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What a ripoff on noah winning


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Noah is not the first sub par singer to win Idol and he won’t be the last.  


He may be the worst winner technically. He has something there, though. Some of his performances were actually interesting. And starting with when he sang from his hotel room he improved. 

Don’t get me wrong, he is one of my least favorite winners. I wanted Christian, Nicolina and  Lady K for the Top-3.


 I am rambling. It will be interesting to see if Noah becomes a big country singer.

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Just because the Idol viewer demo doesn’t share your music preferences, that doesn’t make the vote “rigged”.  Words have meaning, please use them properly.


Frankly, if TPTB were going to rig the vote, they wouldn’t have picked Noah. Why repeat a male country winner two years in a row? The most obvious rigged vote would be for one of the Platinum ticket winners, to show how smart the judges were.

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