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Rank The Top 16 + 4-Way KO contenders


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9 minutes ago, rp3598 said:

I want Cami, Madeline, and DesZ all to go through so no matter what I’m going to be sad 😭 but I’ll still be voting for cami :haha: 

i feel the same way! hoping that desz and cami make it through CS and PV and madeline wins WC, but thats a VERY long shot

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ever since s11's mess of a contestant pool i tend to avoid the pre-lives b/c everyone is either bad or my favs go home early lol but i caught up for these 20 so:


01. DeSz - one of the best vocalists in a long time and she can sell a performance really well. she has great control of her runs which is crucial with r&b/soul so i'm hoping she goes far!

02. Payge Turner - one of the best artists in a while. she's too unique for the viewing audience but i know i'll love the 1-2 performances she gets to do

03. Sid Kingsley - the best male singer this season. his tone is great and he can hit notes well but i just wish he opened his voice up more. he sometimes sounds like he's singing down if that makes sense

04. John Holiday - obviously an amazing vocalist with one of the best upper registers this season. i do wish he worked a little bit more in his lower register because his performances start to blend together and feel the same

05. Julia Cooper - the voters will never take to her but she's great and her knockout was definitely the best of the 4-way. she brings character to her performances which i really appreciate this season because a lot of people feel like ones we've seen before

06. Chloé Hogan - see my comment for payge. she embodies 90s r&b really well but that will never go over well on this show so i'll enjoy what little we get from her. she needs a little bit of work on her register transition but her high notes are great when she hits them
07. Jim Ranger - his tone is great and he can actually sing! i hope he gets country/folk songs more than just pure country because they'd suit his voice really well

08. Taryn Papa - i'm in love with her tone and the raspiness to her voice but her knockout was kind of a disaster. i don't think she'll be going any farther but her first two performances put her this high because they were great

09. Carter Rubin - undeniably a great vocalist but i can't help but make the age argument because his voice hasn't matured. his tone is grating for me and i wish he stuck to just singing the song instead of throwing in runs because he sounds better when he just goes for the notes

10. Larriah Jackson - her battle was amazing but her knockout was pretty pitchy on the higher parts. she needs to work on nerves and note accuracy if she makes it any farther because i can see her being great a la shalyah fearing if she improves

11. Cami Clune - i really enjoy her tone and her audition was amazing but i can't help but feel like she does too much with her voice. her knockout was a mess and she needs to work on breath control and stop throwing in unnecessary notes

12. Ryan Gallagher - if you're gonna sing opera you need to do it with confidence and go for the notes. i feel like his knockout was nervous and he went flat on the last note but a good half of it was done well and i can see potential there

13. Tamara Jade - she's good at singing and can make her voice resonate well which will fair well in lives. her note accuracy needs help but she can perform so i'll give her that

14. Madeline Consoer - her and bailey have the same problem with nasality (maybe it's their age?) but i enjoy her more because she has a wider range and hits notes much better. she also needs to work on transitioning between her lower and upper registers

15. Joseph Soul - he has some good vocal abilities but no breath control and relies too much on falsetto. he reminds me of terrence cunningham in that he relies too much on vocal tricks and not enough on actual vocals

16. Worth the Wait - they can sing very well in their middle register but part of me feels like they're being kept around because they're a gimmick. their high notes are very strained and they lean on the boring side

17. Bailey Rae - there's a very fine line between twang and nasality when it comes to country singing and she leans far into singing nasally. i can see potential but it gets unpleasant quickly

18. Ian Flanigan - his lower register is a disaster but i can just barely hear a cool tone underneath his pitchiness. if he could refine his vocals and actually hit the notes he'd be great

19. Ben Allen - i can appreciate talented country singers but his tone is overbearing and often sounds forced to the point where his performances are painful to listen to

20. Tanner Gomes - he's pretty pitchy which is hard to do when you're only singing within one octave but yeah i don't have anything nice to say so i just won't say anything at all

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19 hours ago, ungodlyhour said:

20. Tanner Gomes - he's pretty pitchy which is hard to do when you're only singing within one octave but yeah i don't have anything nice to say so i just won't say anything at all

This is so embarrassing when you've got Desz as your #1 after last night's performance. :rofl:

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1 hour ago, Stacey. said:

This is so embarrassing when you've got Desz as your #1 after last night's performance. :rofl:

DeSz doesn’t deserve #1 after last night imo, so I’ll agree with you there, but Tanner definitely deserves #20 or maybe a little higher. You could barely understand him with his mumbling. :giggle: 

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