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About *Laci

  • Birthday 06/01/1990

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    The "Roll Tide" State

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  1. Came out of hiding to say I LOVED this show last night. "New Boot Goofin" is my new guilty pleasure. Can't decide if it's hilarious or genius. Hueston (RI) and Alisabeth (IA) were my faves of the night.
  2. Add me please! Montgomery is my second home! So excited for her!!!!!
  3. Excited for tonight! Hoping for a strong season!
  4. add me please!
  5. Taylor is continuing to save 2020!
  6. Saved the best for last, I see. I retract my last statement. This is much better.
  7. I haven't watched to closely this season but I am NOT impressed with Kelly's team.
  8. Voted in every election I have been able to since I was 18. I have never encountered lines like today. Took me almost an hour but I got it done!
  9. David in those glasses is making me feel things.
  10. I can't help but want someone to vote for Enzo. I'd probably do it. IDK he was all over the place but I would be happier for him, even if Cody technically controlled things.
  11. Wow at Nicole being so bitter. Girl you won!!!
  12. If only Enzo would've won a couple of more comps...honestly I think he could've beat Cody with this jury. Cody deserves this win, even more so after eliminating Ratcole.
  13. I suddenly like this season
  14. Normally I would feel bad for people crying but Nicole is so deserving of this lol lol. "You already won, yo"
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