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Everything posted by Hsamid

  1. My dad. Always has it on. It's always current country hits though... so I can still be excused for not knowing Loretta Lynn till a few months ago, right?
  2. Thank you, thought it was never gonna happen. Add me, had the best performance tonight and last week imo. Sounds identical to his prelives.
  3. Big fan of Tae but as someone else said, he actually did sound tired. His highs were not as effortless as his top 12 imo.
  4. Idk, Ali Caldwell got eliminated after killing "sledgehammer" so yeah, worried for Asher.
  5. You'd think that John was his coach after what he said. That's some high praise.
  6. Wow, the vocal quality didn't suffer at all during the talky, wordy parts of the song. The part of the performance I didn't like were actually his falsetto ad libs he threw in. I just think they were oddly placed. I still stand by what I said earlier that this song doesn't do his voice justice at all and it's my least favourite of his cause of that. But he did good
  7. I'm so curious how he's gonna tackle and do with irreplaceable. Cause it's a song I never would have picked for him.
  8. My boy Asher next... Please overcome this odd song choice lol.
  9. Karen absolutely killed that, what an emotive performance. Jeezus. Might be the best of the night so far and there's some tough competition. Definitely top 3 at least.
  10. Oh right. But if anything I feel like that will discourage any metal songs being sung. Since a good blind auditions didn't even manage to turn any chairs.
  11. That's true. But also I think it was just those few moments in that performance? I mean, Serenity had pretty eh performances in battles and KOs and she surprised us all tonight.
  12. No post editing In all seriousness, kinda crazy how Bryan has had the weakest live performances twice in a row. He has more experience than everyone else. (Maybe he started singing later?)
  13. Tbh comparing lives to prelives. Bryan's belting sounds way less effortless and powerful. That was alright. It wasn't bad but it felt kinda karaoke. Might be the weakest tonight imo.
  14. Oh the piano. How many seconds are we giving him till he gets off it?
  15. Hilarious how Bryan went from being in nearly everyone's top 3-5 to no one wanting him in the finale after 1 performance.
  16. Tae closing is justice for the disrespect from IDF and him having to fight for the IS.
  17. I am laughing my *** off. What is this random set with this dancing blue bear?
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