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Everything posted by Spurrious

  1. If he want to put up an actual fight....he should pick Joei. I'd take odds on her against any contestant. Now if he want to win....Joanna is the obvious pick.
  2. Actually, I wasn't complimenting Facebook....I was shading IDF.
  3. Wow....That moment when Facebook has better taste that many on IDF. The live comments here were mostly in Zan's favor....I just shook my head.
  4. Ya know....I've read that many times.... IDF didn't care for Tell Me Why.....but it was 1 of 2 that got the iTunes bonus....it was the only time we saw her for real with her guitar....she killed it and I loved it. As to Blake's duet ....those are typically cringe worthy. I'm still not over his season 4 duet with Danielle. http://thevoiceforums.com/uploads/Video/LD/LD-TMW.mp4
  5. I don't spend much time in the spoiler thread....are ya'll saying ther ewill not be a top 13? Only two per team advance from the playoffs?
  6. Has he ever had a Jazz focused artist? Maybe he just didn't know what to do with her and thought John could be a better coach for her? When that didn't work out so well perhaps Blake decided e couldn't possible screw up like Nick and John. That narrative makes sense of his “I have believed in you since the second you stepped on the stage.” comment. IF....IF that is the story and we take Blake at his word.....she will likely get the "Chloe" treatment. I pray it is so! Can I get a Halaighlua? Can I get an Amen?
  7. NGL: When Joanna told Nick it was time to move on during the steal attempt....I busted a gut laughing. Nick, you had a Queen and you didn't treat her right. smh
  8. I'll take the what song will Blake give her challenge. Ray Charles'...Georgia On My Mind. Jazzy and bluesy but famously covered by Willie Nelson on the iconic Stardust album. Lot's of room for Joanna to run with on that one.
  9. I didn't say everyone. Aesthetics maybe? Joanna looks like she could steal your heart, or your man...or woman...whatever. Kat looks like the teen girl next door. Just sayin'.
  10. Perhaps ...but I'd bet most who complain don't understand it....which is my whole point. Kinda sad you didn't read it here. Did I mention she looked awesome last night?
  11. See...I'm kinda a nitpicker too. My nit is: If peeps understood what she was doing (it's not THAT uncommon) instead of mistakenly assuming it's some kind of drama they would be OK with it because it adds a pretty nuance to her vocals. <sigh> I guess vocal technique is beyond the scope of a TV show about a singing competition. <deep sigh>
  12. Glad I could give you some cover. I agree with everything you said with the caveat: She need some work on her stage presence only for the benefit of what works on a TV show about a singing competition. Frankly, the real life Joanna's stage present is just fine with that guitar in her hands. She can play the snot out of it. BTW: The mic shaking is a technique to add a sort of tremolo effect to the vocal. It's not for show, it's for effect. On another tangentially related note: Joanna looked awesome last night.
  13. Look peeps...It's OK to not like the style of an artist but vocally...Joanna killed AFM. Literally perfect. I dare you to find a flaw. True...she sang and didn't put on a pony show...but...she sang the hell of of that.
  14. Joanna Serenko - "Angel From Montgomery" (A) Megan Danielle - "Piece by Piece" (A) CammWess - "Say Something" (A-) Joei Fulco - "When Will I Be Loved" (B+) Zan Fiskum - "The Story" (B+) Todd Tilghman - "Anymore" (B-) Roderick Chambers - "Redbone" (C+) Darious Lyles - "Me and Mrs Jones" (C) Levi Watkins - "I Ain't Living Long Like This" (C) Mike Jerel - "Versace on the Floor" (C-) Tate Brusa - "The Scientist" (D) Cam Spinks - "Rumor" (D-) Thanks for the No One Was Robbed option.
  15. I'd give Levi a C- and Zan a B+....everything else looks right to me.
  16. I love Zan too but Joanna won that KO. Joanna was in her element....Zan picked a song bigger than her ability. JMHO.
  17. ^^ This except I thought of Nick Hagelin then Tyke....eventually Braiden Sunshine gave my memory a shiver as well.
  18. Lauren Duski Addison Agen Juliet Simms Jacquie Lee Adam Wakefield Meghan Linsey Michelle Chamuel Emily Ann Roberts Matt McAndrew Dia Frampton
  19. After writing that QueenMae16 takes a nice relaxing bath.
  20. Should have been Voice Winners' Spotify Monthly Listeners Current Stats: 4/10/2020 Lauren Duski Season 12 42k
  21. Disappointing, but pretty much....what I expected. smh
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