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NAOMI:  Welcome back to America's Next Top Model: Heroes vs. Villains! It's the second episode, and we're diving into a theme that's going to truly test our models' versatility. Now, before we get into the nitty-gritty, let's hear from our iconic judges.


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NAOMI: Janice, what are you expecting from our models as they embrace their unique personas this week?


JANICE: Well, I want these models to fully inhabit their personas. I'm talking about conviction, attitude, and a real transformation. I want to see them become those heroes or villains, not just pose as them.


NAOMI: (inquiring) And Mr. Jay, what are you looking for in these images as our models channel their chosen personas this week?


MR. JAY: Naomi, I'm searching for authenticity in their portrayal. I want to see the persona shine through their eyes, their body language, and every detail of the image. It's about capturing the essence of who they're embodying.


NAOMI: Thank you, Janice and Mr. Jay. Your expertise is invaluable as always. Now, it's time to judge the pictures. Up first tonight is Elina.





NAOMI:  Oh, Elina, you little villainess, channeling the dark triad persona, embodying narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy, with that pose and sidelook.  It's certainly intriguing. But, and it's a big but, the picture screams Instagram realness, and not in a good way. It's like you snapped it on your iPhone and slapped a basic filter on it, and called it a day. We're talking about America's Next Top Model here, not a casual scroll through social media.  Remember, we've seen your high-fashion potential before, so let's consistently see that in every shot from now on


JANICE: I definitely get the dark & edgy persona you're trying to portray here. I think the colour scheme along with the cigarette weirdly enough really adds to that. The lipstick choice and eye make-up nails it and your expression is great. I do with your hands weren't crossed like that though as it looks a little weird and misplaced but overall a pretty good shot.


MR. JAY: I think you came out swinging last week and were one of the Tops of the week.  This week, I like that you changed it up.  Theres a different aesthetic that I think I like.  I wouldn’t know due to the arm crossing, its not letting me see the garment.   I like the face and looks like something has caught your attention.  Good job this week, but I did prefer your last photo. 





JANICE: This is very femme fatale! You look super attractive and stunning here. You look like bad news and that is hitting the persona on the nail. I feel you have been the biggest surprise for me this season. You are delivering some great shots already. I like want this dress NOW!! And I don't even wear dresses lmao. I just wish your face was angled a little better but it's a tiny detail, a great photo overall but just be careful not to come across to Instagram Model.


MR. JAY: You had my favorite photo last week, and you are one of my favorites again this week.  Your pose is good, I can see what you’re trying to portray.  Solid job all around, and I think you are solidifying yourself as one of the frontrunners.


NAOMI: Kristin, last week, you were on TOP, and naturally, our expectations are soaring. Upon the first look at your photo, I can say that you haven't let me down.  Looking at the image,  I see you're tapping into your strength by embracing the femme fatale persona, and you've nailed many of its elements flawlessly – from exuding beauty, secrecy, and seduction through your style and makeup, and the way you've been captured in the photograph. However, what's missing, in my eyes, is the crucial element of danger that femme fatale would have. I believe you could have brought that forth with a bit more smizing, as my frenemy would say. Nonetheless, it's another commendable week for you.





NAOMI: Katarzyna, darling, no matter how hard you try to embody the bitch persona, it's just not your forte :haha:  Now, let's talk about the persona you chose; it's a creative nod to one of Olivia Rodrigo's tracks. Moving on to your photo, it's a massive improvement from last week, but let's face it, anything would've been an upgrade since you're finally showcasing your face and body. Nevertheless, it's clear you're still refining those modeling skills, and that resting bitch face can only get you so far. Overall, this photo has an amateurish feel, like a snap taken by a friend in the neighborhood, and I do wish the  crop of the image had been better. But let's end on a positive note – your pose saved this mage. There's potential in you as a model, but we're still waiting for it so keep working those skills before it's too late.


MR. JAY: Well, on the plus side, it’s a stronger photo then last week in my opinion.  Your arms look a little stiff still and the jumpsuit isn’t flattering.  As a whole it is a step in the right direction.  I hope you continue to improve next week! 


JANICE: I definitely get what you were going for here, especially since you had to add the flags lmao. I just feel that you are losing the model aspect, The hands look weird and doesn't really elevate the photo. I like your facial expression because it really is giving "I'm that b*tch!" but I just wish the photo worked better as a whole. 





MR. JAY : I know I stated I didn’t care for your last photo.  This is a great.  I love that you took Royalty and ran with it, as it looks regal. The dress, pose, scenery is fantastic. I don’t have any real complaints.  Well done this week!  


JANICE:  You look absolutely stunning here, firstly. Very regal. You are selling the dress and the headpiece and I actually weirdly enough like your hand placement and those COLLAR BONES?!?! MY WEAKNESS!! Just absolutely stunning here, Danielle. A huge improvement from last week. This is the Danielle I know and love


NAOMI: Danielle, now we're talking, especially after your somewhat lackluster performance last week. You've finally arrived, and this photo truly wowed me. While I might not entirely be sure of the royalty persona, that doesn't take away from your fantastic pose, perfect arm placement, the way you were captured, and the impeccable styling. If I had to nitpick, a closer shot might have taken it to the next level, but those are just minor details. Overall, this is my favourite image of the week by far, and the other models will certainly have their work cut out for them to match this standard. Keep up the excellent work, darling! 





NAOMI: You're claiming to serve us an edgy persona, and indeed, it's edgy in terms of style, not the nerves kind of edgy, which is clearly not your vibe in this picture. You've nailed the edgy style, which is the focal point of the image, and I absolutely admire how you're portrayed here. My only issue is that the text feels somewhat distracting.  Once again, you'll have your share of haters, but you keep proving them wrong. Just remember the finer details because with a better crop and no distracting text, this image could have been even better. Keep pushing yourself!


JANICE: Well, this is does give edgy I guess, just not an edgy I'd be super into? It's like a punk rock chick vibe going here. I just think it's a little too green of a shot. There's nothing really exciting and your face needed to pop a little more, I think a brighter lipstick shade would've made your face stand out more as my attention goes straight to your hands, lol. I just think you could've done a bit better. 


MR. JAY: I love what you did here Whitney.  I look at this photo and I get edgy.  I am a fan of what you’re trying to do here.  I personally think this is the right avenue for you to be in.  My only issue is there’s no neck.  Besides that, I think you did a great job. 





JANICE: ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! GORGEOUS! FLAWLESS! Marilyn Monroe IS THAT YOUUU??!!! No, you absolutely CRUSHED IT THIS WEEK! That open mouth? It adds to that sex appeal and blonde bombshell persona you were going for. THAT BODY-ODY-ODY?!?! This is a near damn perfection shot! I am so tempted to give you a 10!


NAOMI:   Khrystyana, it seems like the critiques from last week might have lit a fire under you, and you've truly elevated your game this week. This image is sheer perfection, and there's nothing more blonde bombshell than Marilyn Monroe, and you're embodying every essence that Marilyn exuded – the glamour, the allure, the confidence. Now, I'm not one to hand out perfect scores so easily, but let me tell you what would have pushed me over the edge: if the picture hadn't been taken against that plain red background. Other than that, this image is undeniably the standout of the week, and I can't foresee anyone else coming close to matching your level. Keep up the fantastic work, darling. 


MR. JAY: Mic drop.  This is an absolute slam-dunk.  The bombshell dot com. You’re channeling your inner Marilyn Monroe. You’d think that a red dress on a red background would wash some of the photo out, but it doesn’t.  I feel your emotion coming through the photo.  Face is stunning, pose is elegant.  I was not expecting a photo to be this strong this early.  Its going to be a hard photo to beat. Its as close to perfection as I can see. Unlike my colleagues, I am not tempted to give you a 10, I am going to do it. 





NAOMI: Lauren Brie, my dear, what a remarkable improvement from your previous image, where there was just too much happening. This time, you've captured yourself in a way that truly showcases your capabilities. However, when it comes to your chosen persona, I can't help but see more of a hippie or boho-hippie vibe, or perhaps an old soul, especially in this setting, rather than the boho girl we were aiming for. Nevertheless, I do believe this is a notable step forward, and it's the right direction to continue in. 


JANICE: My only concern is you seem to be losing that modelling aspect. It's just giving very basic and boring. I guess with the bohemian theme it can sorta work for this week but I really want you to push yourself next week. This is not a bad photo by any means, it's just not something I would stop on while going through a magazine. The overall aesthetic of this shot does meet the bohemian girl persona and I love that you aren't wearing shoes as it adds to that vibe. So good job for this theme but please push boundaries next week!


MR. JAY: Hey Lauren, not sure what’s happening in this photo. I am not loving what’s happening with the pose.  I feel like if you’re going to sit, you should shift your body.  You’re looking pretty boxy in that outfit. The face nice though.





JANICE: Hm. I suppose having that guy in the photo adds to the "rich girlfriend/wife" vibe and being spoiled rotten. But, I wish your eyes were open to give some intensity but hey I guess with the theme, it adds to being too spoiled to give a damn? I don't know, this photo is a tough one to judge, you are hitting the theme but I'm just not seeing model.


MR. JAY: I don’t really know what’s happening here, but I don’t get spoiled rotten.  Your body looks good, so does the male model, but I think I understand what you’re trying to accomplish in this photo. I feel like you could be looking at the camera.  I don’t know there are elements that I feel work on their own but don’t in this photo.


NAOMI: Oh, Kimberly, where do I even begin with this image? I thought last week would have been a wake-up call for you, but somehow, this one is even worse than the last? Spoiled rotten? In what world, my dear? Nothing about this screams spoiled rotten. And let's not even get started on your partner's terrible style stealing the spotlight, followed by the chaos behind you. Those closed eyes and mouth are not doing you any favours either. I genuinely believe you're capable of delivering better pictures than this, but, man oh man, this one's a major letdown. Get it together, girl! 





MR. JAY: I think you’ve stepped up after last week. It looks like you’re breathing, taking a moment to collect yourself.  There is a certain serenity in your face, and in most of your body.  The hand looks a little tense for someone portraying calm. Outside of that, I think it’s a good photo, well done!


NAOMI: Alisha, you've truly captured the essence of calmness in this picture, and you've managed to convey that tranquility through the image, showcasing your modeling ability. The way you're photographed here is undeniably beautiful, even though it's just your side profile. However, my only critique is that, much like some of the others, this photo leans more towards an Instagram aesthetic rather than what we're looking for. The setting and filter give it that casual vibe, which takes away from the fashion-forward quality we're aiming for. It's all about the finer details for me, but I must admit, compared to some others this week, it's a decent shot.


JANICE: There is a serene quality to this pic. When I look at it, I feel very much at peace and calm vibes. Your facial expression and body positioning sells that perfectly and I dig it. I think you are the perfect example of how to hit the theme right and also model because you are modelling your body PERFECTLY. A great improvement from last week, Alisha!





NAOMI: I've noticed you've taken our feedback to heart and made improvements, particularly in the neck area. Now, when it comes to embodying your chosen persona, you're one of the few who's managed to align everything – from the styling to the image's setting. However, I must admit, there's a disconnect happening in your face, something that just isn't clicking for me. Overall, this should be enough to secure your spot for another week, but you'll need to focus on establishing a stronger connection with your audience when you step in front of the camera. 


MR. JAY: So, this is the second Bohemian photo of the week, and I get more bohemian vibes from you then I did from Lauren Brie. I really like your legs in this photo, it forces me to look at the cute boots. The photo works for me, I don’t love it as much as your last photo, but you did a solid job this week! 


JANICE: This is a very much gypsy bohemian vibe. I think you nailed it with the styling and the background, everything sells. It is borderline a little too much and messy but it kinda works and works with the theme. I like how your legs are crossed and your facial expression. It's a pretty great shot, Jessica. I really vibe with this





MR. JAY: I like the energy here Monique. The body looks great, you’re selling the outfit to me.  I get that same dead behind the eyes thing I got from your first photo. Maybe a smile in the next photo?  I don’t really have anything else bad to say though. 


JANICE:  Interesting take of a persona! I guess I get what you were trying to go for but this is just giving instagram model or pinterest model. I just want to see you give a little more. The expression is a little too blank for my liking and the body with the hands just like too closed off and off-putting. I think it's not the worst shot of the week but I think you can deliver better. I love the motion to the hair and the background as it does add to the theme but overall not sold. 


NAOMI: Monique, I must admit I wasn't your biggest fan last week, but I'm pleased you stuck around to deliver this image. You've displayed one of the more creative approaches to personas, and you absolutely embody it here. I appreciate that you took my previous critique to heart and injected more life into your expression but you still have a long way to go in that department. Your pose, though simple, works exceptionally well in this image. While I do think this photo has a somewhat Instagram-worthy quality, I disagree with my fellow judge as it's one of the few that actually makes sense within the persona you've adopted. My only criticism would be that I wish we could see more of your hands, as the crop feels a bit distracting. Nonetheless, this is a marked improvement and precisely what I expect from you.





NAOMI: Rhianna, you've certainly won the prize for the most creative interpretation of this theme. Who would have imagined adopting Claude Monet's muse as a persona? Well, no one but you, it seems. When it comes to the overall setting of the image, especially your innovative background choice, you have truly nailed it. The vibrant colours in the backdrop complement your hair, pose, and the way you've lifted those glasses while gazing into the distance – it all comes together brilliantly. I'm not quite ready to hand out a perfect 10 just yet, but let me tell you, this is so darn close for me. Keep up the fantastic work, darling


MR. JAY: I think the persona Claude Monet’s muse is fun.  It’s a very clever way to interpret this photoshoot.  When looking at last week, you didn’t stand out.  I think you do stand out for all the right reasons this time.  I can see the inspiration for some of his paintings in your photo.  I love the profile of your face.  Great job this week! 


JANICE: I have no idea who Claude Monet is so I had to google and ahhh! I see the vision! I think you took a very creative and out-of-the-box take on this theme and I appreciate that. You look gorgeous here as well and you are selling everything in this photo! I absolutely LOVE IT! You really STEPPED it up this week and I am blown away, this is ART. 





NAOMI: Chantal, there's no denying that you look absolutely stunning in this photo. However, I must admit, I'm struggling to connect your chosen persona with the image itself. While I appreciate your styling, I'm not quite getting the "chic" or "hippie" vibe; in fact, it feels like there's nothing particularly chic about the styling or the environment in the photo. This image leans more towards an influencer shot rather than a high-fashion model image. Fortunately, your breathtaking beauty and the way you've been photographed are the redeeming qualities of this picture. Keep refining your persona and your ability to convey it in your photos, darling. 


JANICE: Like Kristin, giving very Instagram Model. Almost like you two were shot by the same photographer. I get the hippie chic vibes with the clothing and the overall aesthetic but I don't want instagram model shots. For now, I will let it slide as this photo works and you look gorgeous here but please be weary of that in the future.


MR. JAY: I don’t know if I get Hippie Chic from your photo, but there are lots I like about your photograph.  Even though you’re seated, you’ve moved your Torso in a way that doesn’t look like you’re a box.  I love the pants, and those are the selling point of this photo for me. I like what’s going on with your face, very pretty and I feel the smizing.  The angles that all of your limbs have made, forced me to pay attention












Elina Ivanova (Dark Triad):

Kristin Kagay (Femme Fatale):

Katarzyna Dolinska (All-American B!tch):

Danielle Evans (Royalty):

Whitney Thompson (Edgy):

Khrystyana Kazakova (Blonde Bombshell):

Lauren Brie (Boho Girl):

Kimberly Leemans (Spoiled Rotten):

Alisha White (Calm):

Jessica Serfaty (Gypsy Bohemian):

Monique Weingart (Urban Delilah):

Rhianna Atwood (Claude Monet's Muse):

Chantal Jones (Hippie Chic):
Bianca Golden (Resilient): 





Edited by *Chris
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For the 3rd photoshoot, we are staying down under while we are taking on a photoshoot from Australia's Next Top Model's Cycle 6...

This will be the most challenging theme, thus far, but if you want to be on top, you have to WORK for it... 












































The goal of this photoshoot is to capture the timeless glamour of 1950s fashion with a modern twist.
We expect to see the model with elegant dresses and classic accessories to create a blend of old and new.

To really elevate your image, the model's hair and make-up should give a nod to a classic look from the past.

For the posing, something that exude confidence and sophistication, and something that showcase the era's charm and allure.


NOTE: You may not be able to find 1950s theme photoshoot, if unable, you can go for any past era.

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  • *Chris changed the title to ANTM : HEROES VS. VILLAINS (WEEK 2 - PHOTOSHOOT POSTED)

Lots of improved performances this week!


Elina Ivanova (Dark Triad): 7.5

Kristin Kagay (Femme Fatale): 7.5

Katarzyna Dolinska (All-American B!tch): 7

Danielle Evans (Royalty): 9

Whitney Thompson (Edgy): 6.5

Khrystyana Kazakova (Blonde Bombshell): 9.5 

Lauren Brie (Boho Girl): 7.5

Kimberly Leemans (Spoiled Rotten): 6

Alisha White (Calm): 6.5

Jessica Serfaty (Gypsy Bohemian): 6.5

Monique Weingart (Urban Delilah): 8.5

Rhianna Atwood (Claude Monet's Muse): 9

Chantal Jones (Hippie Chic): 7
Bianca Golden (Resilient): 6

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Elina Ivanova (Dark Triad): 8

Kristin Kagay (Femme Fatale): 8

Katarzyna Dolinska (All-American B!tch): 6

Danielle Evans (Royalty): 9

Whitney Thompson (Edgy): 6

Khrystyana Kazakova (Blonde Bombshell): 9

Lauren Brie (Boho Girl): 9

Kimberly Leemans (Spoiled Rotten): 6.5

Alisha White (Calm): 7.5

Jessica Serfaty (Gypsy Bohemian): 8

Monique Weingart (Urban Delilah): 8

Rhianna Atwood (Claude Monet's Muse): 9

Chantal Jones (Hippie Chic): 8
Bianca Golden (Resilient): 5

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Elina Ivanova (Dark Triad): 8

Kristin Kagay (Femme Fatale): 8

Katarzyna Dolinska (All-American B!tch): 8

Danielle Evans (Royalty): 9

Whitney Thompson (Edgy): 7

Khrystyana Kazakova (Blonde Bombshell): 10

Lauren Brie (Boho Girl): 8

Kimberly Leemans (Spoiled Rotten): 6

Alisha White (Calm): 6

Jessica Serfaty (Gypsy Bohemian): 7

Monique Weingart (Urban Delilah): 6

Rhianna Atwood (Claude Monet's Muse): 9

Chantal Jones (Hippie Chic): 8
Bianca Golden (Resilient): 6

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Woohooo! A new round! And I have no idea how to judge it since I never saw the cycle with this photoshoot and am not really sure what exactly the photos should have been!!!!! I think my scores will probably be in a tight range because I don't feel strongly enough to say that any are SUPER amazing or SUPER failures.


Tentative ranking:



Maybe I'm just a sucker for a huge gown but I think this works for the photoshoot



The chosen persona is so unique that I can't tell if it's really creative or a huge stretch to fit the photoshoot!!! 



Again I'm not sure if the persona for this really fits the photoshoot or not, but I get it and like the setting



I think the setting is doing a bit more than the clothes and I'm not 100% sure about the face but as a whole I'm on board with this selection



Psychotic vibe as always! 



The only thing I'm not sure about is the backdrop, I don't know what we're supposed to judge for exactly but I feel like a shot with a real life setting would match better. But yeah this is a serve otherwise



Giving kind of classic Whitney Cycle 10 Music photoshoot, but that was her best photo so I see why this was chosen



See notes for Khrys above, I like this a lot but I'm not sure it would match in a spread with the others. 



I like the risk of the male model and don't think it was a bad choice. Maybe I'm just not as familiar with this model but she doesn't look very recognizable with this angle/styling



I think this works for the photoshoot but it's just a bit regular, the persona is not really the first thing I think when I see this photo 



Kind of the same boat as Chantal above, it seems to fit the overall photoshoot but it's just not super distinctive and doesn't stand out in this group



I can't decide how to score this one haha. The filter and cropping is a bit off compared to the others, but it is giving a sort of vibe and I don't think it's totally out of place



Sweater is a bit unflattering and I don't understand the expression, maybe with a different persona or something I would be able to wrap my mind around it better. Okay I just deleted "Old Soul" because I re-read Naomi's critique and don't want to sound like a copycat lmao but Naomi is on the money with that



Like with Kim, this is not super recognizable as Elina and like with Monique it has a certain vibe that maybe isn't as successful as others

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NAOMI: Models, the moment we've all been waiting for, the results of this week's photoshoot are in.
It's time to reveal who soared to the top and who might be in danger following the judges and public score.

This week, we will be revealing the model's lowest score they have received from either the judges or the public.

Our bottom 2, as always, is decided by the weekly score while the elimination is decided by the overall average.


The first call-out this week goes to a model who left us all in awe by perfectly embodying their persona.

She nailed it from her pose to her choice of style, and that model is...
















































[JUDGES: _____ || PUBLIC: 27.00 ]


NAOMI: Khrystyana, you blew us away with your performance this week. You've proven once again that you can excel in this competition

The following models are safe for another week - some were able to impress while others struggled left us wanting more.


































[JUDGES: 26.00 || PUBLIC: _____ ]




[JUDGES: _____  || PUBLIC: 25.50 ]




[JUDGES: _____ || PUBLIC: 23.57 ]



[JUDGES: _____ || PUBLIC: 22.29 ]




[JUDGES: _____ || PUBLIC: 20.57 ]



[JUDGES: 20.50 || PUBLIC: _____ ]



[JUDGES: 20.50 || PUBLIC: _____ ]



[JUDGES: _____ || PUBLIC: 18.21 ]




[JUDGES: 18.00 || PUBLIC: _____ ]




[JUDGES: 18.00 || PUBLIC: _____ ]


*Naomi asks the two models remaining to step forward*


NAOMI: I have two models standing in front of me, but I hold only one picture in my hand.

One of these models has what it takes to succeed but seems to let the naysayers get the best of her.

The other has shown potential but struggled to shine this week, getting overshadowed by everything else in her photo.

Who will be going home? The seasoned winner who knows what it takes or the model finding her way in the competition?










































































8eadlXu.png ve1DeOP.jpg

KIMBERLY [JUDGES: 16.00 || PUBLIC: _____ ]

WHITNEY [JUDGES: _____ || PUBLIC: 18.43 ]


NAOMI:  Whitney, remember to focus on yourself and drown out the naysayers ; None of us would be here today if we all listened to Tyra our haters 

Kimberly, you have incredible potential as a high fashion model, and we look forward to seeing you fight in the comeback series.

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