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★ Asher HaVon Fan Thread ★


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52 minutes ago, nytsch said:

I mean I also wouldn't have thought Crazy in Love was a good choice and Toia still slayed it so if I try not to think about votes then maybe it's fine lol


I just wish he would've closed like many people (including myself) predicted, he still could, but the song doesn't scream closer to me.

Crazy in love is much more of a vocal moment than irreplaceable imo.


Crazy fast, uptempo vocals, with some impressive belting and agility vs slow wordy song that goes big for a few moments.


Anyways, we'll see. Asher's an incredible vocalist so I wouldn't be surprised if this still ends up being one of the best of the night.

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2 hours ago, StarWalker1 said:

either way, yall better get your votes READY!!!

voting, really hope he makes it, he derves to, a great run on this season



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Just now, StarWalker1 said:


maybe it's just me but I thought this was amazing, not an easy song to sing in a competition

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Just saw Asher's performance on Youtube and OMG! That was honestly Asher's best performance of the season so far! I loved the song choice for him as I knew it would be a perfect song for him. He slayed that! That was perfect and flawless from beginning, to middle, to end. Best of the night for me! He's getting the best reception on Youtube so far and everyone's loving him and his song choices. Even Facebook is loving him still. His Facebook numbers are still growing and growing. He's going to eventually surpass Josh on there. I am throwing all my shoes! There is nothing I don't like about that. I loved all of it. He can pick a bad song choice and slay it regardless. 

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10 minutes ago, istersay said:

maybe it's just me but I thought this was amazing, not an easy song to sing in a competition

Definitely not just you as I loved his performance as well. My favorite from him so far and I loved the song choice for him. 

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Just now, istersay said:

he had the most last time I looked

Yeah that is true. He has the most views and likes on Youtube and now he's catching up to Karen. Hope that continues! He's amazing and deserves top 2.

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He has finally caught up in likes on Facebook now! He has the most likes and his views and stats are fantastic. I saw a lot of high praises on Youtube and Facebook. Only some criticisms about song choice but mostly high praises about it. I think he's got this. But whatever happens he's fantastic. 

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I still really dislike the song choice but Asher did a very good job. His vocals didn't suffer from the wordy parts, just as full as usual.


Hope he gets PV but worried.

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13 hours ago, allistr said:

He'd kill this



He really would slay that. I've seen comments about people wanting him to sing some gospel songs like Glory as well.

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3 hours ago, YourHighness_ said:



3 hours ago, StarWalker1 said:



1 hour ago, Hsamid said:

Even with his "worst" performance, Asher still made the PV!


Give this man some good song choices and he has a real shot at winning this thing

so happy he made it through on PV, I was a bit worried when there was 1 left to call 

Excited Scott Evans GIF by NBC World Of Dance

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