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Everything posted by MatthewPalermo

  1. Man Katie's high facebook love in the past had me convinced that she could be the first singer of her type to finish higher than third. I should have known better.
  2. the polarizing comments on her facebook last night had me fully convinced she was finishing in third.
  3. Didn't watch seasons 1 or 2 so I'm not including their winners. 1. Alisan Porter 2. Maelyn Jarmon 3. Jordan Smith 4. Tessanne Chin 5. Sawyer Fredericks 6. Chris Blue 7. Cassadee Pope 8. Danielle Bradbery 9. Brynn Cartelli 10. Chloe Kohanski 11. Chevel Shepherd 12. Josh Kaufman 13. Craig Wayne Boyd 14. Jake Hoot 15. Sundance Head
  4. There was DEAD silence when Katie was third. Literally everyone in the audience seemed stunned.
  5. Me to literally everyone who thought Katie had a slight chance
  6. Finale duet spots has nothing to do with placements. Maelyn went second last season!
  7. Nah, nothing to be nervous about when it’s obvious that Hoot’s winning
  8. having the most performances possible is good enough imo. of course i'd like them to win but once it gets to the point where it's not possible then it doesn't matter to me.
  9. Once Kyla lost any hope of that ever happening was thrown out the window. If I have a black woman as a snowflake I just hope they make the finale
  10. Katie seems to be leading on facebook but there's a TON of comments saying she sucked tonight/labeling her as a screamer. What's gonna matter more? Because if it's the latter I think she'll end in third.
  11. And there's only 7 studio recordings from each singer
  12. Is Katie gonna get 3rd place? That would be something
  13. 2 - Ricky (original) 3 - Jake (duet) 4 - Jake (original) 5 - Katie (original) 6 - Jake (cover) 12 - Jake T8 13 - Katie (cover) 16 - Rose (original) 18 - Katie (duet) 21 - Ricky (duet) 42 - Ricky T8 46 - Katie T11 49 - Ricky (cover) 55 - Jake T10 69 - Jake T13 72 - Katie T8 84 - Jake T11 92 - Katie T13 100 - Rose (cover) 113 - Rose T8 117 - Katie T10 152 - Rose (duet) 163 - Ricky T13 173 - Rose T10
  14. It pains me so hard to say that Rose is gonna end in 4th after Border Song. Best performance of the season.
  15. Covers: 1. Rose - Best performance of the season, tbh. She killed that. 2. Katie - I hate that she got this song, but it wasn't a trainwreck. 3. Ricky - Boring. 4. Jake - Boring with a twang. Originals: 1. Katie - The best original easily, but nothing outstanding. 2. Rose - Good singing but the song itself is bland. 3. Ricky - Mediocre. 4. Jake - Pitchiest performance of the night by far. Duets: 1. Katie/John - This was surprisingly fun! 2. Jake/Kelly - Kelly did great but her backup singer dragged her down. 3. Rose/Gwen - Rose was terrific but Gwen just... can't sing. 4. Ricky/Blake - Who's winning? Hoot. Why would it be anyone else? It was decided long ago.
  16. So Hoot's duet of all things is gonna push him over the finish line huh...
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