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Everything posted by QueenCami

  1. this is absolutely correct; however... I would like to point out that you say objectively incorrect things like "I dont think cammwess has enough support" and other incorrect things. in that case, people should be allowed to point out that you're incorrect. I dont see why that should be an issue, as you are (obviously unintentionally, not blaming you) spreading misinformation with that. however, opinions are opinions and I (and hopefully others) am willing to respect that. I apologize if you felt that I was attacking you in the past.
  2. I think that Zan has a cool tone (which I would almost compare to Kat's, although I liked Kat more). I think one reason is cause Allegra was my pre-season favorite, but I do think that Joanna peaked at her audition. Anyways, I don't think it's very easy to explain why I like music, just that I like it. I don't know why
  3. lol yeah I say "robbed" but of course, what I really mean is that I want her to move on haha
  4. QueenCami

    Rank the Top 9

    1. Allegra - favorite from even before blinds.2. Thunderstorm - I didn't really like him until T17.3. Megan - I enjoyed her even at her blind; she has kept improving. 4. Toneisha - She seemed like she was mediocre at first, but her KO performance demonstrated otherwise.5. CammWess - His KO says it all. 7. Zan - She's cool and all, but I don't get the IDF hype. 6. Joanna - She's cool, but I felt like she peaked at her blind/battle. 8. Micah - Tayler Green deserved this position IMO; he's cool but I don't need a pop-alt-rock-emu singer tbh. 9. Todd - I don't really like his singing, and it bothers me even more that they keep calling him pastor Todd, and trying to push some church narrative. I also don't get the hype that much, although I prefer him to regular country. Strongest semifinals group I can remember.
  5. although Joanna has a great voice and tone, her performances are sometimes considered "boring" because she doesn't go for crazy vocal tricks (Allegra) and doesn't have huge notes in some performances (Toneisha). She also doesn't convey her emotional connection super amazingly (although she hasn't done any sad songs yet). I am not saying she is a bad singer or doesn't deserve to move on (so don't hurt me yall).
  6. Allegra better not get robbed
  7. I would argue that toneisha and Joanna both don't have a chance of making it to the finale, but once again, no one really knows beforehand
  8. I think that we know that Thunderstorm and Todd will get PVs, so Allegra will be competing with Megan, Micah, Zan, CammWess, Joanna, and Toneisha for the final PV. We know based on FB likes and views that Allegra is not as popular with minivan, so she will have to rely on others for support to help her reach over CammWess, Megan, Micah, and Joanna, who minivan all seem to like more (I think). The nice thing though, is that minivan will be too busy voting for Todd in the original vote, that the others won't get minivan support, and essentially everyone else will have to organically haves support that's not minivan. Let's hope Allegra gets a PV!
  9. yeah, I agree - and out of the people in the T9, the only one that I think truly can't make finale (that I can remember of the top of my head) is Zan
  10. I dunno, idf was relying heavily on the CS (Allegra, toneisha, Zan)
  11. Thanks! I messed up Megan and Micah but yeah, today was more expected (read: the coaches didn't make bad decisions )
  12. UMMM NOT A FLEX BUT I LITERALLY CALLED IT (except for Micah smh ignore that one lmao)
  13. I think that although Mandi edged out Joanna for me, ultimately my goal is to make sure Michael Williams doesn't get T9, so I'll go with Joanna cause I think she'll get more votes.
  14. LMAO honestly I would've told that to future me an hour earlier, but idk Joanna's tone isn't as appealing to me as it seems to be to everyone else
  15. mandi kinda sounds good, and Idk I kinda wanna vote for her over Joanna now...
  16. honestly felt like she was a tad pitchy on one of her larger notes but idk ill prob still vote for her
  17. Joanna is a better singer to me; Michael already exists in many many forms (and I'm not saying that Joanna is entirely unique, just more imo). I also think a lot of votes come from his improvement rather than how well he actually did
  18. Joanna isn't even my favorite but im kinda sad about this - Michael better not get IS winner over her!!!
  19. yeah, he looked really shocked (it was kinda funny tbh) so I guessed that they don't know the votes, but at the end of the day who knows (especially with nbc's vague rules)
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