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Australian Idol Season 9


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To me the first round of the Top21 had perfect choices, I wouldn't do anything different. My 2 favorite girls and my favorite guy, and Dylan who has been really consistent the whole show. They're choosing 2 girls and 2 boys each round, so it was really clear that Dylan and Ripley had better performances than Kobe. Kobe did a poor choice of arrangement for that song, it didn't match with the lyrics, so it was an empty message that he was singing. Ripley, every one of his performances makes me more sure that it will be hard for anyone else to steal his winning. Dylan is ready for his career, there's nothing to add, he seems very conscious of the type of artist he wants to be.


About the girls, Imogen again was really a stand out, there's no discussion, and it was really fair that she received the fast pass. I've never been a fan of Chenai, so again I was expecting her to be eliminated, probably it's just not my thing, she did a decent performance, but yeah, nothing got me again. Bethany is probably one of the contestant with more ups and downs on this competition, but that's is definitely a high point of her. I wasn't expecting this song choice to work for her and she did very well. Still it wasn't enough for me not to prefer Drea. I love everything about her, her tone is very special, she has a lot of control on her vocal choices, her stage presence works very naturally. I think her uniqueness couldn't be out of this top 12, no one else could fill her spot. 

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Second Round: 


That was a really strong episode, the girls made it hard to choose. I agree with tho, cause since they're all did great performances tonight, Amy and Ivana have been more consistent, they've been delivering great after great, so it made harder for the other girls. Saoirse had one of the strongest auditions, really connecting and emotional, but I think the thing was that she put the stakes too high, and didn't delivery all that was expected from her during the show. Tonight she did really good, but maybe she had a little lack of stage presence. Natasha surprised me a lot, that's probably my favorite performance of her, I love that song and she executed it really well. I think she should be on the same night as Kym Miaco cause to me they would be fighting for the same spot. Tonight she was probably against Ivana who also did an upbeat song, and yeah, that's a tough barely impossible competition lol she was my favorite tonight, untouchable performance, the vocals, the presence it was everything there. Amy also did an on point performance, and it makes you get some points by executing so well a song so big like this one.


About the boys, yeah, I knew it couldn't be all perfect choices. Jackson was one of my favorites I'm really sad to see him go so soon. Even though tonight he did a really simple performance, with no big moments, but to me the same goes for Trent. And obviously I prefer Jackson much more, even more than Issac. But yeah, it's undeniable that Issac showed a really good improvement tonight and it was probably the best male performance. I hope to see Jackson on the voice another year, I think he has a lot of potential. Even though I like Trent, I feel like I've been waiting for him to delivery something more, but every performance it's kind of the same thing for me.

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TOP 21 - Third Round


1 - Jake Carlson - Take Me Back


2 - Denvah Baker-Moller - Perfect 


3 - Kym Miaco - Mamma Knows Best


4 - Tyler Hamill - Waves


5 - Kiani Smith - Rhiannon 


6 - Olivia Brittion - greedy 


7 - TJ Zimba - Peaches 


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Okay so I finally started watching the semi finals last night. It's interesting how they have it down to a Top 21. I'm so used to it being a Top 24. Also love seeing Marcia Hines back as a judge! ❤️ This transformation theme is really interesting. I'll post my thoughts.

Dylan Wright - Walking in Memphis by Marc Cohn: Hmm I was never really that big on this song choice. Oh goshh, a WGWG that plans on breaking out from his guitar as that is his safety net. This intro with him talking about his transformation and changing his hair, sure is interesting. :haha: This performance was fine and a decent way to start. The start of it was a little slow and boring but I was more interested with how he picked it up. I like how how delivered more vocally and had lots of fun with that. I don't know anything about him but I feel pretty certain he is going to go far here. :haha:

Drea Onamade - New Rules by Dua Lipa: Aww at Drea doing the show for "baby Dra" and the clip of her younger self was adorable. OMGG her with writing all of those notes on the board was something else. :dead:  I love how detailed she is. Also "New Rules" is such an interesting song choice for a singing show. This is an interesting performance. She has a pretty and cool voice. But then I like the fun she had when the song picked up. Something about her, I like her style and attitude. I like how she showcased more stage presence as the song went on though at the same time I wish she used more of the stage. She seems like a natural performer and I do want to see more from her. But yeah I did really like this and thought this was fun! :bobo:

Ripley Alexander - Back For Good by Take That: It's interesting how Ripley went viral with his cover of "Mamma Mia" with 10 million+ views. So hmmm, is he an early frontrunner? Oooh it's pretty cool that he got to meet Gary Barlow and now gets to sing one of his songs in front of him.  Despite the struggles he had in the rehearsals, this was a very nice song choice that suited his voice. He has a really nice voice and this was a very pretty performance. I liked the range he showcase and the heartfelt emotion he put into the song.. He does have a lot of star quality. I'm sure he's another one that could go far. LOL Kyle's criticizing his stance looking like he's waiting for food in prison? :dead: Oooh Amy calling it a little bit pitchy, which I think I had heard earlier on.

Imogen Spendlove - From This Moment On by Shania Twain: LOL Aww I love how much in awe she is about the wardrobe and shoes... hahaha she was so cute about it. :haha: Aww it's sad how often she doubted herself in the intro video. :( Ah wow I haven't heard this song in quite awhile but it's such a great song. Imogen has a really pretty voice and lot of vocal power, which I really like. I like all of the vocal range she showcased her. I love how she started it off softly, slowly built it up and then woww at all of the power she showcased as she got to the big part of the song. :omg:  She diva'd it out! This was so powerful and beautiful. :wub: OMGG at how speechless Amy was when trying to comment on this. Oooh yayyy Imogen got Marcia's fast pass! So well deserved. :ohyeah:

Bethany Byrne - Used to Be Young by Miley Cyrus: The story/intro with her talking about her daughter and being a single mom was really nice and sweet. Hmm this looks like this could be a good song choice for Bethany.  OMG is it me or does she look like Colbie Caillat here in this performance? But this was a very pretty performance. She has a really nice voice and sang the song nicely.... and yeah overall, it was fairly nice. Aww it was so cute hearing Bethany's daughter for rooting her own in the audience.

Kobe White - When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars: Omgg why is he doing an upbeat funk version of this song? I'm so scared. I love this song a ton the way it is. But it was fun seeing Kobe and Bruno when they were kids, haha. Aww his comments on his nerves with his shaking his leg but I like how he said he wants to channel that into his performance, which is good. Hmmm ok the rearrangement. Okay the version did trip me out a bit, lmao I don't know what to think. But I do think he has a nice voice and he showcase some nice vocal range towards the end. I just don't know or think that arrangement was really needed here, as the performance did seem a little too busy. He does need to not let the nerves get to him and really let loose while performing. Marcia said it best that he needs to learn to believe in himself as a performer. Yikes @ Kyle not liking this at all. But I get his comments of the message of the song and the jazz arrangement not meshing well.

Chenai Boucher - Zombie by The Cranberries: Oooh Chenai auditioned last year? I wonder how far she made it but yay for her that she made it through to the Final 21 this year. Aww the start of her intro where she was at the lowes point of her life was so sad but ahh wow she takes her fitness so seriously, which is great to see. Ooh wow this is such a big and classic song choice to take on. 😮 Wow his was an intense and powerful performance. She has that raspy  and husky voice but it works for this song and what she was going for. It was dark, intense, powerful and fun to watch! I will say the main thing is that I wish she showcased some variety here. She didn't really have any softer moments to build up the song. Yikes @ Amy's karaoke number comment.

1. Imogen Spendlove 
2. Ripley Alexander 
3. Drea Onamade 
4. Dylan Wright 
5. Chenai Boucher 
6. Bethany Byrne 
7. Kobe White 

This was a retty enjoyable first semi-final show. I would say 2/3 and 4/5 were interchangeable for me. As for the results, it was no surprise that Kyle would put through Ripley. He seemst o cause so much buzz and I bet there would have been outrage if he didn't make it through. :dead: I'm not surprised about Dylan but he's deserving of making it through. OMGG why did Amy take forever annnounce the final contesant? This was taking foreve and I was falling asleep awaiting her decision. :dead: 

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11 minutes ago, *Wallace said:


Chenai Boucher - Zombie by The Cranberries: Oooh Chenai auditioned last year? I wonder how far she made it but yay for her that she made it through to the Final 21 this year. Aww the start of her intro where she was at the lowes point of her life was so sad but ahh wow she takes her fitness so seriously, which is great to see. Ooh wow this is such a big and classic song choice to take on. 😮 Wow his was an intense and powerful performance. She has that raspy  and husky voice but it works for this song and what she was going for. It was dark, intense, powerful and fun to watch! I will say the main thing is that I wish she showcased some variety here. She didn't really have any softer moments to build up the song. Yikes @ Amy's karaoke number comment.


Chenai auditioned with My Immortal by Evanescence and didn't make it past the auditions last year

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The choices tonight were exactly what I expected again, besides Kiani being chosen, causa I though Kym would be on her place. Considering the performances, I can understand, I was also expeting a bit more from Kym, and with Ivana and Drea advancing with upbeat performances, I think she lost her spot. It's sad to me, cause I see a lot of potential on her. Kiani did a good performance and her tone is really enjoyable. To me Olivia, was the weakest from the girls, so if they weren't choosing Kym, Kiane and Denvah were def the right choices. There's no one like Denvah on the show, and it's to find it anywhere, she's really unique, so I had no doubts her spot was guaranteed. 


About the guys, it was also nothing out of what I expected. Tyler was really deserving of the fast pass, my favorite singer tonight and has doing a perfect trajectory on the show. Between TJ and Jake, I'm not even a little surprised, as I said before I think Jake has been a little generic on his latest performances and even though he did good tonight there's already Tyler and Issac with similar styles already on the top 21. And on the other hand TJ is more unique and after some really bad performances, tonight he was able to show what the judges have seen on him on the auditions, his artistry in general.

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I think it is a pretty interesting and balanced top 12. I definitely would change Issac and Kiani for Jackson Smith and Kym Miaco, but I understand that the chosen ones did good performances on the night. My 3 favorites, now that Jackson is gone, continues to be Ripley, Imogen and Drea, but I think everyone has potential to get to the final, I have no ideia what the audience choices are gonna be, but anyway it will be sad and surprising to see anyone go. The only thing that is almost 100% closed, is that Ripley is def gonna be on the grand final, and he's the most likely to win.

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I watched the Group 2 round yesterday.


Group 2 Thoughts!

Amy Reeves - Think by Aretha Franklin: Lol that's too cute that Amy learned to sing the diva classics before learning the alphabet. Oooh "Think" is a really big song, but love that she's doing a fun big diva song. Though that clip of her being sick ahead of her performance (and not being able to rehearse for it) worries me. Ooh and then come performance time.... and I was NOT expecting this. :dead: Dangg that was insane. :omg: Where the heck was her sickness as she surely didn't seem sick here? She has a really big, strong and powerful voice. She delivered a strong and stunning vocal but she also had fun and worked the stage. She has great stage presence. Maybe some points she really stretched her vocal range where it could have gotten shouty but I didn't mind it. She's also very beautiful. Loowkey highkey she could be one of my favorites, if not actual favorite, so hopefully she makes it through. 

Trent Richardson - Heaven by Bryan Adams: OMG Trent's dad is as country as it gets. :dead: He's also a hilarious one. :haha: So yeah I figured Trent would be a country boy and lo and hehold, yep, he is. LOL at his demo of how to be a country star. This is his first time to perform in front of a crowd, so I bet the judges and audience are gonna eat this up. Well I like his song choice and it's not country, though he countrified it so that's okay with me. Sadly, this was very lackluster following Amy and I wasn't too crazy about it. His looking up in the sky was a little distracting. He has a decent country voice at times but other times, it's kinda whiny, pitchy and weird to me. Overall, it was okay for his first big live performance. It was alright but not too memorable. LOL Dang Amy went there in saying his vocals aren't nowhere near some of the other contestants. :dead: Though she followed it with nice comments. Kyle was a lot nicer than what I was expecting with his comments. 

Natasha Rose - "Part of Me" by Katy Perry: From her earlier performances, Natasha seems like an interesting performer, specifically with that clip of "Bad Romance." But uh oh at the pitch problems and vocal issues she has. Oooh wow, "Part of Me" is a really interesting and unexpected song choice but I am curious about it. Oooh even the vocal coach talks about her pitch issues. Overall, her voice isn't really my favorite and I kinda struggled what to think of it. But what I really like about her is that she is a fun, sassy and interesting performer.  I like how she goes for it and has so much fun while performing. I get Amy's comments on her pop star comments - her vocals aren't really there to be a superstar pop star and the baby pop star in the making makes sense. She's got potential, for sure. But sadly, I do feel like the song ate her up. Lol I agree with Kyle that the best part about her is her moving around / her stage presence. 

Issac McCallum - "Say You Won't Let Go" by James Arthur: Uh oh at these clips of him forgetting his lyrics on the Top 30 performance. This is being talked up a lot, so he will either raise to the challenge and redeem himself or completely flop. Ooof that clip was rough to watch. Oooh I love his song choice here. Oooh dear, these rehearsals do not look good. Ooh wait up.... but this performance is actually really good? I'm kinda shook because I did not have high hopes for him. I really like his voice. He's got a good pop soulful voice and sang the song with a lot of heart and emotion. He could work on his stage presence as he was a little nervous and didn't completely own the stage. But his voice is really good. There's untapped potential and he could really grow throughout the season. Though I think a longer season could benefit his growth as a performer. Wow Kyle was so sweet and touching with his comments but agree that Issac does have something special. Oooh with Amy's comments, I just had a feeling she was going to give him the Fast Pass.... and yep, I called that. :dead: I'm not mad about it as he was certainly better than Trent and Natasha. But Amy better not get screwed over.

Ivana Ilic - "Remember" by David Guetta featuring Becky Hill: OMG lmaooo the interview Scott did with Ivana's little brother was too funny and adorable. :haha: Ooh so interesting how the female judges said Ivana had a sexy voice. If Kyle said that, there would be lawsuits.  Okay, this is the first song I don't know of this episode. Aww at Ivana getting freaked out about the choreo and saying she can't dance. But aww she was really in her head in these rehearsals. I was worried about the song choice at first. But she started off nicely and handled the song well when it got the upbeat part. She's got a really good and big voice. I like the power and range that she showcased on the faster part of the song. But then she brought the softness on the softer parts of the song. Her stage presence was pretty good. With how Kyle started this, I thought he was gonna hate this but he didn't. I get how this felt like a concert type performance. 

Jackson Smith - "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias: Ooh wow at Jackson becoming a father just days ago. 😮 That must be tough doing this competition away from a newborn baby. 😮 Aww the picture with Kyle and his baby son was really cute. Aww the clips with Jackson and his newborn baby was really sweet. Oooh this is second baby. 😮 I do love this song but have no idea if this is a good song choice for him? But I'll see. He's got an interesting voice and this is also a very interesting version of the song. He connected well with the emotion of it and definitely sung it from the heart. I am not too crazy about his voice and wanted more range from him. Oooh okay, he did show more of that towards the end but I'm not liking the rangier part of his voice here. I feel like he's not really handling the stress and balance of the competition and raising a baby that well but it's hard for many people to handle both. This was fairly nice but not a standout.  Ooof, the part where he was crying to Marcia and mentioned missing his family and everything he was explaining about their situation... this was really sad and tough to watch. :broken: And ooh okay, with Kyle being a new father... this must explain why he's so nice. Aww at them having his wife/girlfriend? and baby via video. 

Saoirse Harding - "Scars to Your Beautiful" by Alessia Cara: lol at Saoirse using her mother's name because most people can't say her name. That is a hard name to say. :haha: But it has a very lovely meaning to it. Ooh I love her song choice as that's a very beautiful song. This was a really nice and pretty performance. Saorise's got a very pretty and lovely voice. I like the different layers and colors she showcased of her voice. I felt she had a little more to give and could have given more dynamics in her vocal and performance. Yikes at Kyle always forgetting about her unless she's performing. This is my first time seeing her and I can get those comments. She seems fairly good and does everything well but I can get how she may not stand out amongst the crowd. I do think she's good enough to advance to the finals but if there's no way that all of Amy/Ivana/Saoirse can make it through, I can see her missing out making the Final 12 for someone less deserving. :( 

1. Amy Reeves
2. Ivana Ilic
3. Issac McCallum
4. Saoirse Harding
5. Natasha Rose
6. Jackson Smith
7. Trent Richardson

I feel like these rankings were fairly easy to figure out. 


Results thoughts:
- Amy takes forever to annouce these results. :dead: But thank goodness that they saved Amy first. I liked that with Amy saving Amy. :giggle: And yayyy this result as Amy was the main oe I wanted to advance through so now i don't have to worry or be mad at these judges. :wub:
- Thank goodness that Ivana made it through as she was also  very deserving of advnaicing through.
- For the last pick, I would like it to be Saoirse but I doubt the judges would choose 3 girls on this group. I think they may go with a curve ball and I could see them going with Jackson due to the emotional connection they have for him. But could also be Trent..... for the country vote. UGH.... wow they really put Trent through. What the heck? 😐 This was definitely a shocking result but I figured something shocking would happen. Hopefully the country vote isn't too strong in Australia because if it is, I can really see him lasting a long time and outlasting much better singers. I would have preferred Jackson as the curveball contestant but then he needs to be with his family.


I hope to catch up on the Group 3 round either tonight or tomorrow.

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I watched Group 2 and 3 a couple days ago.


Semi’s 2:


1.  Amy– killer voice, and it just goes to show that you do not have to re-arrange a song to “fit” the artist.  A good song is a good song.

2.  Saiorse – I really liked Saiorse – not sure why she wasn’t advanced.  That’s jank!

3.  Issac – We’ve seen a lot of these types of singers recently on shows.  He’s good, not sure I found that fast pass worthy though.

4.  Ivana – I think she has a strong voice, I just don’t think this song did anything for her.

5.  Jackson – I enjoyed the performance, but Isaac did what he was trying to do better. This performance felt very season 2 American Idol.

6.  Natasha – I like the tone of her voice, but this song is not a good competition song and I think that hurt her.

7.  Trent – lord the country twang is strong with this one.  I don’t really feel like he was needed, as I think Dylan can slot into the country slot too. He sang fine, but saying that everyone else sang better then fine.


Semi’s 3:

1.  Denvah – no one show her to QK lol. I thought her voice added something cool to this song, so props to her. I think she probably would have had my fast pass from this round.

2.  Kim – the Top 12 is missing strong female performers besides Amy, so I think she had a spot.  I think her vocals were maybe at 85% of where they should have been for this song.

3.  Tyler – it was good.

4.  TJ – I thought he was singing Peaches from the Mario Movie when I saw the song choice.  Thank god, it was the Bieber song.  He performed well.

5.  Kiana – She sang well.  She feels like Top 12 fodder though, I expect her not to make it past the first cut of the Top 12. 

6.  Jake – I think there was a spot for him in the Top 12…. Over Trent from Semi’s 2.  At least he was bringing something different from the other artists.

7.  Olivia – I like Tate McCrae and Greedy.  I didn’t love this performance. I like her hair though.  Probably my least favorite performance of the night though.


I don’t have too many strong feelings about group 3.

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Okay I watched the Group 3 show. And I am in my feelings right now. 🙂 But I wrote up a review!


Group 3 Thoughts!


Jake Carlson - "Take Me Back" by Noiseworks: Jake seems like a nice, chill laid back guy. Aww his story with his father and this song was kinda touching. Oooh he's gonna play with an electric guitar? Interesting.  Oooh and first performance of the night and it's already a song that I don't know.  Oh wow, he looks kinda so different without glasses and yeah this is quite the transformation. 😮 Well with me not knowing the song, this was kind of tough for me to get into. But he seems like a comfortable performer, engaged with the song + audience and he sang the song nicely. The guitar solo was cool and fun. It was one of those objectively good performances that I don't really care or connect that much with. Ooh wow, Kyle didn't like it and thought it started off weak and think he's better than this performance. Okay this performance didn't get as well received that I thought it would get but I agree with a lot of the judges comments. Aww his mother in the audience with her comments was adorable. :haha: 

Denvah Baker-Moller - "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran: Oooh so there's a country girl. Nice that she got to sing Kacey Chambers whom I have no idea who that is. Oooh wow, this is a very unexpected song choice and not what I was expecting from the country girl. :dead: Ooh I liked the advice the vocal coach gave of not yodeling too much in this performance, cause yeah it would not work with this song. I am definitely intrigued on a country version of this song. No surprise that I am not really that big on her voice. She did have a few yodels in there that I didn't really care for but I get that it makes her her. But then as the performance carried on, it got better and it was a very nice and pretty performance. I am kinda mixed on the performance overall but I do think I liked more parts than I didn't like. Like Marcia said, she does look very beautiful and like a country star.  She got a lot of positive comments and surely will make it through. She would have been fine enough being the country representative of the season. 

Kym Miaco - "Mamma Knows Best" by Jessie J: Okay I feel like Kym is the first singer of the night I could excited about here. Oooh aww at her singing this in her teenage school days. Ooh and wow that was a decade ago. I love the song so I hope she can pull this off. Oooh okayy now THIS is the performance I've been waiting for this whole episode. This was slayage! :omg: This was ferocious, fiery and such a fierce performance! :omg: I love the sass and attitude that she brought to this performance. She was very confident in how she sang and performed this. She showcased a lot of great vocal range. Marcia said it all "you tore that up!" LMAOO Kyle with his opening comments and letting out the s-word. :dead: But yeah, Kym also showcased so much star potential. She's another one that could be a potential favorite for me and I'm really looking forward to her. So don't mess this up judges. The comments leads me to think she's a shoo in to make it through. 

Tyler Hammill - "Waves" by Dean Lewis: Ooh Tyler is a surfer dude I see and oooh he has a nice tour bus there. Okay he's singing a modern day Australian classic... and this is another song I don't really know. This seems like a good song for his voice. He has a nice lower reigster in his voice. I liked how he built up the song too. He sung the song with a lot of passion. He has that rawness in his voice and performing. Yeah I thought this was a pretty cool and good performance. I don't have a whole lot to say but it was solid. Oooh interesting how the judges thought he started off quite shaky. I guess I can get that but I didn't really think that. OMG soooo this is how Kyle uses his fast pass? The judges pretty much slammed this performance and then this happens? :dead: Well Kyle did say if someone slipped up with a weaker performance that he could save them based on their potential and past performances, so I guess that happened here. Granted I didn't think the performance was as bad as the judges thought but I don't know if I agree with this. 

Olivia Brittion - "greedy" by Tate McRae: Oooh Olivia got in contact with Tate McRae to help her out with her performance? OMGG woww at her performing "greedy." Wow I really love this song, sooo wow I'm really curious about this performance now. 😮 This is really cool how Olivia got so much helpful advice from Tate here. Wow even with her outfit/getup, she's got that pop star/Tate look. She also kinda reminds me so much of Halsey all of a sudden - looks-wise and performance-wise too. 😮 Wow okay this is a really ambitious song choice to take on. 😮 Okay, I really love how gutsy she is and how she really went for it here! She really performed the heck out of this song  - with incredible stage presence and energy! She also brought some really solid vocals. The song is very wordy and maybe it wasn't a perfect vocal. Yeah like Amy said, she doesn't have one of the biggest vocals here but her voice doe work for her. She has a lot of pop star quality/potential and she is so fun! She's someone I am definitely interested in seeing more of, so I hope she doesn't get shafted though I'm a little worried for her for some reason. 

Kiani Smith - "Rhiannon" by Fleetwood Mac: Aww at Kiani being the youngest in the competition, with her being 17. Although she looks 12 or 13. She looks like such a baby. :haha: Oooh interesting how she is singing such a classic song and oooo she's not using the guitar. I am here for that.  Oooh aww it's her mother's favorite song, so that makes sense why she's singing this. This was a nice and lovely performance. I thought she sang the song nicely. She does have some really pretty falsetto notes. 😮 I don't know if I really cared for the arrangement - as for the second half of it, she was belting and dragging out "Rhiannon" for quite awhile and I wish she sang more of the lyrics on the latter half. But it was still really classy and really good. Wow the audience went crazy over this one. 😮 Oooh Kyle calling this the best of the night - so Kiani should surely make it through. Aww her mother in the audience was adorable with her reaction to the performance.

TJ Zimba - "Peaches" by Justin Bieber featuring Daniel Caesar & Giveon: Ooooh a rapper in the competition? And OMG he's singing "Peaches"? I am definitely intrigued by this. OMG TJ's friend hoping he finds a wife during/after the competition. :dead: Aww TJ's story of wanting to do this for kids like him and the community is quite a moving and touching story. "Peaches" is a really interesting song choice and yeah I am curious what he does with this song, as while I do love it, it's not really a singer's/competition type song. TJ is really unique and he stands out as there isn't really anyone like him. Sadly his voice isn't that great or that impressive but I got that impression from his intro video. But I do like his vibe/style and him as a performer. He's quite a dynamic and interesting performer. When he got to let loose and have fun during the second half of the performance, thatt was really something else. That was fun, intriguing and he's someone that would bring a lot of fun and style to the competition. The judges are still fair and right on TJ needing to work on his singing, but at least he makes up for it with his performance. I'm not sure if this will be enough to advance him through to the finals - but then apart of me can see him making it through. Omgg awww at how speechless Amy was here. Wow Amy's can't see a Top 12 without him, so she will be pushing hard for him.  

1. Kym Miaco
2. Olivia Brittion
3. Kiani Smith
4. TJ Zimba
5. Tyler Hammill
6. Denvah Baker-Moller
7. Jake Carlson

I guess these would be my rankings? This is tough to figure out. 2/3 could be interchangeable. 4/5 could be interchangeable too.

Results thoughts:
- Ugh this is probably the most nerve wrecking result yet as I feel nearly all of these singers could make it through here. OMGG Kyle's comments.... had me thinking he was going to put through Kym or Kiani.... but it ended up being TJ. 😮 Okayy I do like TJ and find him really intriguing. A part of me did see him making it to the Top 12, especially with Amy's comment. I'm fine with it for nw but Kym better not get robbed.
- Oh wow Marcia was sooo dramatic about this - and then she chose Denvah. Okayyy.... I could have been fine with one of TJ or Denvah but both of them? And then Kyle using his save on Tyler? This is becoming a real mess of a result. 
- Now it's down to Amy... ugh, okay, I am  thinknig it's between Kiani  and Kym. It's a real shame that one of them is going to get robbed. Although I feeel like.... there could be a teaser for a Top 13, hopefully. But if not, I'm so expecting Kym to get robbed. I don't like that it's down to these two as they should have been the first two to advance. Yep. I knew it.... I knew Kiani would make it through. And I knew that Kym was going to get big time ROBBED. Soooo freaking ridiculous and disgusting. 😐 😐 😐 Kym tore the roof off that stage and.... goes home for it? Imma just take this up as the judges or producers are too scared that Kym is a big threat to whoever their favorites are. And ugh I couldn't even express my sadness for Olivia as I really liked her and sad about her going too. :(
- Wow the judges started off doing great on Sunday, then did good but lost it a bit on Monday. But then they completely lost the plot on Tuesday. 😐 

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I think these would be my Top 12 Rankings:


1. Kym Miaco
1. Amy Reeves
2. Imogen Spendlove 
3. Ivana Ilic
4. Ripley Alexander 
5. Drea Onamade 
6. Issac McCallum
7. Dylan Wright 
8. Kiani Smith
9. TJ Zimba
10. Tyler Hammill
11. Denvah Baker-Moller
12. Trent Richardson

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Live Shows 1 - Top 12


1 - Imogen Spendlove - Finally (CeCe Peniston) 


2 - Isaac McCallum - Wake Me Up (Avicii)


3 - Drea Onamade - Lil Boo Thang (Paul Russell)


4 - Dylan Wright - I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) (The Proclaimers)


5 - TJ Zimba - Party Rock Anthem (LMFAO)


6 - Kiani Smith - Cheap Thrills (Sia) 


Special Guest: Jessica Mauboy performs Forget You


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6 minutes ago, AlissonfromBR said:

News from the today Episode?

Theme: Party Anthems


Imogen Spendlove - Finally by CeCe Penniston 

Issac McCallum - Wake Me Up by Avicci

Drea Onamade - Lil Boo Thang by Paul Russell

Dylan Wright - I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers - JUDGES SAVE

TJ Zimba - Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO

Kiani Smith - Cheap Thrills by Sia


@Solaris @*Wallace

Top 12

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