.
  15. Live footage of me watching that video.
  16. As did Sausage Party, though I only just learned from Megan about the controversies with it production. Warm Bodies was the best film in the nominations tho. They said "no good reason," though.
  17. *Me waiting for @Deeee to start the rankings now I've sent in 18 of my 21 write-ups*
  18. I'll be happy with almost anything that wins.
  19. @Deeee answer me back so I know if I can change my rankings or not!
  20. He's waiting on my write-ups that are almost finished. Though if he wants to put my #21 right away without waiting, I'm fine with it.
  21. Me realizing almost all of my write-ups say "I wish I could rank this higher, but I love the above songs even more."
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