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5 hours ago, mercfan3 said:

Biden is the first president that has directly helped me. 

generally I want policies that help people, and I’m understanding when I’m not in the group that is helped, as long as it’s helping someone. (The child credit for instance, or the free school lunches) 


but for the first time with a President, there are multiple policies that have/will benefit me..significantly so..(Fixing PSLF, the used electric car credit, SAVE) when it’s all said and done, his policies are probably going to put about 10,000 in my bank account throughout his presidency. 


so obviously I like Biden. 😂


I think my frustration with Dems (and it’s mostly DSA) is that he has achieved significant policy changes that Dems say they want, and yet it’s always not good enough. and, imo it’s because he’s boring and he’s not selling unicorns. 

is Joe my favorite? No. I like Bill and Obama more, personally. Is he the best president I’ve had in my lifetime? Policy wise, absolutely, but he has the ability to put in place policies that Bill didn’t because of the political makeup of the country.


Obama, I feel, did an overall good job..but he compounded the mistakes Bush made in education, and I work in education..so I’m a little mad about it. 😂




What is PSLF?


What is SAVE? 

To be honest, I don’t need the government to put money in my pocket, and I’d rather they didn’t, because someone is paying for that, including me. Both parties have a spending problem. Trump was one of the worst offenders. 

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Honestly, it will be next to impossible to overcome Trump’s loyal following in the party, which appears to be close to 50%, but there’s no way in hell Haley will ever get enough conservatives on her side to make a dent, and if she were ever to win the nomination, Republican turnout would be a challenge (might be for Trump too, tbh). She’s almost totally reliant on liberals and moderates, including Democrats, who probably wouldn’t vote for her in a General anyway. 


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PSLF is Public Service Loan forgiveness. It’s on the promissory note of any student loan borrowers that if you work for 10 years in a public interest job, your loans will be forgiven. This program wasn’t created by Joe Biden (Bush actually), but it was fixed by him. 


SAVE is the student loan program Biden put together, that is excellent. If you make payments, you don’t owe interest, and it cuts payments significantly (not gonna do the math, but many low income earners won’t owe anything) after 20 years, loans are forgiven. (If you don’t qualify for PSLF)


you may not need money in your pocket, but many Americans do because of the deregulation of corporations since Reagan and the student loan mess. Personally, I want my tax dollars to go towards helping people…


these programs are also very easily payed for if everyone is paying their fair share..in fact generally, Dems may spend more on social programs but they improve the deficit (Clinton even got it to a surplus), while Republicans make it significantly worse. 


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4 hours ago, TeamAudra said:

Honestly, it will be next to impossible to overcome Trump’s loyal following in the party, which appears to be close to 50%, but there’s no way in hell Haley will ever get enough conservatives on her side to make a dent, and if she were ever to win the nomination, Republican turnout would be a challenge (might be for Trump too, tbh). She’s almost totally reliant on liberals and moderates, including Democrats, who probably wouldn’t vote for her in a General anyway. 


DeSantis and Trump both can beat her 75-25, or even more one on one. I think republican primaries shouldn't be open.



Btw, you said reps would be insane to nominate Trump again. Do you still stick with that?

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34 minutes ago, Hamza Tufail said:



Btw, you said reps would be insane to nominate Trump again. Do you still stick with that?

Yes, but that’s what’s probably going to happen. I will not be voting for him. 

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1 hour ago, mercfan3 said:

PSLF is Public Service Loan forgiveness. It’s on the promissory note of any student loan borrowers that if you work for 10 years in a public interest job, your loans will be forgiven. This program wasn’t created by Joe Biden (Bush actually), but it was fixed by him. 


SAVE is the student loan program Biden put together, that is excellent. If you make payments, you don’t owe interest, and it cuts payments significantly (not gonna do the math, but many low income earners won’t owe anything) after 20 years, loans are forgiven. (If you don’t qualify for PSLF)


you may not need money in your pocket, but many Americans do because of the deregulation of corporations since Reagan and the student loan mess. Personally, I want my tax dollars to go towards helping people…


these programs are also very easily payed for if everyone is paying their fair share..in fact generally, Dems may spend more on social programs but they improve the deficit (Clinton even got it to a surplus), while Republicans make it significantly worse. 


Yeah…student loans suck. I had them too. 

If everything didn’t cost so much more than it did a few years ago, people wouldn’t be as dependent on these government programs you speak of. Before you come back with, “Trump spent like a drunken sailor, and exploded the debt”…..yes, I know! I actually benefitted in the short term from all of the money floating around, but we will all eventually pay the piper. Just today, I paid $71 for a bag of dog food that was $42 about 5 years ago. I actually remember it being on sale once for $39. We could go on about groceries, housing, etc, but you already know all of this. 

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Looks like he doesn't care about his Senate seat. He knows Maga is toxic when it comes to the general election, and if he continues to support Trump, he'll lose a lot of support from independents. But he still chooses to support Trump.



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1 hour ago, Hamza Tufail said:





Any association, endorsement or mention of Trump is toxic in a general election. To be fair, Biden is really unpopular too. However, he’ll be able to run another basement campaign against Trump, and may even get away with ducking the debates. He’s a walking corpse at this point. There’s still time for him to step aside, and I’m sure there are plenty in the Democrat party who would like that. 

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10 hours ago, TeamAudra said:

Any association, endorsement or mention of Trump is toxic in a general election. To be fair, Biden is really unpopular too. However, he’ll be able to run another basement campaign against Trump, and may even get away with ducking the debates. He’s a walking corpse at this point. There’s still time for him to step aside, and I’m sure there are plenty in the Democrat party who would like that. 

Why the rep party doesn't understand this? I'm sure they also know he's toxic in general elections, still they're most likely to be nomintae him.

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23 minutes ago, Hamza Tufail said:

Why the rep party doesn't understand this? I'm sure they also know he's toxic in general elections, still they're most likely to be nomintae him.

About 1/2 of the party gets it, and the rest has a blind spot when it comes to this. I can’t even put into words how baffled I am by it. 

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Perfect example.  He’s the chair of the House Freedom Caucus and has 100% liberty score, but he had the gall to endorse someone other than Trump, so they are going to try to destroy him. 





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As if there weren't already so many conflicts going on around the world, Iran starts another one.


A couple of days ago, they killed 2 children in an airstrike in my country.


I'm glad us condemned Iran's attack. But now Iran will face serious consequences. We retaliated within 24 hours, and became the first country since 1988 to attack inside Iran's soil.



I think us needs to tighten the sanctions on Iran. Iran funds terrorists. They feel like they're invincible, and can attack anyone.

Edited by Hamza Tufail
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I saw Christie in an interview- and he’s 100% right - Meadows got immunity, and he’s going to snitch. Completely. I think the expectation is this happens in March. 

there is a lot of talk of DeSantis dropping out if he implodes in New Hampshire. He should hold on because he might get those Trump voters..

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40 minutes ago, mercfan3 said:

I saw Christie in an interview- and he’s 100% right - Meadows got immunity, and he’s going to snitch. Completely. I think the expectation is this happens in March. 

there is a lot of talk of DeSantis dropping out if he implodes in New Hampshire. He should hold on because he might get those Trump voters..

DeSantis isn’t expecting to win NH, or SC. He stated the other day his goal in NH is to “win delegates.” I think anyone with common sense can read between the lines. He’s staying in just in case something happens with Trump, and is trying to outlast Nikki. Nobody currently in the race understands the legal system as well as he does. Christie obviously does too. 

Edited by TeamAudra
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3 hours ago, mercfan3 said:

I saw Christie in an interview- and he’s 100% right - Meadows got immunity, and he’s going to snitch. Completely. I think the expectation is this happens in March. 

there is a lot of talk of DeSantis dropping out if he implodes in New Hampshire. He should hold on because he might get those Trump voters..

DeSantis said he's not going anywhere, and he WILL be the next President. That might sound delusional, but I think it's possible.


DeSantis knows he's not gonna be in the top 2 in NH, and probably isn't gonna win SC. Haley has spent 3M$ per week in NH, and DeSantis has spent 0. But I think he's gonna work super hard to get to at least 15% in NH. If you get less than 10%, you get 0 delegates. He has enough money to stay in the race for a long time though. 


If Haley doesn't beat Trump in NH, her donors are not gonna like this, and she's probably gonna suspend her campaign. If not, then she'll do it after she doesn't win SC (It's in late Feb, I think). If Trump gets convicted after that, DeSantis' gonna get lots of votes from non-Maga Trump voters. I think Maga is only 25-30% of the party. An additional 10-15% is Anti-Trump. The rest of the party are just mainstream conservatives. Many of them voted for Trump in IA because they feel more confident in him, as he's the incumbent. Not because they were the part of the cult 


I believe in DeSantis. He's very hard working, but at the same time, very smart person. He's a history and law graduate from Yale and Harvard. Like TA mentioned, he knows this stuff more than anyone.

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And Maga still calls him a RINO. His conservative record in Congress is 100%, unlike Trumpy Maga politicians like Elise Stefanik, who barely reaches 50%. Trump threatened his primary as well.



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