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I do not know if people love the droids or just don't want to do write-ups on them. Because I feel every time I get to noms I nominate at least one if not more droids and they get saved! Maybe it's just my particular noms LOL. Anyway, EV-9D9 is from Return of the Jedi. SHE (because the droids DO have genders LOL...like the TRANSFORMERS) was supervisor of Jabba's droid pool. Her nicknames are Queen of Durasteel and Mistress of Mayhem. Anyway, in her role at Jabba's her programming was changed (or had a defect not 100% sure) from a typical moisture vaporator mechanic to a droid that just thrived in the torture and dismemberment of other droids.


RIP EV-9D9 you would have loved the Gatekeep, Gaslight, Girlboss movement.


Saving: Grand Moff Tarkin

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This guy is a Jedi whose defining feature is that he's got a big head to hold his big brain. He doubted Qui-Gon Jinn when Qui-Gon went to the Jedi Council to tell them the Sith had returned. He couldn't believe that Count Dooku had fallen so far in to the Dark Side that he would go and help resurrect the Sith. For having a big brain he certainly had a hard time thinking of the many possibilities and using his imagination. Anyway, Mundi eventually became a general in the Clone Wars like many others in the Jedi Council. He died when the Empire executed Order 66 along with many other Jedi leaders.


Saving: Rugor Nass

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Plo Koon


I think it's cool that this guy is a good guy because everything about him just screams baddie. I guess it just goes to show, don't judge a book by its cover. Actually, it's just hitting me now, he looks like he belongs on Mad Max: Fury Road. Like I could picture him go-karting with the guitar dude (yes that's how I interpret Mad Max: Fury Road...I've still gotta watch Furiosa). Anyways, I've been cutting a lot of random pilots, but now that we're reaching top 100 it's time to move on to random Jedi. On the level of importance in the Star Wars canon, Plo Koon is above random pilots, but he's obviously not at Anakin level or anything. Plo cared for the Clones and was a firm believer in protecting all life. He's most notable for bringing Ahsoka into the Jedi Order as a toddler. Sometimes the student outlives the master as Ahsoka not only outlives him, but beats him in this game. Plo was one of the many Jedi taken down by the infamous Order 66.


Save Dexter

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The Grand Inquisitor

Tala Durith

Garsa Fwip


Galen Erso

Vice-Admiral Holdo


Kaydel Connix

Senator Bail Organa

Quinlan Vos


Wedge Antilles



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Another droid! Wow, maybe I shouldn't have cut HK-47 as they are one of the few characters we've cut so far that has their own ACTUAL Wikipedia page, not just a Wookiepedia page. But I think when it comes down to it when a droid isn't one of C3P0, R2, or BB8 then they pretty easily fall in to just the category of secondary character who isn't really going to impact the plot if they are gone. Anyway, HK is from KOTOR. A very good video game series. But it makes him not canon anymore. Which, you know what? KOTOR happens so far in the past before the events of the movies they should just keep it canon. HONESTLY the EU should just be canon. Anyway, HK is a droid constructed by Darth Revan to be an assassin. That's cool. I am replaying KOTOR right now and I think HK-47 still ages pretty well. But I think it's also one of those cases where HK-47 was the original archetype and now it's been done better.


Saving: another EU character LOWBACCA

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Here I am cutting another Droid. I swear I don't hate Droids! But this little guy is from the newer Star Wars video games Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: Survivor. They are perfectly fine games but I think every Star Wars RPG kind of reaches for the highs of KOTOR but fall short. It's like how every Star Wars flight sim is aiming for X-Wing. I know the Jedi games are technically not RPGs, but you know what I mean. Broad story-driven games. Anyway, BD-1 is Cal's buddy in these games. He accompanies Cal on his adventures and is programmed to be the perfect pal for exploration and research. I think he's very cute but overall I just don't have as much attachment to him as I do for other characters!


Saving: Rex

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Greedo is more important to the "Han shot first" FACT and less important to the narrative. In fact if George Lucas didn't retroactively edit it so Han shot second, Greedo would have been out a long time ago. George Lucas wanted to make Han's character less ambiguous and more outright "good." But like one of the reasons Han is so compelling is because he is this morally dubious scoundrel who ends up doing the right thing, and eventually doing them for the "right reasons." I mean originally Greedo didn't shoot Han at all I believe, he was shot before he could get his shot off. Anyway, I think it would be less controversial IF this retcon didn't happen when George Lucas was retconning everything and adding in stupid CGI to the old movies and all that and happening just around the time of the disastrous prequel trilogy (I do not care that there is like an edgy fandom embrace now of TPM, it's NOT good). Anyway, Greedo is a bounty hunter. He gets killed by Han Solo.


Saving: Holdo

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Meet BB-9E, Star Wars' new, evil version of BB-8 - Polygon


I added BB-9 to the game. He's basically BB-8 but evil lol. The New Order version of the same droid design. He was doing security and surveillance on Snoke's big ship and was able to intercept Finn and Rose during The Last Jedi. Well, not so much "intercept" as "alert Captain Phasma so she could intercept" or whatever. He has a very small part in the series but I love droids and I like mirrored designs so BB-9 checks those important boxes for me. Fun fact, people first learned about this new character before the movie was released when it appeared on a Lego toy box that was leaked. He shouldn't have lasted this long in the game but like I said, droids are fun


Save Revan

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Garsa Fwip

Garsa Fwip | StarWars.com

Screenshot 2024 07 23 at 10.12.05 PM


Another one that I added to the game! Not a huge player in the series, but I love all things Twi'lek. She appears in the Book of Boba Fett and honestly the Twi'leks and Mandalorian are the only good things about the series. She owns a cantina called The Santuary in Mos Espa. She's also like... the Madame for the Twi'leks who work at the cantina, including the unnamed Himbo Twi'lek that I chose as my representative for this game lmao. As Boba is trying to take over Jabba's old territory and make a name for himself and build his reputation as a boss, he has multiple encounters with local business owner Garsa. It was fun to see a female Twi'lek in a position of authority and political power when we've usually just seen them as random dancers, or just ugly male Twi'leks doing anything important. Unfortunately, as part of her interactions with Boba and the area, she became a target during Boba's trade war with the Pyke Syndicate and she died during the Pyke's bombing of the Sanctuary.


Save Bail

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Kaydel Connix

Kaydel Connix | StarWars.com


Kaydel is played by the iconic Billie Lourd, the real life daughter of Carrie Fisher and granddaughter of Debbie Reynolds and certified hollywood royalty. Billie initially auditioned for the part of Rey but lost out to Daisy of course. But JJ Abrams created a character for Billie instead, as I guess he wanted Billie to be there on set as part of the Star Wars magic. She was mostly in the background for Force Awakens from what I remember, but recognizable. I think later in the films she did get some lines. The Kaydel character is a lieutenant with the Resistance. She's one of the characters that survives the series and can be seen in the final celebrations.


Save Wedge

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I’m sorry guys for the holdup but I have a coursework for my Diploma due next week and it’s taking every minute of my spare time 😑


so if you want to get this going feel free to take over my cuts, if not I will try to work on them around the weekend!

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1 hour ago, Erestor said:

I’m sorry guys for the holdup but I have a coursework for my Diploma due next week and it’s taking every minute of my spare time 😑


so if you want to get this going feel free to take over my cuts, if not I will try to work on them around the weekend!

Good luck with your coursework!

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Tala Durith


When it comes to cutting Tala, I am doing it because she comes from one of the weaker shows and doesn't have the benefit of some of the others from having a bigger role in a superior animated show. I think it's really just that the Star Wars Universe has to get away from the traps of the Skywalker Saga. Like there are thousands of years of supposed Star Wars history, we can move on from it! Acolyte tried to do this to mixed success and I fear that mixed success means we won't get anything. I don't really think we needed an Obi-Wan show. But Disney's big subdivisions of Marvel and Star Wars are now creatively bereft and won't do anything interesting ever again. Anyway, Tala was a member of the Imperial Army but disillusioned by the cruelty of the Empire, she joined the Rebel forces. Anyway, she appears in 5 episodes of Obi-Wan and her time ends with her sacrificing herself for the greater good.

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So I want the KOTOR characters to last longer than the Fallen Order characters, because KOTOR is one of the best video games of all time and Jedi Fallen Order is a good video game of all time.


Merrin was a Nightsister who survived the massacre of the Nightsister Order. She thought the Jedi carried out the decimation of the Nightsisters so at first she hated them. But then eventually she realized she was being taken advantage of by a fallen Jedi who made her believe this to use her to carry out his own orders. Once she realized that was all fake she struck up an alliance with Cal and eventually over the course of game they become romantically involved.


She's not in KOTOR though, so making it past that first round is an accomplishment, but not too bummed to lose her now.


Saving: The Grand Inquisitor

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