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Everything posted by Misirlou

  1. He seemed pretty chill on that clip of him singing. No drama or theatrics present. Truth be told, he's not for everyone, and it shows. So this song choice, which allows him to showcase emotion, might make him seem more grounded and sincere when singing. Can't wait to see it.
  2. Give it a year or so and it'll be viewed as a classic lol (in a chaotic, guilty pleasure way most likely).
  3. Its a good song, albeit a bit sappy. I would have preferred The Story or something along the lines of Elton and Billy Joel.
  4. The ratings for the good 4 u battle have been brutal, aside from a couple of scores over 8 that I've seen for it. Hope Joshua pulls a Pia Renee and climbs on the KOs.
  5. I...kind of agree. I think the snippet of her and Wyatt was beautiful but very brief to fully form an opinion on it, and her song choice for tomorrow doesnt particularly excite me either. I hope to fully get back on her train tomorrow though.
  6. Made famous by Glen Campbell. Its GNT dipping their toes more in the country world, but likely with an arrangement that will showcase the 3 way harmonies like they did in their blind. I think its probably the most Minivan friendly song of the week, honestly, apart from our very own Blake Shelton's "God Country"
  7. Funny thing is that I don't think I saw a bass drum or pedal (the one that you use your foot for, while playing guitar, like JD did), there are just top drums on the stage, so no clue what she did. Maybe she stopped playing guitar and then played drums? If she incorporated the percussion to the performance, props for her risk taking, but that could result in a messy showing that easily could have cost her the win.
  8. Tomorrow should be interesting for them. They have a great song and I'm sure they'll do fine. We'll see how Kelly reacts and sells them tomorrow.
  9. Overall thoughts on the week: Best Part seems too small of a song for BrittanyBree, so hopefully she found a place to inject her signature sound into it. Samuel has a killer song choice. The choruses are gonna be money with that rasp. It looks like Sabrina was playing drums too? Interesting choice if so. We saw that multitasking didnt benefit JD Casper last season so... Great song choice for Joshua. Judging from that clip and Ed and John's comments, it seems like he's leaving the theatrics aside and letting the emotion come through. Hailey Mia has an interesting song choice. Its indeed mature, so we'll see if she can connect with it. On paper, TCS's song is a winner, but something must have gone wrong. Raquel's song is fun and a classic, but it'd be great to see her changing it up a bit. Maybe a jazzy ballad. Like TCS, Katie Rae's song also sounds like KO winning material, but maybe she didn't bring it. Wendy has a song right in her lane, so she'll do fantastic with it. Her best song choice on the show so far. Jonathan's song is joyful, but probably not the best choice for the occasion. Honestly, don't see what's wrong with Gymani's choice, since it appears she's going pop on the show, so it makes sense. I love Kinsey's song, but its a bit too tame for a KO. GNT probably has my favorite song of the week. Perfect for them. Holly's song is a classic as well, but probably not what I would have chosen for her. I still expect her to do great though. Ryleigh's superior showing so far happened in battles, where she was able to showcase charisma and vocals, rather than get swallowed by emotion. So its good that she kept in that lane in KOs. Good move by David to go with a ballad after doing pop punk. Excited to hear his acoustic arrangement. I expect it to be like his audition, albeit more elevated.
  10. Also, Paris is closing a round again, and the pairing ends in a Blake steal again as well.
  11. We have no feedback for Taping 3 except praise for Katherine with the bus song and Shadale being the source's favorite (not sure if we're talking about the same source though).
  12. I don't think they said anything regarding Bella, just that Katherine did well with the bus song choice. I think the positive feedback for Katherine is the only thing we have for Taping 3. Either way, they are not getting montaged.
  13. Great Glenn Campbell classic. Excited to hear their version. I hope Josh leads this time around.
  14. Like I said, the montage options are pretty narrowed down, its either Lana/Carson or Peedy/Berritt. If y'all want to see why, check out the montage predictions thread and you'll see why these two are the only possible options.
  15. The only pairing that has to be on Tuesday confirmed is Ryleigh vs David as the steal. No clue about the other two, since the video is clearly not in order.
  16. You got Brittany/Samuel, Hailey/TCS, LiBianca/Hailey, Ryleigh/David hitting us with modern songs and then GNT/Holly ans Wendy/Jonathan coming in with 60s/70s vintage classics. Nice combination.
  17. I'm actually happy we get to finally hear Xavier in full. Hope he gives a good performance to end his hidden run.
  18. He was one of my primary suspects for a KO montage, but since he's the only Team Kelly member (along with Xavier) that is left for next week, and its a 2 hr episode, its safe to say he will be shown in full. Happy for that. Looking forward to his song choice.
  19. Also, he was second in votes (RTs, in the case of that season) on the Top 24 night, so he would have gotten the 2nd PV had it been a normal format. I think its a bit of a burden, but yeah, not the end of the world. Peedy benefits from actually having his own lane and the rest of his team (apart from Wendy) having no chance with the public. Mainly, he benefits from no Carson. Had Carson won his KO or had come back, the KO montage would have screwed Peedy big time and he would have likely needed the save. But he can relax now.
  20. I never really viewed Peedy as winning, just always thought he could make the finale. And honestly, despite the KO montage, I still think he could do it.
  21. I don't know guys...I think Lana could... Nah, who am I kidding lol, Peedy is safe till semis at least if he performs well.
  22. So, who's up for the 2nd Blake PV if Peedy gets montaged? Lana? Paris? LiBianca? Or Peedy pulls a Matt McAndrew?
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