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Everything posted by Elliott

  1. Ricki Lake + you keeping me from being able to nominate Sam & Louisa
  2. Fleur East Janet Devlin Little Mix Melanie Amaro Misha B Ruth Lorenzo
  3. HALLOWEEN III: SEASON OF THE WITCH I've already cut The Devil's Rejects, so I'm committing to getting an advantage. Halloween III: Season of the Witch is the critically under-appreciated third entry in the Halloween franchise, released in 1982 courtesy of Universal. It would ultimately be Debra Hill's final involvement in the Halloween franchise before her death in 2005; and it was John Carpenter's last involvement in the franchise until 2018's Halloween. After killing off Michael Myers in the previous instalment, John & Debra wanted to make a yearly Halloween anthology series and this was their first attempt. Fan reaction and low box office numbers negated the return of Michael Myers, which was nice because then we got Revenge, Curse and Resurrection. Anyway, this is one of my favourites of the franchise but I'm a competitive bitch. SAVE: Hatchet
  4. LINDA SPENCER I guess people like her ironically, but meh. I didn't care for her in Africa, and I was Team Mallrats. Honestly, the most memorable thing she did to me was try and hug Lindsey after a challenge and just make Lindsey look pissed the entire time. During her time on the show, she was aligned with Carl, Frank and T-Bird, and was the second one from their alliance voted out after Carl. She was voted out right before the tribe swap; since Frank and T-Bird made it pretty far into the merge, you have to wonder if the same would have happened to her. SAVE: Charlie Herschel
  5. Private immunity on Vytas Baskauskas, Replacing with Kathy Vavrick O'Brien
  6. Ricki Lake eliminated? Good thing I nominate next
  7. Did you read the post? Once the 7 saves have been posted, I will announce the time that the randomized list of nominations will be posted.
  8. Sam Bailey - Elliott Louisa Johnson - Elliott Aya Jonny Labey Ricki Lake - Solaris Belle Santiago - Solaris
  9. I didn't finish my write-ups because I got distracted so how do you know if I passed my trap or not
  10. Ryan Murphy is writing a GLEE reboot. Haven't we suffered enough in 2020 already?
  11. Not every film can make a rankdown, Victoria.
  12. Shiane finally going. Danyl staying in...
  13. THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 I haven't seen either movie, so I'm just going with this one because it seemed like people wanted it cut more. Unless I've been reading all the posts about this series wrong. Anyway, The Secret Life of Pets 2 is an animated film that is the sequel to The Secret Life of Pets. I also haven't seen that one. It had a budget of 80 million dollars and made 430 million dollars, which was less than half of the first film. Patton Oswolt replaced Louis C.K. for one of the characters. It received mixed reviews from critics. I don't know if a third one has been greenlit or not, but I assume probably not unless the merchandise from this film has sold well.
  14. Halloween (2007 dir. by Rob Zombie) The result of mixing The Devil's Rejects with Michael Myers.
  15. Halloween: Resurrection (2002 dir. by Rick Rosenthal) -Busta Rhymes to Michael Myers
  16. Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed (2004 dir. by Brett Sullivan) A solid follow-up, but the original is still that bitch™. Tatiana Maslany slayed though!
  17. House of 1000 Corpses (2003 dir. by Rob Zombie) smh at Universal losing all the footage that was excised from this movie before Lionsgate bought it.
  18. Andrew Lawson: Wallace, Steven Danyl Johnson: Tom, Elliott Max Stone: Rowetta Satchell: Shiane Hawke: Wallace, Steven, Tom, Elliott Try Star:
  19. “You came in 13th on a 12-person season”
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