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Everything posted by QueenCami

  1. Joanna isn't even my favorite but im kinda sad about this - Michael better not get IS winner over her!!!
  2. yeah, he looked really shocked (it was kinda funny tbh) so I guessed that they don't know the votes, but at the end of the day who knows (especially with nbc's vague rules)
  3. you missed the point of what I said. it doesn't matter whether she deserved to move on; if you saw the look in john's eyes, you'd know that he expected her to be in the IS, which shows that the coaches do not know votes beforehand, my original point.
  4. they didn’t get that last year clearly due to johns mess up with khalea so that could go both ways; either they tell the coaches beforehand to prevent it from happening again or they stay with what they usually do which i find more likely.
  5. i thought the same thing, but i interpreted it as he didn’t think the performance was that and he was implicitly saying that. what you’re saying makes more sense though, is more compatible with his previous comments, and also i would prefer that a lot more lmao
  6. yeah that’s cause the POs were one day ago, while other POs were half a year or more ago. give it time and the views will likely surpass other seasons due to stay at home orders
  7. yeah i am scared nick will do the strategy thing that the other coaches did last season (john not saving khalea, blake not saving gracee), which obviously didn’t turn out well. he might try to do that by saving michael
  8. get ready for me to make a whole scene if Allegra gets eliminated last season I looked at others who were having meltdowns over this show confusedly, now I have morphed into those people.
  9. I dont think you should take offense to what someone else politely mentioned as constructive criticism - maybe try to think about why they might have said that instead of immediately being upset about it!
  10. lol I wasn't talking about thunderstorm taking her votes, I was talking about people not liking Mandi because of that
  11. i think mike deserves way worse and so does arei, and that comes from someone who loved arei going into PO
  12. Zan will not make Top 2, or even finale given her support. She also has a low chance of getting PV here over CammWess, and might not get CS. Furthermore, Mandi will not make finale because a lot of minivan hates her cause she beat Thunderstorm (think SaRayah) and anyways, there are many other more popular singers this season.
  13. nope that doesn't work cause youtubers have done that to farm views; after a certain number of views (approximately 75), YouTube monitors which IP address the views are coming from, and so it will eliminate it if there are too many view from the same IP address
  14. CammWess is actually really popular in some social media, so I wouldn't be surprised if CammWess was in the IS for T4, or even wins it (although there's some CRAZY competition this season)
  15. ok, I just have to point out: I never noticed this before, but you have taste for DAYS. I agree with you on a lot of the singers this season and honestly that synergy is powerful lmao
  16. yup, I mentioned that at the beginning, but thanks for pointing it out!
  17. Also my YT analysis (including Todd T. cause he wasn't doing too great on YT) is giving me CammWess, Allegra, Megan, Micah, Zan, Thunderstorm, Todd T., Toneisha, and Michael as a possible T9
  18. I did view/like but unfortunately it was only on YT, cause FB = . So, my results might not be that indicative.
  19. After reviewing it (it took me about an hour to calculate and write out, so it's been some time), the views rankings have changed considerably: 1. CammWess 2. Allegra Miles 3. Megan Danielle 4. Zan Fiskum 5. Micah Iverson 6. Mike Jerel 7. Arei Moon 8. Cedrice 9. Thunderstorm Artis 10. Mandi Thomas 11. Joanna Serenko 12. Michael Williams 13. Mandi Castillo 14. Joei Fulco 15. Todd Tilghman 16. Toneisha Harris 17. Roderick Chambers
  20. Hi Everyone! Instead of studying for my upcoming AP tests, like I should have been, for the last while, I've been working on doing a YouTube analysis of the T17 using a few different metrics. Note that, like always, YouTube is not a perfect (or great, really) indicator of results, but has been correct sometimes in the past. The first metric is simple: views. However, this poses an issue, because people can watch a video several times in a row, but that same person would not be able to vote more than others. Thus, it does not yield an indicative result, although it is still an important metric. Another note is that Allegra has disproportionately high views, and this might be attributable to an AI contestant singing the same song yesterday, and the two songs yielding recommendations to each other (just a guess). The second metric is views per like. Essentially, for every person who liked the video, how many viewed it (I get that intuitively it might make more sense the other way around, but it was easier to record this way). The issue with this metric is that it penalizes the contestants who have avid fans who watch the video many times, while only being able to like it once. The third metric is likes:dislikes. This is probably the best metric for our purposes, because it is not affected by the problematic number of views, and instead relies on likes and dislikes, something that is akin to casting a vote, and more importantly, something people can only do once (note that there is one outlier). Let's look at the results! There are some ties in the final scoring. Team Nick, Team Blake, Team John, Team Kelly, possible outliers/misleading results Views: Views/Like: Likes/Dislikes: Total: 1. Allegra Miles 1. Toneisha Harris 1. CammWess 1. CammWess 2. Micah Iverson 2. Thunderstorm Artis 2. Micah Iverson 2. Thunderstorm Artis 3. CammWess 3. Roderick Chambers 3. Thunderstorm Artis 3. Micah Iverson 4. Zan Fiskum 4. CammWess 4. Roderick Chambers 4. Allegra Miles 5. Megan Danielle 5. Megan Danielle 5. Allegra Miles 4. Megan Danielle 6. Mike Jerel 6. Mandi Castillo 6. Zan Fiskum 6. Roderick Chambers 7. Thunderstorm Artis 7. Cedrice 7. Joanna Serenko 7. Zan Fiskum 8. Michael Williams 8. Michael Williams 8. Megan Danielle 8. Michael Williams 9. Joanna Serenko 9. Micah Iverson 9. Michael Williams 9. Toneisha Harris 10. Arei Moon 10. Joei Fulco 10. Toneisha Harris 10. Joanna Serenko 11. Cedrice 11. Joanna Serenko 11. Mandi Castillo 11. Mandi Castillo 12. Mandi Thomas 12. Allegra Miles 12. Todd Tilghman 12. Cedrice 13. Mandi Castillo 13. Todd Tilghman 13. Cedrice 13. Mike Jerel 14. Todd Tilghman 14. Zan Fiskum 14. Arei Moon 14. Todd Tilghman 15. Toneisha Harris 15. Arei Moon 15. Joei Fulco 14. Arei Moon 16. Roderick Chambers 16. Mike Jerel 16. Mike Jerel 16. Joei Fulco 17. Joei Fulco 17. Mandi Thomas 17. Mandi Thomas 17. Mandi Thomas This leaves us with Team Nick's PV being Thunderstorm Artis, Team Blake's PV being Toneisha Harris Todd Tilghman (because we all know minivan loves him even if YouTube doesn't), Team John's PV being CammWess, and Team Kelly's PV being Micah Iverson (note that minivan might prefer Megan, possibly giving her the boost she needs). Please don't drag me for the formatting lmao, it got messed up because I did everything on the same rows! Lemme know if there are any errors, and if any kind soul wants to update these later, please feel free to (I likely won't have the time because I have a lot of work to do). Thanks for looking through this everyone!!!
  21. This is such a cool idea!!! I did it in order of how much I liked them, and not in order of when the sung. Will that be an issue?
  22. rip... im not a fan of thunderstorm (at least over Allegra) but thunderstorm >>>>> Todd in my eyes
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