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Canada's Drag Race Season 2


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  • Solaris changed the title to Canada's Drag Race Season 2

I didn't get a chance to do a pre-season ranking yet but very excited for Icesis Couture - I do wish Savannah would have been on at the same time but one will do!

Also happy that there`s a few more QC queen this season :wub: 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Copying this here so @Wallace can delete the other thread:


Spoilers ahead:


@Elliott and I just watched the first episode in Ottawa and I thought it was really good.


Judging was much better and more constructive than last season and it felt like they had the right tops and bottoms, minus Kimora who should have been in the bottom but she sold her garment on the runway.


I found the lipsync disappointing though. With Gia and a Nelly Furtado song, I expected greatness and we got… that.


But so happy to see Icesis win. I expected Stephanie to win but happy our Ottawa queen took her first win!

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First of all, the cast is incredible - I was impressed by many of them with their entrance look, and they really brought it during the mini-challenge.  Like Andrew said, the lipsync was meh especially to a great song - I was excited for the song but yeah, it went nowhere.  

Let me try to rank these queens now, as I like a lot of them :

  1. Icesis Couture : Win or lose, she was going to my number one as she's a queen that I've been following for a while especially when I used to live in Ottawa.  This week she really hit it out of the park, and I think she's a top contender for the crown.
  2. Kendall Gender Her name ? A+  Her look outside of drag ? A+ Entrance look ? A+ Photoshoot challenge ? A+ Runway look? Flawless. Watch out for her!
  3. Stephanie Price Not attached to her as much as I am attached to some of the queens below her but she brought it this week, and deserves this spot. 
  4. Pythia I am in love! Everything about Pythia, I am loving - her runway look was very Club Mado from Montreal, and the way she painted her face reminded me of another Montreal queen. I think she has ton of potential, and I think she'll be a contender. 
  5. Suki Doll Already an icon. 
  6. Synthia Kiss I like Synthia but I need to see more from her - I am afraid that she will be outshined by the other Vancouver queens. 
  7. Adriana : First, I love that she's from Quebec City to show that drag is outside of Montreal.  Really love her personality and I look forward to seeing her friendship with Icesis. In term of drag, she was good on the runway but there was a little something missing though - a bit basic. 
  8. Oceane Aqua-Black The way that she's giving me old school drag race >>>. Her personality is infectious, despite her drag not being up to part with everyone. I expect her to be an early boot eventually as I think her injury will be her detriment in the competition :( 
  9. Kimora Amour Her entrance look was everything but her runway look was a BUST. Good thing she was able to sell it because, it wasn't it. 
  10. Gia Metric The first part of the episode, I was feeling Gia until the runway.  The look was basic, didn't really scream redcarpet premier, and her lipsync was a choice. I am sure that she will redeem herself for me though. 
  11. Beth I had high hopes for Beth - I mean the name is iconic. I wish she was more confident cause I think she could have been out of the bottom if she was more confident and selling her runway look; I thought she did okay in the lipsync - I would have given her the win cause she didn't end up shirtless.
  12. Eve 6000 We know she's bringing the drama and we love her for it. But I just care for her drag ? She's a superfan who thinks she has cracked the code but clearly she didn't - should have focused on her design instead of trying to tell Stephanie that her design won't work. Worst part is that Eve is super hilarious on social media but on TV, her humour ain't really coming through. 
Edited by *Chris
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haha im playing catch up to chris!


1.  Icesis couture - has the best look the first week.

2. Pythia - love the name origin, i like what ive seen of her drag already!

3. Suki Doll - mini challenge winner, almost won the main challenge!  I hope she goes far!

4. Adrianna - I like seeing the start of the friendship with her and icesis.  Hope that continues.  I liked her run

5. Kendall Gender - I now understand her name!  I liked her first photo when she threw her hair up! 

6. Oceane Aqua-Black - she gives me Latrice-lite vibes.  I like her personality.  Are we going to have yet another knee injury? 

7. Stephanie Price - Cute runway, not sure on the rest yet!

8. Synthia Kiss - I could she could do well!  Sort of just there for me.

9. Eve 6000 - Also not a fan yet.

10. Kimora Amour - not a fan yet!

11. Gia Metric - keep your clothes on!  All I could think of during the lipsync was that's a dude! :haha:

12. Beth - more like Meh-th.  I did like what she did to the corset with the cup shards.  The lipsync was weak though.

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1 hour ago, *Lily said:

First episode was fun. Don't have any main faves yet I don't think, although Kendall Gender, Stephanie Prince, Synthia Kiss, Suki Doll and Oceane Aqua-Black are all early standouts for me.

F*ck Icesis Couture’s drag 

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The Rusical was fun!


1.  Pythia - stole the show in the rusical.  Gave me Crystal Methyd vibes?  Maybe im just crazy.  Her runway was amazing!

2.  Synthia Kiss - I am not sure how she wasn't in the top this week for the singing alone.

3. Kendall Gender - did a great job this week!

4. Icesis Couture - killer runway, turned the lip sync.  

5. Gia Metric - I will give it to her this week, had a great showing.  Her top also stayed on.

6. Stephanie Prince - still so likable!

7. Adrianna - See Stephanie!

8. Kimora Amour - would be lower but her Bianca was solid.  That runway was pretty heinous though.

9. Suki Doll - still like her, but not a great round.

10. Oceane Aqua-Black - So sad she left, but Icesis deserved to stay based on lip sync.

11. Eve 6000 - Not sure how she wasn't in the bottom.  Sure the runway might have saved her, but that performance was so BAD.

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Watching this episode right after DRUK was so refreshing - I felt that they were all bringing it on the runway compare to the UK queens.

Quick thoughts : The mini-challenge ? These queens nailed - they brought look thinking it was going to be on the main runway, obviously. I mean come on, Icesis look ? Stunning. The quebec queens really brought the camp this mini-challenge and I was living. 

RUsical was super fun - the beginning and the ending were the highlight. 



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My ranking of the week / of the season, so far - it's hard to rank them as I really enjoy all of them, minus one.


  1. Pythia (+3) : Everything about Pythia, this week, was on point - mini-challenge, challenge, and runway. Her look on the runway is one of my favourite of all time. She's one to watch out for. 
  2. Kendall Gender (=)  Star of the week from the main challenge to the runway.  She was not in her head and was able to nail the challenge.
  3. Icesis Couture (-2) :  It was not her week in the main challenge but she brought it during the mini-challenge, on the runway and in the lipsync; She proved that she knows how to turn it out and that's why she's a favourite of many in Ottawa.  I also don't think she should have been in the bottom to begin with. 
  4. Synthia Kiss  (+2) Everything was going well for Synthia to get a win, in my opinion, until her runway look which was very cheap and did not measure up to the other queens in the top. 
  5. Gia Metric  (+5) An improvement from last week - we see how she's a performer, now, after she flopped in the lipsync. Although, I feel her look wasn't clown enough though.  And her runway look? It was good but again, a bit basic compare to the 3/4 of the queens. 
  6. Kimora Amour (+3) She really embodied her character, this week. And I thought she did good on the runway although she was losing her figure - she knows how to sell it; Even though her outfit in the mini-challenge was mediocre, she still sold it. 
  7. Stephanie Price (-4) She was just there in the main challenge but I absolutely love her looks - the neighbourhood look and the runway. 
  8. Adriana (-1) Really enjoyed her personality, this week.  And her runway look was cirque du soleil realness!
  9. Oceane Aqua-black (-1) : Her personality is infectious ; I feel she wasn't necessarily ready for the competition though. But she really surprised me in the lipsync 😮
  10. Suki Doll (-5) She was a bit forgettable, this week - wether in the challenge or on the runway ; Would have put her in the bottom over Icesis.  
  11. Eve 6000 (+1) : Ruveal was part of her role in the main challenge and she flopped. Her runway look was camp but was deja vu - reminded me of Ginger. She's not very likeable, so far - she's hilarious online but it's not coming across on TV. And she needs to read the room - it's not all about her. 


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Sad Oceane went but not at all surprised, that being said she held her own pretty well in the lip-sync (a Girlicious lip-sync?! I was shook).


Rusical was some of the best and worst stuff we have seen. Start and end were pretty amazing and the middle was... a mess :dead: But Pythia, Synthia, Kendall and Gia were all brilliant, and I did really enjoy Kimora.



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7 minutes ago, *Lily said:

A Girlicious lip-sync?! I was shook


The lipsync choices this season are slaying.

Girlicious was surprisingly big in Canada, way bigger than the US :haha: 

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5 minutes ago, *Chris said:

The lipsync choices this season are slaying.

Girlicious was surprisingly big in Canada, way bigger than the US :haha: 


And hopefully a Fefe Dobson lip-sync next week :wub:


I had no idea! I was shocked and it was a major throwback moment when they revealed it :haha:

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4 minutes ago, *Lily said:


And hopefully a Fefe Dobson lip-sync next week :wub:


I had no idea! I was shocked and it was a major throwback moment when they revealed it :haha:

We will get the Fefe Dobson lip sync that we deserve! 

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My ranking:

1. Icesis Couture - I’m biased because she’s an Ottawa queen but I love her looks. She did stumbled this week but killed the lipsync.

2. Stephanie Prince - Her looks have slayed so far and she held her own in the challenge this week.

3. Pythia - Gagged and gooped by her runway and she killed the challenge.

4. Kendall Gender - Good week for her for sure 

5. Synthia Kiss - She did decent on the challenge and good on the runway 
6. Oceane Aqua Black - Sad we lost her because she was fun to watch but she was objectively one of the worst in the challenge and her looks have been hit or miss 

7. Kimora - I thought she was funnier in rehearsal. I haven’t loved any of her looks yet but her runway this week was definitely better.

8. Gia Metric - Define improvement on last week but I’ve still yet to feel attached to her.

9. Suki Doll - I want to like her but other than her runway last week, she’s giving me nothing to go by

10. Adriana - Same as Suki, she’s just there for me

11. Eve 6000 - Don’t know how she avoided the bottom after those messy reveals. She’s also so defensive in Untucked.

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