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26 minutes ago, Nutterbutter said:

You're a one trick pony. 

See the wizard already. You have no heart. There must be a reason you don't have one.

It’s the sort of thing the left is saying all over Twitter, in addition to their ridiculous defenses of leaving American citizens behind. I’ve decided to resist the urge to respond, going forward. If they insist on hanging themselves, we should give them more rope. 



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40 minutes ago, Nutterbutter said:

You're a one trick pony. 

See the wizard already. You have no heart. There must be a reason you don't have one.

No I do care I was just wondering why they woudnt . all I meant was you need to be sure what you are reading is true. I am an Independent

was hoping for an explanation from left but since they didn't give one then yes they are wrong. I also agree Biden should be held responsible. The vid of him teamaudura

posted is short and you can't really tell if he's checking his watch. To me he looks very uncomfortable given the situation. His son served so I would think he would care.



22 minutes ago, season1 said:


The Texas law is called The Texas Heartbeat Act. Technically, it's not an abortion law, but a law to protect the life of the unborn. Abortion ends the life of the vulnerable, the growing baby in the womb. The Texas law protects the unborn from the moment the heartbeat is detected (around 5-6 weeks of pregnancy). I believe that a baby in the womb has the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, and should be protected, not terminated or aborted.



Maybe this bill and similar in other states would truly make abortion very very rare.  50 Million + babies have been killed since the Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973. If you have the stomach for it, this website has images of babies aborted at different stages of pregnancy.


Other States' "heartbeat bills" have been tied up in courts. Proponents of the Texas law vowed to challenge the bill in court.





I respect your belief but what if the woman is raped or baby is a product of incest. What if the women's health is at risk and giving birth could kill her. 


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1 hour ago, bswanson said:




I respect your belief but what if the woman is raped or baby is a product of incest. What if the women's health is at risk and giving birth could kill her. 



The Texas bill makes a rare exception to save the life of the mother. (Though with the advancement in medicine, they should try to save both mother and baby, instead of putting a burden on the mother to decide which life to save.)


As to rape or incest, it is not right to kill the baby because of the sins of his/her father, or the circumstances of conception. The baby is human and has human rights that must be protected. Abortion is violating the baby's human rights. Abortion is violating the baby's right to live.

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48 minutes ago, TeamAudra said:

Crazy times. 



How will the US help them with intel when all our intel assets have left the country? Are they gonna send back the military again? Unless the CIA are still there.


We should get our citizens and allies out of Afghanistan first, then we can talk about providing help based on certain conditions.

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IMO, the continuing free fall  we are seeing with Biden’s poll numbers over the last couple days can be mostly explained by this poll from a few days ago. 



Add to that, his checking of his watch and leaving those dogs behind. 

On that note, I checked the Google Trends for “Biden” and for “Dogs”


9 of the top 10 searches for “Biden” are related to him checking his watch. 

The top 25 searches for “dogs” are all related to the dogs left behind in Afghanistan. 

https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=now 7-d&geo=US&q=Biden,Dogs


Of course, there are numerous other factors too. It’s a total shit show, and none of their efforts to stop the bleeding are working. 





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2 hours ago, TeamAudra said:

IMO, the continuing free fall  we are seeing with Biden’s poll numbers over the last couple days can be mostly explained by this poll from a few days ago. 



Add to that, his checking of his watch and leaving those dogs behind. 

On that note, I checked the Google Trends for “Biden” and for “Dogs”


9 of the top 10 searches for “Biden” are related to him checking his watch. 

The top 25 searches for “dogs” are all related to the dogs left behind in Afghanistan. 

https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=now 7-d&geo=US&q=Biden,Dogs


Of course, there are numerous other factors too. It’s a total shit show, and none of their efforts to stop the bleeding are working. 






People searched more about dogs than Biden. 


Speaking of dogs, Pentagon said the US Military didn't leave dogs in cages. Here are some images of dogs abandoned in the airport:




Katie's images are from this video:



They look like trained dogs and not strays or rescues. Maybe they didn't leave dogs in cages but released them to roam the airport. :unsure:

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6 hours ago, season1 said:


The Texas bill makes a rare exception to save the life of the mother. (Though with the advancement in medicine, they should try to save both mother and baby, instead of putting a burden on the mother to decide which life to save.)


As to rape or incest, it is not right to kill the baby because of the sins of his/her father, or the circumstances of conception. The baby is human and has human rights that must be protected. Abortion is violating the baby's human rights. Abortion is violating the baby's right to live.

I get that, but what if in those cases the mother does not want or cannot propely care for the baby, yes there is adoption but thats gonna be hard on the mother to give up the baby and maybe make her feel like a terrible person. also you have to hope if the baby is placed in adoption he/she is put in a good home, you hear stories of abuse and stuff in the foster care system  this is a hard choice cause yes the baby deserves life but also you have to think how its going to affect the mother who may have to give up the baby, hoping he/she will grow up in a good home and actually have a good life. 

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10 hours ago, Drew said:

What does everyone think about the Texas abortion law?

I think I hope they have a plan for all the unwanted babies but I know they don't.


Technically, the fetus is "alive" but during the first trimester there is no CNS and thus no sentience. To me if the mother is a drug addict or just a selfish person that can't handle a baby its better to abort than the baby end up most likely abused in a foster care system.


Its also weird because they say its about the children but then most of them are against any sort of help for said child and parent. And even if they dont like big govt majority of the times they are even against gay adoption which requires no govt intervention. And then I would just say if you have a problem with first trimester abortion but no problem with bacon that came from a pig with the intelligence of a toddler raised on a factory farm and brutalized its whole life then I just dont get it.

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4 hours ago, season1 said:


People searched more about dogs than Biden. 


Speaking of dogs, Pentagon said the US Military didn't leave dogs in cages. Here are some images of dogs abandoned in the airport:




Katie's images are from this video:



They look like trained dogs and not strays or rescues. Maybe they didn't leave dogs in cages but released them to roam the airport. :unsure:

Military working dogs, trained by the US military for the Afghan army, and under US care. The soldiers tried to get them on the plane, but were blocked by someone above them. In this case, I don’t think the distinction matters. This guy talked to soldiers who were taking care of the dogs. I heard elsewhere that many of them were upset about having to leave the dogs.  

The bottom line is the decision was made by someone in the US government to leave these dogs to fend for themselves, and it is highly likely they will (or already have been) killed by the Taliban, assuming they don’t starve to death first.  
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12 hours ago, bswanson said:

I get that, but what if in those cases the mother does not want or cannot propely care for the baby, yes there is adoption but thats gonna be hard on the mother to give up the baby and maybe make her feel like a terrible person. also you have to hope if the baby is placed in adoption he/she is put in a good home, you hear stories of abuse and stuff in the foster care system  this is a hard choice cause yes the baby deserves life but also you have to think how its going to affect the mother who may have to give up the baby, hoping he/she will grow up in a good home and actually have a good life. 


Only 1% of abortions are because of rape or incest. 99% are due to other reasons.


Either you believe that the growing being in the womb is a human life with human rights, or you don't. Trying to justify when it is okay to kill an unborn baby could cheapen life itself. 

Current United States Data

  • Total number of abortions in the U.S. 1973-2018: 61.8 million+
  • 186 abortions per 1,000 live births (according to the Centers for Disease Control)
  • U.S. Abortions in 2017: ~862,320 (Guttmacher Institute)
  • Abortions per day: 2362+ (GI)
  • Abortions per hour: 98+ (GI)
  • 1 abortion every 37 seconds (GI)
  • 13.5 abortions / 1000 women aged 15-44 in 2017 (GI)


U.S. women who obtained abortions in 2018

(according to Centers for Disease Control)
  • White: 38.7%; 6.3 abortions per 1000 women; 110 abortions per live births
  • Black: 33.6%; 21.2 abortions per 1000 women; 335 abortions per live births
  • Hispanic: 20%; 10.9 abortions per 1000 women; 158 abortions per live births
  • Other: 7.7%; 11.9 abortions per 1000 women; 213 abortions per live births



Blacks account for 14% of the US population, yet 1/3 of all babies aborted in 2018 are black. Abortion disproportionately kills black babies.


It is hard to look at the images of aborted babies (warning: graphic images), but sometimes words are not enough to describe the disturbing reality of abortion.

Edited by season1
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if sodiers themsleves are saying the dogs were left then that does seem legit. the watch thing its hard to tell the vid clip was a short clip and other sources did say he paid respects, i guess each person will have to decide for themsleves. 

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On 9/1/2021 at 10:59 PM, season1 said:


The Texas law is called The Texas Heartbeat Act. Technically, it's not an abortion law, but a law to protect the life of the unborn. Abortion ends the life of the vulnerable, the growing baby in the womb. The Texas law protects the unborn from the moment the heartbeat is detected (around 5-6 weeks of pregnancy). I believe that a baby in the womb has the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, and should be protected, not terminated or aborted.



Maybe this bill and similar in other states would truly make abortion very very rare.  50 Million + babies have been killed since the Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973. If you have the stomach for it, this website has images of babies aborted at different stages of pregnancy.


Other States' "heartbeat bills" have been tied up in courts. Proponents of the Texas law vowed to challenge the bill in court.





As someone that finds this issue to perhaps be the most difficult of ALL the hot-button issues, comprehensive sex education in our public schools and using contraception would really do a lot of good here. People are not always going to be responsible, but most will if they receive the proper education starting at a young age. I caught a lot of you-know-what from supporters of Tom Cotton (I posted on his status on FB) and it's crazy to me. Abortion is clearly not a nice thing, no one is out there championing the fact that they've gotten one except the truly morally bankrupt or those devoid of any feelings at all. However, you're talking about using the power of the federal government to legislate morality. It would present far too many problems (babies born into horrible circumstances, desperate women that would resort to alternative means to end their pregnancies). Those that feel nothing or the outlier, those that use it as birth control are just horrendous people, full stop. There's no sugar-coating it. But they're going to have to face someone higher than you or I ultimately to answer for that. I still believe in the free will of people though, up until the period a fetus is viable. It's not a simple issue at all. This is one of those issues where I can truly see both sides. I'm personally pro-life, publicly pro-choice, but with many caveats but where a candidate stands on this isn't going to be enough solely to sway my vote. 

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On 9/1/2021 at 8:08 PM, TeamAudra said:

It’s the sort of thing the left is saying all over Twitter, in addition to their ridiculous defenses of leaving American citizens behind. I’ve decided to resist the urge to respond, going forward. If they insist on hanging themselves, we should give them more rope. 



You are much more level headed than me. I needed a few days to let my blood stop boiling. Thanks.

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1 hour ago, TeamAudra said:

Oops...the author of the article was wrong. Biden did in fact check his watch multiple times. 



A little context about Daniel Funke. He is a self appointed "fact checker" but as usual just another political hack carrying water for a dismal failed president Joe Biden. Daniel authored the original article in USA Today who then had to correct the story. A gold star father (Hoover) who was at the ceremony said " Biden checked his watch not once, but after each service members casket past"  that's 13 times. If anyone wishes to call this man a lier, step on up. His interview was on Fox you can look it up and leave a nasty comment.


Biden wasn't checking his watch. He was looking for blood on his hands. Imo


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SACRAMENTO, CA—The racist Democrats are at it again, pulling out all the stops and raising tens of millions of dollars in order to keep a white man in power and prevent a black man from becoming the first black governor of California.


After Larry Elder became the most prominent challenger to step up and take down Governor Newsom, the governor immediately began arguing that the state should keep a white man in power and prevent a black man from being elected to office.


Showing their KKK roots, the Democrats have dialed up the racist rhetoric to 11, demanding over and over again that voters get out there on election day and ensure that a black man doesn't have a seat at the table.


"We must keep this black man down," said Governor Newsom at a "stop the racist Republican recall" rally in Los Angeles earlier today. "The only way to ensure this state progresses into the future and continues to lead this country is by stopping this person of color from coming into power."


"My black opponent will ruin this state. In order to make sure California stays on its current path to utopia, we must all stand strong against this blatant attempt by the black community to seize power from us whiteys."


A clear example of white privilege. Sad!


See more satire with a hint of truth here.

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11 hours ago, Nutterbutter said:

A little context about Daniel Funke. He is a self appointed "fact checker" but as usual just another political hack carrying water for a dismal failed president Joe Biden. Daniel authored the original article in USA Today who then had to correct the story. A gold star father (Hoover) who was at the ceremony said " Biden checked his watch not once, but after each service members casket past"  that's 13 times. If anyone wishes to call this man a lier, step on up. His interview was on Fox you can look it up and leave a nasty comment.


Biden wasn't checking his watch. He was looking for blood on his hands. Imo




One gold star mother who spoke with Biden in that event mentioned that Biden checked his watch at least 5 times. Instagram suspended her account last week.


(Coincidentally, BabylonBee has the "blood on his hand" headline.)

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11 hours ago, season1 said:



One gold star mother who spoke with Biden in that event mentioned that Biden checked his watch at least 5 times. Instagram suspended her account last week.


(Coincidentally, BabylonBee has the "blood on his hand" headline.)

You would think, that after Jussie Smollet and Covington/native American incident that people would learn to tune out the spin/narrative and take a breath, and wait a few days. As they say "fools rush in"

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you cant beleive everything you read online of course, but this is coming right from family memebers. i dont know why he would keep chekcing it though. His son served in the military so you would think he would know better. I think he feels guilt cause he knows the botched escape caused it, but still you dont do that no matter how uncomfortable he felels. 

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