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Everything posted by Bk1234

  1. Yeah, don’t get wrong, I’m very blessed to have both of them this season.
  2. Yes, but I’ve been keeping up with my favorites on the side.
  3. That’s definitely true. I have enjoyed Holly’s run but I find her performances to be a bit “too perfect” and gimmicky if that makes any sort of sense. I think in a genre like country your priority should be storytelling and I feel that is where Grace excels. I think the perfect example of this is the Knockout round: Holly delivered a stunning vocal, but I more often come back to Grace’s because of how genuine and almost conversational the performance was.
  4. Part of it is that I’ve been more interested in Idol and since they tend to overlap I have to make a choice as to which I will watch. Idol has the better format and has done a much better job getting me invested in the cast so I usually go with that one. But, at the same time, Grace West is, in my humble opinion, the best country singer on the two shows so I always eagerly anticipate her performances.
  5. Marybeth Byrd - Wasted On You. I really wanted her to sing the Dolly song, but this was so powerful and emotional. I’m glad she ended the show on a high note at least.
  6. That’s fair—must people on this side of the forum aren’t fans of it. I will say, I have really come to love Kala’s personality from the few social media posts/videos I’ve seen from her. She seems like a really genuine person.
  7. Totally agree on this one! He just gives off such good vibes and I tend to gravitate towards teachers on these kind of shows.
  8. As someone who doesn’t have much time to invest in the contestants through social media, I really appreciate the more personal edits given to contestants on American Idol. From just watching the shows, I feel way more invested in the Idol cast this year than the Voice one. I’m curious to hear everyone else’s thoughts on this though.
  9. Right now my favorites are Elise Kristine, Emma Busse, Marybeth Byrd, Matt Wilson, and Olivia Soli. I am pretty satisfied with the Top 24… I mainly wish Paige Anne had advanced but oh well
  10. Ariana Grande and Kelly Clarkson for sure. This doesn’t really count, but Kelsea was a guest coach and I listen to her music a lot.
  11. Pretty solid battle. After a couple listens, I probably would’ve gone with Sorelle—their harmonies were gorgeous here! Both acts had very strong showings, so I’m happy both advanced.
  12. How on Earth did I get blessed with both Holly and Grace this season???
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