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How do you see your notifications?

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You still can on a desktop, but the new layout is absolutely terrible trying to use on mobile. :wacko: There’s no way to access your inbox or notifications. I hope we can get the old layout back or a even a way to just disable the mobile view in general.

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12 minutes ago, Elliott said:

You still can on a desktop, but the new layout is absolutely terrible trying to use on mobile. :wacko: There’s no way to access your inbox or notifications. I hope we can get the old layout back or a even a way to just disable the mobile view in general.

Oh wow, I didn’t even realize there was no way to access the inbox! That’s going to get annoying... 

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Yeah, the desktop view seems mostly the same to me so far, although I'm not a fan of this sidebar thing in active threads: 




The stats are interesting to see, but I wish there was a way to hide it so it's not stuck there all the time.  It's really distracting (especially with the images) to me and I don't like how it shrinks the view of the posts. (I still am also not a fan of the recent posts sidebar on the home page since there there are constantly spoilers about shows featured there)


As for the new mobile layout - I do not see any way to even log in to my account. :unsure: 

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1 minute ago, miss denise said:

It's really distracting (especially with the images) to me and I don't like how it shrinks the view of the posts. The stats are interesting to see, but is there then a way to hide it so it's not stuck there all the time?   (I still am also not a fan of the recent posts sidebar on the home page since there there are constantly spoilers about shows featured there)

I agree about the sidebar. My Mac's screen is only 11" so everything feels cramped now.

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Looks like there was an update early this morning!


1. I just moved the "topic summary" from being a sidebar to just under the 1st post. 


2. I have no idea what's going on with the mobile page, and there not being any way to log in. Hopefully I can get an update on that soon.

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