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FloorWax reviews every TVUS Winner's Journey (Season 22 Posted!)


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Ryan vs Katie was AMAZINGGG, I did not expect that to be as good as it was!


Bryan vs Malik was insane but we already knew that. I’m curious as to who y’all prefer though. Personally, I thought Bryan came off a bit more effortless and his head voice notes were awesome. Also like his vocal timbre more than Malik’s.


Shalyah vs Tamar — what in the world were they feeding Team Christina this season?


Caity vs Joe - I watched Joe’s audition actually despite it not being suggested, and I love this dude’s tone. He sounded great again here, and while I was lukewarm on Caity’s audition, she was great too! Both should have gone through imo.


Mary vs Justin was a blast actually! Mary killed it, especially with the stage presence, and Justin provided good support lol

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Adam Wakefield and Laith Al Saadi were my favourites of season 10 that made it far. I personally thought they were the most consistent. But it's been a while since I've watched everybody else's runs.


Emily Keener was my number 1 though. Loved every performance of hers besides her KO.

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4 hours ago, Hamza Tufail said:


I think it's not hard to see why it was THE most viewed video of any version of the voice at the time of 2017. Chandelier is such a hard song to sing for any singer, let alone a male one. His voice is just out of this world. While I didn't get the feeling that he was a girl, I can see why would anyone think that way, he def has that Shock factor in his voice. I really loved how he changed the arrangement, and sang it uptemtpo in the start. His version is completely diff from all the other versions I've heard. Everyone sings the part  "123 123 drink, throw em back till I loose count" very slow, and then go for the big note, but I'm glad that wasn't the case with his version (I personally find it boring that way). His voice was so crystal clear. I loved the way he sang "I'm gonna Swiiiiing," that 'swing' was so well enunciated. The falsetto on "Chandelie-eee-r" was done perfectly as well. Now comes my fav part. He showed insane amount of breath control in the 2nd half. The last falsetto he did, was so smooth. I also loved the "Like a bird through the nigh" part a lot, so musical. Now, I'm not saying it was the best auditon ever (Alisan was a bit better), but this has to be the most iconic audition of all time. Flawless and effortless from start to finish. No wonder why Adam called him 'The most important person to ever be on the voice.'


• Just like his auditon, his battle is my all time fav as well. We all know how many incredible things Jordan can do with his voice. But here he didn't let loose, instead talked with Regina to create an arrangement that would give both of them equal chance to shine, so that one of them gets stolen. (Jordan said that). It really felt like a BATTLE. Really loved their chemistry. Regina did an incredible job as well, her stage presence was fire. Jordan didn't even need to sing high notes, he already melted me with those soft notes. His runs were great as well esp on "Ple-eeee-eeee-ase" and "Like devils ca-aaa-aaa-n." One of my other fav parts was when Regina hit those powerful notes, and then Jordan came and showed he can do just as good by hitting that F5 (with runs, may I add). And of course towards the end he showed that he has power too. That D5 was spot on. Even tho I prefer Jordan here,  I thought Regina did a wonderful job as well. What a well deserved steal.


• First of all, what a bold song choice! Second of all, did you guys see that rehearsal?!? Sheesh!!! Rihanna's face summed up my thoughts as well. This has to be one of the very best Knockouts of all time. Loved the reactions of all the coaches here. I agree with FloorWax that this was probably the performance where he seemed the most connected (Pre-lives). It had power, range, control, runs... the crowd pop at the end might be the loudest I've ever heard for a knockout performance. That F5 he did in the middle was out of this world. But, my fav part was the "Let it burn, ohhhhhh-hhhh, let i-eee-et burn," Pharrell was like, man, this dude is INSANE. I still can't believe Micahel Slezak wasn't impressed by this. He didn't like his high notes, he thought they were very shrill. Btw, his opponent was great as well. Probably one of my fav overall matches. I also really loved how humble Jordan was. There was literally no reaction from him when Adam picked him in the battles and in the KOs.


• This performance has a special place in my heart. Not the best vocals from him, but I LOVED it so much. I appreciate that Adam told Jordan to tone it down a little bit bc he didn't want Jordan to sound generic. This was a stripped down version. I really felt that. He showed great breath control on that "Halo-o-ooohh- hoo-oo - hohohohoho-oooohhooooo" part. My fav part here was the transition from Bb4 to B4 towards the end. It gave me chills. What a way to close the night, no wonder why it charted #3 on iTunes. I can totally see why this was Jordan's personal favorite performance, this was so moving.


• Just like I said on another thread, this was the most flawless and beautiful he ever sounded. Adam nailed it with his idea on how the stage should look like, and that band shouldn't play here. Jordan sang this with so much passion and emotion. I know some people might've been turned off by the segment where tptb showed him crying talking about God, but believe me that wasn't pandering lol. First of all, that's who Jordan is in real life as well, and second of all, Jordan didn't even know why they were shooting it, he was sharing his thoughts on the song, and cried towards the end, and then tptb put this in his intro package. Those 3 consecutive chest voice notes were so powerful, esp the last one (D5). And that clean falsetto at the end was just icing on the cake. No wonder why it charted #1 on iTunes, and knocked down Adele's Hello. (Hello was #1 for straight 3 weeks prior to that).


• I loved he got to sing this. He struggled with image issues a lot, as he mentioned. He was managed to convey the message of the song imo that stay true to yourself, just be you. I personally loved it, even if it was his weakest performance vocally at that point. Wasn't a huge iTunes sell like others, but still did pretty well there. 


• This might be unpopular. I've heard many version of this song, but none better than this one. Just watched it again yesterday, and gotta say my ears were blessed. I loved that high note that he did (and added runs to it) in head voice, that was truly the highlight of the performance for me. It would've been even better if his belts had more power (like they had in the rehearsals), but nonetheless, a flawless performance.


• Ah, now we're talking. I didn't think he would top SFTTR (The bar was very high), but he just did with this performance. Loved the producing side of Adam as well. Loved all of his advices on the arrangement, his idea to bring in a Gospel Choir, and on top of that, thanks him for choosing that song for Jordan. Jordan mentioned somewhere that he didn't know at that time that he had that in him, it was Adam who pushed him to the limits. Honestly, this is my fav performance of all time, and I consider it as THE greatest performance ever. The chest voice notes, the mixed notes, the low notes, the falsettos, growls, riffs, runs (It was so impressive to see him adding runs to the low notes). That 'somebody toooo ooooooohhhhh aaaaooooohhhhh looooooooveeeee' part was FANTASTIC. And he didn't stop there, dude hit a G#5, and then again runs, and then ended the performance with a G#4 (with runs). I seriously can't believe he was able to do that much. To do all of the things he did in a single performance, requires immense breath support. No wonder why Adam called it the best performance ever. (He said that in the intro package of CEM). It was one of the highest selling performances from the show (HelenaHandBasket shared a data back in 2017 (first 4 seasons excluded), according to which STL, MDYK?, and GITFF were top 3 highest selling performances at that time. Matthew Shuler's Hallelujah and Matt's Wasted Love were #4 and #5 respectively.) This performance made the gap between him and others even larger. On FB (under the "Here's your top 4 video") there were people who even said, he can just tank, and they would still vote for him in the Finale. Like, it had that much impact.



• I kinda get the criticism for CEM, like it wasn't Perfect at all. Apparently he wasn't a fan of it either. But I still liked it. He did a lot with that performance, and I absolutely loved all of of it. The "Follow every Raiiiinnnnbowwwww-oooowwww" still gives me chills. Not my fav from him, but still a great performance.


• I gotta be honest, I can't connect to the lyrics of this song, but idk why, he still managed to give me goosebumps. His voice is just THAT good. This was his best show of emotion. Adam mentioned after that performance that this was actually a last minute change. Adam had another song in mind that he wanted Jordan to sing, but Jordan said this is the song that He wants to sing. Adam said, his own choice wouldn't have been that great. This was probably the moment when I started to realize that this is the type of music Jordan is gonna make after the show. Even tho 2 of his albums were full pop albums, but recently he did declare himself as a full fledge Christian artist. 

Btw this was a fantastic performance vocally. I really loved the build up to the high note, the falsetto in the middle and towards the end. The "IIIIIII AAAAA-aaaaaaa-mmmmmm" part was incredible as well, great showcase of vowels there.




I agree that not ALL of his performances were fabulous or were worthy to be called as a 'moment,' but honestly the same can be said about the other winners as well.


Tess, him, Alisan, Maelyn, and Cam all had an incredible run, and never had a BAD performance. But Tess had My Kind of Love and Finale Reprise performance, Jordan had WYA and CEM, Alisan had Cryin', Stay With Me Baby, and OG song, Maelyn had Falling Water and OG song. (Her battle wasn't that great either) [All of these performances were still good tho] Cam had multiple performances that even though didn't have any issues, but he didn't do much with them vocally for them to be called as a 'Moment.' 



1715 words? bestie this is like a 7 page paper 😭 

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21 minutes ago, FloorWax said:

Emily vs Jonathan - This was pretty good. I still do love Emily’s tone but honestly I think Jonathan gave the stronger vocal performance. :ph34rwave:

I agree. Really like his voice. It's a bit theatric (idk how else to describe) but not in a corny way, The bit of rasp/distortion he added in the 2nd half sounded really good too. he should have at least been stolen. Very underrated battle.


I dont even remember Jonathan's audition, he may have been a montage.

Edited by Hsamid
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Katie Basden - Hauntingly gorgeous. :wub: Cool Fleetwood Mac song pick as well.


Emily Keener - I just said it was my favorite pre-live performance from her (I was exaggerating with “by far”) but still just ok lol.


Shalyah Fearing - Already knew how great this was 🙂. One of the best losing KOs ever.


Moushumi - Oh wow she slayed that. Better than the original I think.


Tamar Davis - Where have powerhouse performances of this level been this season 23? 🧍


Brian Nhira - Excellent as well. Loved how clear and bright his tone sounded.


Mary Sarah - I think she’s only gone up from her audition tbh. She’s so good at these upbeat country jams.


Bryan Bautista - That was sexy.


Caity Peters - Okay I’m so sorry for saying her audition was just ok because this was absolutely stunning.

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2 hours ago, Cookie73 said:

My least favorite part of this season was easily coach comeback. I would have liked the season better if it didn’t happen. It doesn’t help that I already didn’t really care for the artists they brought back. Anyway, the reason why I hate the S10 comeback so much was because it ruined what could have possibly been one of the my favorite coach T3s of all time. Alisan was obviously going to get the first PV for that team, but out of all of the talent artists on that team, the suspense was who would be getting the second. Nick Hagelin got the PV, who was easily my least favorite on that team. The fact that this resulted in Ryan’s elimination made me very frustrated, since he was one of my early favorites that season and I wanted him to go deep into the season. I didn’t care for Daniel either, but I disliked Nick more, plus Team Christina was a lot more stacked than Team Pharrell in my opinion. He might actually be my least favorite contestant to ever make Top 12/13, and this was the most frustrating playoff result of all time for me. I’m glad they picked better people when they brought it back in S12 and S13, even if none advanced past playoffs. The other negative is that Emily shouldn’t have been the first person eliminated in the T12. I wasn’t a huge fan of her run, but that performance was plus I considered other contestants at that point to have worse bodies of work. 


These are pretty much the only complaints I have about this season though. Especially since I was content with Semis and Finale results this season

Y’all really don’t like Nick here huh 💀


YBIAW was bad but overall I didn’t think he was that horrible idk. I’d listen to him over Brayden (Sunshine/Lape) - those are the two that come to mind but there are probably others.

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6 minutes ago, FloorWax said:



Katie Basden - Hauntingly gorgeous. :wub: Cool Fleetwood Mac song pick as well.

It’s my favorite Fleetwood cover of any season :ph34rwave:


6 minutes ago, FloorWax said:

Moushumi - Oh wow she slayed that. Better than the original I think.

Finally someone who doesn’t disrespect this one. So damn good 


6 minutes ago, FloorWax said:

Bryan Bautista - That was sexy.


9 minutes ago, FloorWax said:

Mary Sarah - I think she’s only gone up from her audition tbh. She’s so good at these upbeat country jams.

Interesting (and unpopular?) take. Her audition was a 10/10 for me (and I don’t give those often) and she went downhill after that (I might need to rewatch her run tho, I don’t remember it very well)

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5 minutes ago, Daillon said:

Interesting (and unpopular?) take. Her audition was a 10/10 for me (and I don’t give those often) and she went downhill after that (I might need to rewatch her run tho, I don’t remember it very well)



Okay you have to get the context that I watched her audition at like 12am where I live and through a shitty phone speaker to boot. So her high notes sounded really tinny and irritated me when I was almost ready to sleep.


Rewatched it now and yeah it’s definitely her best performance. I take back what I said lmao.


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10 minutes ago, Cookie73 said:

No Shalyah?


She was amazing and I recognize that just not the kind of performance I gravitate towards.


Anyway, I loooooved Emily’s Playoffs, Top 12, and Instant Save. Why’d she get eliminated when she was just starting to get great :no:

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27 minutes ago, FloorWax said:


She was amazing and I recognize that just not the kind of performance I gravitate towards.


Anyway, I loooooved Emily’s Playoffs, Top 12, and Instant Save. Why’d she get eliminated when she was just starting to get great :no:

Finally another Emily appreciation. She was really amazing despite the obscure set of song choices given to her. She and Owen are who I'd prefer to replace Nick and Daniel for me.

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Bryan Bautista - Great pre-lives, then he had a string of subpar song choices. His last three performances though: 1+1, Hurt, and Adorn, were all very good. I wish his run could have been more consistent overall because I really like him.

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