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Everything posted by xfactor22

  1. Imagine ruining a potentially amazing battle with two great singers, with a song chocie that doesn't fit either of them.
  2. These two contestants are good, but as a Texan, I think you can find them anywhere in Texas tbh
  3. I asked Arei moon who’s stream we should join and she told me hers or Jamal’s. I’m going’s to just use hers.
  4. I think it’s pretty cool that they’re doing this today. Time: (11-1PM PST, 2-4 PM EST) Contestants singing/features (correct me if I’m missing anyone): Allegra Miles Arei Moon CammWess Cedrice Chelle Darious Lyles Gigi Hess Jamal Corrie? (Not sure if he’s singing or just hosting) Jared Harper Jon Mullins Kevin Farris Micah Iverson Michael Williams Nelson Cade III Samantha Howell Samuel Wilco Todd Michael Hall Toneisha Harris Zach Day Hosted by: Jamal Corrie Decided I’d make a thread about it in case anyone else is interested in watching it and posting
  5. Mostly same as me as well, except for Kelly ad a FEW of the Jonas brothers songs, except I enjoy some of the other coaches well known songs (If I Ain’t Got You, All Of Me, Don’t Speak, etc.)
  6. That’s true, or people in general who try to rile others , I’d also be better off ignoring rather than defending my opinions from. That’s true. A good distinction is this Unpopular but Civil opinion examples. 1. I think contestant a should’ve won over contestant b. 2. While contestant c is a good technical singer, I prefer contestant d’s tone rude/mean/jerk opinion example: 1. Contestant E sucks so bad that anyone who likes them is an idiot 2. Contestant F is the best contestant ever, so anyone who thinks Contestants G-J are better are obvious trolls who hate. 3. Contestant K sounds/looks/is a (insert derogatory comment here) the three examples fine and lead to good discussion between different opinions while the latter just is petty and hurtful.
  7. I’d just ignore it. That comment made no sense.
  8. Exactly! But I’m being civil with my opinions, and trying my best not to offend anyone. I agree I went slightly off topic, but so is calling someone a troll and it hurts me when people call me a troll , because that’s not true, but yes, a private message to the person calling me a troll asking why, or asking a mod would be more helpful than trying to defend myself, sadly. But yeah, I won’t focus too much more on it directly in this thread.
  9. Exactly. Everyone’s opinions are valid, regardless of how popular or unpopular they are!
  10. That’s not true. My opinions are valid and because I am trying to state opinions in a way that’s not offensive to contestants or their fans, it is not rude/mean like you imply with your colorful language. I try to be respect of all opinions, but also my opinions aren’t popular with idf. It’s like some of idf has the same thought process of team minivan fans (bash those who don’t share your views), and unfortunately for me, neither group has the same opinion as I do.
  11. I like Todd well enough , but if he was on season 16 or earlier, and there were no drastic changes to the top 17, Toneisha could’ve been an amazing winner.
  12. Returning: BRING BACK ALICIA AND JHUD PLS. I’m good with Legend statin, idc if idf hates his guts for no reason. New: AVA MAX, MABEL, DUA LIPA, Ella Mai, Ed Sheeran, at least one of the first three pls!
  13. Not really, but I got something that will get people to stop bullying me here and in another thread.
  14. Look at the wiki. And please stop calling my opinions trolling. But also, I have an idea of how to stop people from actually trolling/harassing me.
  15. If I read it wrong than my gender preference is female singers, and age preference doesn’t matter by preferably I’d say around colleges aged through early/mid 30s
  16. Mine My age:24 my gender: male, My genre preference for contestants: I prefer pop, indie singers(female indie singers), Jazz/crooner(like Lowell, Riley, Amy Vachal), Christian&Gospel and other genres (reggae, Latin, etc.), by am not opposed to any genre.
  17. Since S7 (not including Gyth, Billy, or Meghan cause I need to watch/refresh my memory). Also this is an OPINION. Emily Ann Roberts- I didn’t like her audition one bit (at least not during my first watch of it), however she showed tremendous improvement most weeks, and I actually love “In The Garden” 2/3/4. Ricky Duran-Pretty epic rocker 2/3/4. Addison Agen-Great voice and amazing singer. 2/3/4. Adam Wakefield-Another great voice and amazing singer. 5/6. Toneisha Harris-Amazing consistent run and I could feel some of her emotion at times. However her distinct tone isn’t my cup of tea 5/6. Chris Kroeze- He started out spectacularly, but in later live rounds, he failed to deliver sadly. The remaining are in no order Britton Buchanan-Meh. Technically good, but there’s relatively few male-indie singers I can actually get behind Lauren Duski-She’s a very good technical singer, but I couldn’t feel anything during her performances for the most part Matt McAndrew-Like Lauren, good technical singer, but couldn’t feel much from him
  18. 1. Chris wasn’t the only one who got a Christian song. So did Aliyah and Lauren also. Look at the wiki. 2. Christian songs don’t always work out 3. Consistently singing country is more of an advantage than singing 1 Christian song 4. According to the past seasons, finale pimp spots don’t always work out in the end for a an, so essentially, without showstopper performances, the finale pimp spot is meaningless.
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