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SPOILERS: If there's a coach comeback for Season 22, who do you want each coach to bring back for playoffs?


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I highly doubt that there actually is a coach comeback this next season, but if there is one, who would you want to come back from each team? I know we've barely seen their material buuuuut as we've seen it's more than enough for us to root for certain contestants and for eliminations to hurt. Manifestation works!!! Let's make it happen IDF



Para mi:


Team Legend: Morgan Taylor (considering her knockout was apparently great and deserved to move on I would've loved to see her in the playoffs. Emma Brooke is another choice of mine)


Team Gwen: Cara Brindisi (obvi)


Team Camila: Andrew Igbokidi (would be perfeclty fine with Steven McMorran too)


Team Blake: Eva Ullman (Honestly his team is very country heavy this season and I'm not exactly invested in anyone already eliminated from his team but Eva's voice caught my attention)


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Team Legend - Morgan Taylor (Though honestly John picked the right people for his team already)


Team Gwen - Cara Brindisi (If there's any reason I want a coach comeback to happen, it's for her to have a live performance on this show)


Team Camila - Jaeden Luke or Steven McMorran (I like them for similar reasons, I'd be happy with either coming back)


Team Blake - ???, maybe the Dryes.

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Team Legend - Valarie Collins-Harding (I just find her the most interesting of all of John's remaining names, but I definitely think he picked the right top 3, plus a very worthy steal)


Team Gwen - Kayla Von der Heide (I adore everything I've heard from her so far. Cara Brindisi wouldn't be that far behind and I wouldn't oppose)


Team Camila - Steven McMorran (Easy pick. I would support seeing ANY of them back. Probably Steven > Chello > Reina > Jaeden > Andrew > Orlando)


Team Blake - Eva Ullmann (Most interesting of the 4)

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Legend - Probably Valerie, but not really complaining about any eliminations here, honestly.


Gwen - Kayla (Love her song choices so far, and really like what I´ve seen from her on SM, plus her and Gwen seemed like a great match). HM to Daysia.


Camila - Steven or Jaeden. (Shame that they both got eliminated on KOs, but the format is brutal. Would love to see at least one of them comeback).


Blake - The Dryes ( A bit surprised they´re out this early, especially after apparently beating Bryce in battles. They have gorgeous harmonies and overall are very fun to watch. They have some great original tunes as well).

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Legend - Maybe Emma Brooke or Morgan?Not sure for his team.


Gwen - Cara or Daysia


Camila - Steven McMorran  (although she already has her folk artist in Devix,I still would love to see him again) or Jaeden (indie/pop/folk)he is very versatile 


Blake - I honestly don't know. Blake's team is mostly the one I like the least in almost every season not that there aren't good artists,. it's just that it can be quite country heavy and even if he has other genre artists,they are not captivating enough sometimes 



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