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Everything posted by joe14

  1. Awful take. His knockout was pretty great. Let's not act like Tate ever stood a chance lmao. Lol luck
  2. I think Michael could beat Joanna in a WC scenario
  3. Not tryna jump to any conclusions cause it could still be Zan but I called CamWess getting the public vote over Zan about two weeks ago. Nothing has shown me Zan has any significant support. John stealing him is probably the best thing that could have happened to him.
  4. huh either way they aren't fully picking their songs...at least if they were we could blame them for poor song choices. You couldn't convince me that half of the contestants wanted to sing the songs they ended up singing tonight.
  5. It's pretty much known they don't pick their songs. I think Todd had her beat no matter what. She is gonna struggle with the at home format cause her voice fits the big stage. I do not get intimacy from her voice
  6. I missed the discussion tonight but was the obvious autotuning talked about on here.. I watched Megan's performance first and although nice, it was obvious. Then CamWess and Micah's performances basically gave it away to me. The performances seem very processed.
  7. Honestly thinking about it Makayla and Grace should have switched songs
  8. She could probably pass like one other person but there is no way she is jumping 4 people
  9. It's cute you think she is making it past the top 10
  10. There should be a poll but 1. Julia 2. Jovin 3. Makalya 4. Just Sam 5. Arthur 6. Francesico 7. Jonny 8. Louis 9. Gracee 10. Sophia 11. Dillon I genuinely enjoyed 1-7. A lot of those performances are probably interchangeable. That would be my ideal 7. The rest were okay but someone has to be at the bottom.
  11. I'm gonna say Makayla, Sophia, and Gracee are for sure out. My gut is saying one of Jovin or Louis joins them. If you held a gun to my head, I would guess Louis. They have made the choice between him and Francisco.
  12. This is what I have wanted from her this entire time. She is probably out but nice performance.
  13. Why is why I'm saying I'm surprised one didn't swap for either Sophia or Julia lol. They were all mediocre but one singer songwriter girl and a diva or whatever is how I thought it would have gone. There was of them vs like 6 of the divas.
  14. Uhm Sophia has kind of been mediocre for two weeks and Julia wasn't exactly stellar last week. Julia stepped it up this week though. I just kind of feel we could have swapped out one lmao.
  15. He has such harsh enunciation when he goes high but this is much better than last week as well.
  16. Crazy we got Sophia and Julia who kind of fill the same role and none of those girls.
  17. I don't care for this. He sang it fine though. I loathe this song though which is probably why.
  18. The fact that none of the powerhouse girls made it. They really canceled each other out. I'm always here for a shocker though. Maybe Francisco didn't make it lmao
  19. Honestly at this point...I am just taking everything at face value. I will say literally 8/8 have sounded better this week vs. last week imo so there might be some editing going on but I'm just focusing on the positives haha.
  20. Uhm...we won't go there but uhm. I mean Arthur still technically has time to "bounce back" or whatever lmao Bobby is a therapist now...
  21. If Alejandro made it all the way to top 2 last week, I have no doubt Arthur would have been fine in a normal length season.
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