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RuPaul's Drag Race Down Under - Season 3


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I agree this challenge was messy.  Even the best performer had issues. I do see lots of potential from this cast.



1. Hollywould Star - she did come in like a lightning bolt.  That said, she is very clearly not lipsyncing for a lot of the challenge and just moving.  Best of the week though.

2. Isis Ava Loren - Weird drag name, wonder what the origin is.  But she were great in the werk room, and I really enjoyed her runway and challenge outfit.

3. Flor - likable, I want to see more!

4. Ivana Drink - I want to see more too.

5. Gabriella Labucci - good job in the challenge, I don't know if I am a huge fan of the aesthetic though.

6.  Rita Menu - just there.

7.  Ivory Glaze - I like her, did marginally better then Amyl in the lipsync, and had a good runway.

8. Ashley Madison - Oof, I agree about the nipples. However, best drag name of the season. 

9. Bumpa Love - can't say im a fan.

10. Amyl - they seemed likable, so its sad they were out first. Down Under is a great song, but not a great lipsync song imo.

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Probably the worst opening episode I’ve seen from any of the Drag Race shows. I know this franchise is a slow burner anyway and the last two seasons got better towards the end but I still don’t think it’s got much life left.


I don’t even know how I’d rank everyone at this point. Gabriella would probably be my favourite from the first week with Flor, Rita and Hollywood behind her.

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Watched episode 1, and the queens truly served us some "go girl, give us nothing" realness from their entrance to the group performance to the runway to the lipsync. 

Not connecting with any of the queens, and RuPaul & Michelle looked like they didn't want to be there. 

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Also watched Episode #2.  Only one of them really gave us an outstanding look, everyone else could have been in the bottom and not everyone getting praises for looks that they didn't even make.

Still not connecting with anyone, just yet. 

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21 minutes ago, Solaris said:

Isis dominated the week, I think Hollywould and Bumpa deserved high. 



Rita deserves to go home just for that outfit.  3 different patterns that dont compliment each other at all.

Must be nice to be high when someone else did part of your outfit for you :wub: 


Bumpa was another Jorgeous situation for me ; It seriously felt that it was wrapped around her and she got props for the accesories and not the main piece of the  look.  

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Just now, *Chris said:

Must be nice to be high when someone else did part of your outfit for you :wub: 


Bumpa was another Jorgeous situation for me ; It seriously felt that it was wrapped around her and she got props for the accesories and not the main piece of the  look.  


Bumpa is high because everyone else did terrible.  

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2 hours ago, Solaris said:


Bumpa is high because everyone else did terrible.  

Oh, 100%. 

I also didn't agree with Ivanna in the bottom espiecially over some of the safe looks.

Also Ashley is a ticking time bomb. 

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I think this episode played out how it should have.



1.  Ashley Madison - taking a religious figure and making them super flamboyant?  Taking a page of Trinitys play book for snatch game, smart move.  Comfortably the best of a meh snatch game.

2. Isis Avis Loren - shes really coming into her own this season.  She did a great job this week (and really every week so far).  Icesis Couture did Donatella better though.

3. Hollywould Star - her Naomi giving zero f's is what I inspire to be everyday.  I liked her robot Kylie runway too.

4. Bumpa Love - would have put her safe for the runway, not the snatch game.  

5. Gabriella LAbucci - I would have put her in the bottom for that awful runway.  But I suppose her snatch game was enough to be safe.

6. Flor - decent job in the lipsync.  

7. Rita Menu - I don't care for her lipsyncing.  Another Cardi B. eliminated in snatch game.  That's gotta be a record now.  


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4 episodes in, and still not feeling the season. I am not WOW'ed at all by any of the queens - IAL is probably my favourite by default ?  

The snatch game wasn't funny at all. Didn't really laugh at any of them.

Once again, you have KYLIE MINOGUE and there's too many looks that were an exact copy of each other.. This is Madonna, all over again... Why did no one do the Aphrodite album cover? Get Outta My Head?  Mardi Gras looks?  Some of her JP Gaultier looks?  What a meh runway for a meh snatch game, imo. 

Ranking at this point:

01. Isis Avis Loren

02. Hollywould Star

03. Ashley Madison

04. Bumpa Love

05. Gabriella LaBucci 

06. Flor

07. Rita Menu

Edited by *Chris
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That runway was.. hilariously awful. I was hoping Down Under would redeem itself after a great second season but right now, I’m worried.


Rough Snatch Game too. I thought the top two were definitely above and beyond the others but I don’t think either will go down as classics. Love Hollywould but think she got very lucky to be safe for a pretty poor Naomi impression.


All that being said, still a few I’m rooting for at this point. Isis, Bumpa, Hollywould and Gabriella are my top faves.

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This episode also wasn't amazing. I did love that the reading challenge was so bad, Ru was like f*ck it, Ben wins.



1. Hollywould Star - she gets first place for me this week.  I actually liked Isis more in the challenge, but Hollywould had a great runway, verse and performance.  So she gets the #1 spot.

2. Isis Avis Loren - I didn't love the runway, but I see why the judges did.  I did love her hair though.  She also was great in the performance, but her verse was dull.

3. Gabriella Labucci - she was the weakest of her group, but she kept up. Her runway was better this week though.

4. Flor - best of her group.

5. Bumpa Love - didn't love it. She did better in the lipsync though.

6. Ashley Madison - I think overally I still like her more then Flor or Bumpa, but this was a bad episode for her.



With 5 left my overall standing is:

1. Isis Avis Loren

2. Hollywould Star

(should be the Top 2)

3. Flor

4. Gabriella Labucci (her runways hold her back for me)

5. Bumpa Love

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Why am I even bothering watching this season?  None of the queens are WOW'ing me, and the reading challenges? Terrible.  Honestly, it seems that queens nowadays always struggled with the reading challenge, no matter the series they're on. 


My ranking would be the following, I guess?

01. Isis Avis Loren

02. Hollywould Star

03. Flor

04. Ashley Madison

05. Gabriella Labucci 

06. Bumpa Love


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1 hour ago, *Chris said:

Why am I even bothering watching this season?  None of the queens are WOW'ing me, and the reading challenges? Terrible.  Honestly, it seems that queens nowadays always struggled with the reading challenge, no matter the series they're on. 


My ranking would be the following, I guess?

01. Isis Avis Loren

02. Hollywould Star

03. Flor

04. Ashley Madison

05. Gabriella Labucci 

06. Bumpa Love



There's no Spankie Jackzons in this line up.  

Edited by Solaris
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This season is truly the worst one I’ve ever watched. They could take it off air now and I wouldn’t spend even a minute wondering who wins.


01. Isis - She’s by far the strongest queen there and really likeable.

02. Gabriella - She stepped up her runway and did really well in the challenge.

03. Bumpa - Just meh.

04. Hollywood Star - I don’t really connect with her but she’s doing fine.
05. Flor - I liked Flor to begin with but she’s been doing worse each week.

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This was probably my favorite episode of the season.



1. Flor - this really felt like Flors breakout episode.  Do I think she deserved to win the challenge?  I don't.  She was a great choice for second place.  However she had a really amazing moment in the workroom talking about her story, she had my favorite runway of the night and I really enjoyed her performance.

2. Isis Avis Loren - I hope she wins this season.  She'd be a great winner from a meh cast. I loved her routine, and the message.  Completely agree with that win.

3. Hollywould Star - So I agree with Michele.  The opera was way too small of a component.  It should have taken half the time, if not pulled a Monet and did it for the whole performance.

4. Gabriella LaBucci - eh.  I liked her runway this week!

5.  Bumpa Love - That was rough.  

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