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Everything posted by QueenCami

  1. 1. Thunderstorm 2. Allegra 3. Zan 4. Michael 5. Roderick 6. Arei The top 3 are all really close, and far away from everyone else below. I liked Zan before, but she wasn't my snowflake but this performance might have beat out Allegra's which is pretty incredible. SNATCH THAT PV ZAN!!!!
  2. well unfortunately neither of them will get PV, and I think nick knows Allegra is another chance at the finale
  3. ok mike getting low-key bussed with placement (at least Zan is going first, which is kinda good, or at least in my eyes, better than going second)
  4. 1. Thunderstorm 2. Allegra 3. Michael 4. Roderick 5. Arei Michael was ok, but kinda underwhelming just like roderick. they can be switched tbh (also Michael didn't show off his selling point, his falsetto, enough, while roderick used his falsetto a little too much)
  5. 1. Thunderstorm 2. Allegra 3. Roderick 4. Arei this was nice, especially after arei, but he didn't go for anything new or show us anything cool that we haven't seen before (like thunderstorm)
  6. her song choice sucked, and I think she could've done better with a better song, but she was still flat
  7. 1. Thunderstorm 2. Allegra 3. Arei ripppp arei that was not a good song choice
  8. 1. Thunderstorm 2. Allegra it makes me sad to say this, but thunderstorm was a little more unique, and I dont think this was her best (nevertheless I will still vote for her)
  9. dang not ending with Allegra???? how dare they!??!?!?!!?!
  10. Imma start creating a list now cause otherwise it'll be too hard: 1. Thunderstorm
  11. I like Allegra more than thunderstorm but I gotta admit that the whistle and the high note were really cool
  12. allegra deserves that PV!!!! i know a lotta people love thunderstorm and i can see why but i simply don’t like him that much
  13. im kind of terrified now that I think of it, that nick might try to be "strategic" and do pv: thunderstorm cs: roderick/arei/michael wc: allegra cause that didnt work out for the other coaches last season
  14. yeah, I don't like country, but found that Jake's performance of desperado was really well done. maybe idf doesn't like male country singers because they tend to outlast/beat out their favorites more often (Gyth/Andrew/Dexter/Rod/Jake), while female country singers usually don't outlast the others
  15. I would agree with this except in a less extreme manner I would rephrase this as, "IDF generally dislikes male country artists. They love country female artists much more, even when the singers are similarly good.
  16. I dont think this is pandering unless they mention that he did this at his church, and even then it would be iffy. however, I think it's annoying that they constantly call him pastor Todd. for example, why wouldn't they just say construction worker Mandi (I know the comparison doesn't work lmao, but reason with me)? half the time they mention his name, they unnecessarily attach pastor in front of it and it feels very obvious to me that its for some reason beyond giving him respect
  17. EXACTLY my thoughts - I was wondering whether the mom did this without her knowing (and I was kind of hoping so too cause Allegra being my favorite, I would hope she wouldn't do this)
  18. ughhh this was really hard, cause I like a lot of these singers, and also, I haven't really put much though beyond Allegra being my favorite to how much I like them quantifiably. I can happily say though that Allegra was my favorite pre-season, after BA, after battles, and still after knockouts!! 1. Allegra Miles 2. Megan Danielle 3. Toneisha Harris 4. CammWess 5. Mandi Thomas 6. Joanna Serenko 7. Zan Fiskum 8. Arei Moon 9. Joei Fulco 11. Roderick Chambers 10. Thunderstorm Artis 12. Todd Tilghman 13. Mandi Castillo 14. Micah Iverson 15. Mike Jerel 16. Cedrice
  19. thanks for helping us get back on topic (but while we weren't I was quite enjoying it)
  20. it also doesn't sit right with me either - and Allegra is my favorite this season. I get that she wants to garner support, but emailing people who didn't give her their email isn't really good practice morally. Nevertheless, I can't blame if I don't know that it's actually her (even though disappointingly it seems to be)
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