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Everything posted by Catsy

  1. TBH I don't really care for any of the female artists except Toneisha.
  2. Going to be a weird night tonight with everyone singing from home.
  3. In no particular order - Maelyn Jarmon "Fields of Gold" Billy Gilman "When We Were Young" Amy Vachal "Dream a Little Dream Lauren Duski "You Were Meant for Me" Jordan Smith "Chandelier" Mendeleyev "Girl from the North Country" Jej Vinson "Passion Fruit" Sawyer Fredericks "I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow" Christina Grimme "Wrecking Ball" Thunderstorm Artis "Blackbird"
  4. Ack... messed up a quote box. Are we talking about country music in general or the country singers on the show getting favored? Because there seem to be two different and separate streams of conversation happening here.
  5. Sometimes the coaches choose the wrong person in the battles/KOs! ex. Preston Howell vs. Mendeleyev (s17 battle) - what was John thinking? I really can't think of more right now, that one was particularly egregious.
  6. Set the age limit back to 18 and spin-off a separate Voice Kids or Voice Teens like they have in other countries.
  7. How do you all remember all these names? I couldn't recognize half of them.
  8. Kailey Abel - lost the battle with Cam Spinks
  9. I love this little girl - she was FIERCE..
  10. I thought someone did a Ramones cover some time back...
  11. My vote went to TMH, even though his song choice was tragic. Hoping he goes back to rock for the live rounds if he makes it through.
  12. Belle Jewel - and all the other singers whose performances got chopped for the montages.
  13. I can't point to any specifics, but there seem to be a lot of Whitney Houston songs too.
  14. Oh, here's another one - Marina Chello (s17) - blew the roof off in the KO and yet somehow lost to the girl who sang Wicked Game, one of the most overdone songs ever. And the girl who lost in the KO to Bathrobe Girl, can't remember her name but she was a powerhouse.
  15. Oh, I think Jej was good, just a casualty of bad song choices. If he'd done something popular (like Sam Smith'' Stay With Me) he would have lasted a lot longer. Anyway... Here's a couple from me - - I have never liked Mylie Cyrus as a coach. Sorry. She seems like a nice person, but some of her coaching decisions have been real head-scratchers. - Jake Hoot did not deserve to win last season. Quite frankly, I found him quite bland and generic. Same goes for Josh Gallagher, Jake Worthington, and all the other bland generic country singers. They all sound the same to me. (I did like Sundance who at least had some really creative artistic treatments.) - Jacob Daniel Murphy was underrated. I'm sure l have a lot more that I can't remember right now lol.
  16. Did anyone mention Moriah Formica - loved this little rocker girl. Should have been kept by Miley, too bad Miley had to keep a country singer instead. ETA - ANY of the rockers (Keith Semple, Manny Cabo, Sarah Potenza, et al.)
  17. I'm still confused about this 4-way KO idea. Is it going to be an "instant save" situation or will the whole country be able to vote? I hate the instant save cuz half the country can't vote, and it's not representative of the entire fan base.
  18. Blake does have a good team. And not all country.
  19. You mean [minivan] like the people who voted for Jake Hoot...
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