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Everything posted by Hsamid

  1. Nathan! Most consistent performer of the season. Nice america has ears... So far.
  2. Karen! Well deserved after last night. One of the best performances of the season
  3. I still really dislike the song choice but Asher did a very good job. His vocals didn't suffer from the wordy parts, just as full as usual. Hope he gets PV but worried.
  4. Thanks, now you have me thinking of a Karen, Asher, Nathan, Madison IS fight. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse..
  5. I'd add Madison too. I think the 3 of them have been the most consistent from blinds till now. Having them in the IS would be the worst case scenario for me, but it's looking to be the most likely outcome
  6. Going by the comments, it's his former stage name. Thing is. How do we know Nathan Chester is not just a stage name and we don't actually know who this dude is? We like a mysterious man.. Yeah, he has such a clean sound, even singing old soul music. That performance you shared was really good. Wonder if we'll see a more emotive side of him on the show.
  7. I can't even find performances from him before the show. I hope he posts a bit more after this season.
  8. As of writing this, Nathan has been the most consistent singer from start to finish imo. I don't think I've heard a bad note come out of this man's mouth yet, and that's while delivering some of the best performances every round. Especially from playoffs until now, the level of his performances have been nearly unmatched this season. Also, can we talk about his stage presence? It's so damn smooth. Some of the best we've had in recent seasons.
  9. My tinfoil hat theory is that TPTB gave Asher "irreplaceable" to halt his momentum since they want Legend to get his last win with Nathan Chester, who has had perfect song choices for his voice and style every round except the battles. Ofc, they wouldn't be backing him if Nathan wasn't good, and he has killed every performance and deserves the credit for that. But we all know TPTB like to steer things in a certain direction, and if it works, they'll keep doing it.. (see S23 with Gina Miles). Anyways.. even if the theory isn't true with Nathan, Im still skeptical Asher picked that song for himself until he confirms it outside the show. I know we all know this, but good reminder that contestants don't have a lot of control over their song choices, and perhaps they give some contestants better options than others
  10. So for SF.. - Asher is in my bottom 3 of the night. Moreso to do with everyone else doing very good and having much better song choices that showcase their strengths. Asher was very good, but with a limiting song choice. - kept seeing "Paris is not shook" comments so I listened to them side by side.. honestly, Paris's version is not on some other level. He definitely has the edge in power but I think a lot of that has to do with voice type more than anything. Tae's belts were a bit off tonight, but paris's performance also goes off a bit near the end. -i have Nathan's version last out of all the "try a little tenderness" covers.. and Rayshun first. They are all great and have different things going for them though. Chris has the powerful tone, Rayshun the vocal dynamics, and Nathan that classic feel. Just vocally though, Nathan isn't quite at their level on this song.
  11. Lol this season went from having the weakest top 5 to one of the strongest top 3 in the ABC era. I'm torn between S19 and this season. I don't remember enough of chayce beckham. But they are Def my top 2.
  12. Idk why ya'll laughing tbh.. I said I was fr fr. If I wasn't, Karen wouldn't be on there..
  13. I gave my vote for Nathan but I actually think it'd go to Karen now. But he's still top 3. My ranking. 1. Karen Emotive performance, just sounds so mature and like she really connected to the lyrics. Also, perfect vocal this time around. 2. Madison Lol once again I like her performance much better upon relisten. She makes a lot of tasteful changes to well known songs, and it still feels like she's covering the classic. Once again a really good performance. 3. Nathan Yeah, dude brought it. I love the other 2 renditions of this version but his distinguishes itself by remaining a pretty straightforward vocal. Opting for well placed growls and sustained notes, giving it a more old-school, classic feel. Well done 4. Josh I think some of ya'll are sleeping on this performance. This was pretty powerful, albeit a few notes sounded strained or pushed. But considering he's belting most of it with grit, pretty impressive. And come on, how about those last belts! Those were raw, dirty and hit hard. Didn't know he had that in him. 5. Serenity. Yeah, shocker. Changed the song a lot. But she made it work to suit her vocals. Very pretty. Best she's sounded so far. 6. Tae. This was better upon relisten. It's mostly lower because his belts didn't sound as effortless and crystal clear this time around. Hints of his voice being exhausted? Surprisingly though, his low notes were pretty good for the most part. So pretty much the opposite of his top 12. 7. Asher It mskes me sad for me to put him this low. But it mostly has to do with everyone having some of their best performances on the show and a wtf song choice, which speaks to just how good he is. A few ad libs I felt were oddly placed as well. The vocal quality however, didn't suffer, even in the wordy parts. 8. Bryan An improvement from last week. But not quite there for me. His belting just doesnt sound as powerful or effortless as it did in prelives, and the performance also felt a bit karaoke. 9. Maddi. Oh maddi...why? The start of the performance? Very good. But when it got to the wordy bits the quality dropped, and then some more once the chorus hit. There was just no oomph to her vocals by then. This was a really strong round. I'd say maybe the 2nd best after playoffs? I'd give it an A. Dan + Shay easily had the strongest team as well.
  14. Surprised Madison's comments are negative. I thought she's been doing a really good job making subtle or just the right amount of changes to classic songs. So that sucks
  15. Maddi is the most frustrating contestant of the season by far. Both her live performances sounded good prechorus. Take for instance the most recent one. The first 20 seconds sound really pretty up until she hit that headvoice note, then it goes into the wordy singing part..which was alright. Then the chorus had no oomph to at all. Was the case with her top 12 to a lesser extent. I get that any other contestant would do even worse covering these same songs. Heck, even the original artists dodge a majority of the the chorus live! (Based on the performances I saw) So kudos to Maddi for tackling literally every word and not doing a terrible job... But that doesn't really make the performance itself less underwhelming vocally, and at the end of the day this is a singing competition. Just frustrating cause she has a really good voice.
  16. Live Top 12: Performances Bryan Olesen - Don’t Stop Me Now - 5.5 Tae Lewis -19 You + Me - 7.5 Maddi Jane - Happier Than Ever - 6 L Rodgers - Up to the Mountain - 7 Madison Curbelo - Yesterday - 8.5 Asher HaVon - I’ll Make Love To You - 8 Zoe Levert - Stick Season - 6.5 Karen Waldrup - I Hope You Dance - 7 Serenity Arce - traitor - 7 Nadege - He Loves Me - 6 Josh Sanders - Angels - 6.5 Nathan Chester - Higher and Higher - 8.5 Live Top 12: Results L. Rodgers - Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me - 5.5 Nádege - Smooth Operator - 6.5 Zoe Levert - Slow Burn - 7 Tae Lewis - The Church On Cumberland Road - 7.5 my ratings kept changing everytime I relistened. This is my 3rd time doing the top 12 lol. Anyways, Def feel like these ratings will be pretty unpopular.. general thoughts.. - Zoe was better upon relisten. Honestly she sounded pretty good, very soothing to listen to. I think it's song choice more than anything that did her in. - most of Maddi's performance was decent. The chorus just didn't hit. - Josh was worse than I remember. Went off the rails quite a bit in pivotal moments. Like L but a bit more egregious imo. - still don't get the Serenity dislike for this performance. A few strained high notes but eh. Tis what it is. - Tae killed both Performances and I won't hear otherwise.
  17. @allistr I'm CACKLING everytime I see your pfp That contestant trio performance is going down in history as one of the all time moments that's for sure.. no idea how they kept their composure.
  18. @Gustavo527 Is it too late to submit top 12 qnd IS ratings? Don't wanna do it if you've already calculated everything.
  19. I'm worried for Asher. But also Nathan tbh. Asher for obvious reasons. Song choice, and having his "worst" performance so far. But I also feel like lots of people will assume Nathan is OK, not vote for him and instead help someone they think is in danger... only for him to have to fight for the IS tomorrow. If both of these fellas are in the IS tomorrow then imma cry.
  20. My dad. Always has it on. It's always current country hits though... so I can still be excused for not knowing Loretta Lynn till a few months ago, right?
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