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Pandora's Box: A Random Idol Rankings Thread


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16. Vonzell Solomon- OMG, those kicks were ON POINT! 😄 Her vocals were as well. She sounded beautiful and I honestly wish she wasn’t stopped. 😅 I also loved her quirky, yet flashy audition outfit. :wub: After looking at some of the auditions that showed up on this list, I think her audition. should be higher. 😕

15. Amber Fiedler- Her vocals weren’t as polished as Vonzell’s were and understandably so since she had a 9 month old baby in her stomach. 😅 I remember after watching this audition I just assumed that Amber would make Top 20. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen, but I think she was definitely going through a lot emotionally during the show. 🙁 If it were ranking just on vocals, I would have Vonzell higher, but the whole audition (editing and everything) was heartwarming, so I’d put it it higher if using that criteria. 

14. Dennis Lorenzo- Wow, I can’t believe I forgot how good this was. I loved his nice soulful voice, and he’s definitely one of the more interesting guitar auditions. 😅 I’m glad he got to sing it with Allen Stone. 😃


13. David Brown- Wow, this was amazing! 🤩 His runs were so clean and effortless! What place did this guy come in? I’m glad he had more success post-Idol. 😅 Definitely the best of this set. 🙂


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12. Sean Michel- This over VONZELL?! 😨 No, just no... I can see why he got out in Hollywood. 😅 His audition had a FEW good parts, but overall it was just very messy. 😕 It’s unfortunate that he got the Fidel Castro comparison though! :haha: 

11. Sundance Head- Ah, so this in the guy who won during the season where Queen Ali was robbed. :no: Anyway, I thought his audition was solid. Definitely should not have been over Vonzell (I’m guessing this will start to become a trend with these. 🙃) The fact that he kept holding his notes started to become annoying and honestly ruined the audition for me. 😕


10. Doug Kiker- Another one that Baby V should overtake! One of the most overrated auditions and contestants. The fact that Saveria got one yes, Margie got two yes, but this guy got three is DISGUSTING. Why does this guy get a second chance to sing? All this audition did is reinforce the concept that American Idol auditions are staged. He did not deserve to make it to Hollywood Week, and he only did because of his emotional story. Thank goodness he got out in Round 1 of Hollywood. Not to mention, the fact that this guy got to sing with a celeb, opposed to a Top FIVE contestant is just ridiculous! 🙁 


9. Ashley Hess- Finally, a justified placement! 😃 This just goes to show how robbed Ashley was. She should have won her season, in my opinion, and thus audition speaks for itself! The judges were amazed and I can’t imagine what it felt like for Ashley! 😅 This one and Vonzell’s have been the best ranked so far! 😊👌

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2 hours ago, Bk1234 said:

16. Vonzell Solomon- OMG, those kicks were ON POINT! 😄 Her vocals were as well. She sounded beautiful and I honestly wish she wasn’t stopped. 😅 I also loved her quirky, yet flashy audition outfit. :wub: After looking at some of the auditions that showed up on this list, I think her audition. should be higher. 😕

15. Amber Fiedler- Her vocals weren’t as polished as Vonzell’s were and understandably so since she had a 9 month old baby in her stomach. 😅 I remember after watching this audition I just assumed that Amber would make Top 20. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen, but I think she was definitely going through a lot emotionally during the show. 🙁 If it were ranking just on vocals, I would have Vonzell higher, but the whole audition (editing and everything) was heartwarming, so I’d put it it higher if using that criteria. 

14. Dennis Lorenzo- Wow, I can’t believe I forgot how good this was. I loved his nice soulful voice, and he’s definitely one of the more interesting guitar auditions. 😅 I’m glad he got to sing it with Allen Stone. 😃


13. David Brown- Wow, this was amazing! 🤩 His runs were so clean and effortless! What place did this guy come in? I’m glad he had more success post-Idol. 😅 Definitely the best of this set. 🙂



1 hour ago, Bk1234 said:

12. Sean Michel- This over VONZELL?! 😨 No, just no... I can see why he got out in Hollywood. 😅 His audition had a FEW good parts, but overall it was just very messy. 😕 It’s unfortunate that he got the Fidel Castro comparison though! :haha: 

11. Sundance Head- Ah, so this in the guy who won during the season where Queen Ali was robbed. :no: Anyway, I thought his audition was solid. Definitely should not have been over Vonzell (I’m guessing this will start to become a trend with these. 🙃) The fact that he kept holding his notes started to become annoying and honestly ruined the audition for me. 😕


10. Doug Kiker- Another one that Baby V should overtake! One of the most overrated auditions and contestants. The fact that Saveria got one yes, Margie got two yes, but this guy got three is DISGUSTING. Why does this guy get a second chance to sing? All this audition did is reinforce the concept that American Idol auditions are staged. He did not deserve to make it to Hollywood Week, and he only did because of his emotional story. Thank goodness he got out in Round 1 of Hollywood. Not to mention, the fact that this guy got to sing with a celeb, opposed to a Top FIVE contestant is just ridiculous! 🙁 


9. Ashley Hess- Finally, a justified placement! 😃 This just goes to show how robbed Ashley was. She should have won her season, in my opinion, and thus audition speaks for itself! The judges were amazed and I can’t imagine what it felt like for Ashley! 😅 This one and Vonzell’s have been the best ranked so far! 😊👌


16. Hey, be happy she made the ranking! 😛 All kidding aside, she did have a great audition and outside of a minor hiccups only got better from there.


15. Understandable about her audition. I honestly thought she was going to make the Top 20 as well; however, I have to admit she didn't sound all that good during her Hawaii Showcase, though she gets major points for singing a Lake Street Dive song.


14. I don't have much to say here but pretty much agree.


13. Sadly, he didn't have a strong showing during the voting rounds and was eliminated in the second round of the semis. His audition was his peak. :( At least he seems to be doing well for himself now.


12. His audition intrigued me and I was hoping to see more from him. Unfortunately, I don't think he was shown all that much in Hollywood before he was cut, which is too bad.


11. Fair enough. I thought his was strong and like David Brown it was too bad he didn't live up to it. At least he had better luck on The Voice.


10. I was surprised Saveria was turned away; I thought she would at least get a Golden Ticket. Having said that, this along with him getting to sing with Rascal Flatts during the Finale wasn't his fault (although it didn't look good he got to perform with a celebrity act whereas the others outside of Sam didn't excluding the Aretha Franklin tribute with Cynthia Erivo), so I won't hold that against him. I thought he had a nice tone and potential for a great voice. In hindsight he probably shouldn't have went to Hollywood, but it was a moment I enjoyed. 🤷‍♂️


09. She probably should have; however, I don't think anyone was overtaking Laine or Alejandro that season. Though I've mentioned plenty of times she kind of shot herself in the foot, I still would've had her in the finals at least. Agree about her having one of the best auditions. Lastly, it was said hers and Vonzell's auditions are the best that have been ranked thus far, yet it was mentioned David Brown had the best audition in the first set. Which one is it? 🤔 😉

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On 12/1/2020 at 1:24 PM, Crisis said:

It's about 50/50 for me. Some days I want to sleep in, some I want to do as much as I can with the free time I have. :haha:


- Nah, I think there's something wrong with me. 😉 :haha: Derek is a lot of fun to watch, I'll give you that.


I ordered online for same day pickup and went to pick it up right after work. They said the order would be ready in an hour, but I was there for nearly three. :/ I didn't get home until almost 9:30 last night. I guess it had to do with it being Cyber Monday. 🤷‍♂️ Next time I shop on Cyber Monday, I'll just have them deliver it to me, even if I get it later. :haha: I got something for myself and a Christmas present for my nephew, so I'd say it was worth the hassle.


I don't even know if that was his natural voice or not. Still, the whole thing was entertaining! :lmao:


Yeah, I believe he genuinely thought his co-workers told him he could sing and try his luck on Idol. Unfortunately, they set him up for failure. At least he appeared to have a good attitude about everything.


15. I was bummed she was cut as well. However, assuming she comes back it may have been for the better because she might have been someone who would've struggled with the home format.


I feel like I always *want* to do as much as I can, but the reality is I don't. :broken: :haha: 


Nooooo. But at least you can say this. ❤️ 


Wow, I'm curious what the hold up was.... did you have to wait in line all that time or did they say your order wasn't ready and it took them that long to gather it together? :? That is so crazy. Yeah, that is a good call about delivery next time. :haha: At least you got yourself something out of it! 




Aww. :( 


That is a good point and maybe she'll be back. 😮 


12. Sean Michel: I don't remember him at all, but this was really good and unexpected. LOL the first cut to Simon's face and then his comment when the singing was finished. "Well, that's cheered us up." :dead:  So funny, but yes, this guy is good.

11. Sundance Head: I don't remember what Sundance did in Hollywood, but I do remember his audition here being good and him disappointing in the finals. It's too bad when that happens, although I wasn't necessarily a fan of his. He was good though. What the heck at Simon commenting on his lucky things and saying "One out of three." :dead: lol I heard about him on The Voice and that is so crazy how things work out. 😮 Kind of curious to see him on there. 

10. Doug Kiker: I appreciate his sincerity and humbleness. I agree the audition was much better once Luke got on the piano. Overall, he was okay for me but had potential to grow. The audition was a nice moment. 

09. Ashley Hess: She has a great voice and I agree this audition felt really effortless. I would have liked to hear her sing more too without the judges interruptions... oh well. It's also a shame she fell short of the finals. :(  

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On 12/1/2020 at 6:26 PM, Bk1234 said:

Guess who’s getting ripped to shreds after the Voice tonight... 🥺


cute gwen stefani GIF by The Voice


On 12/1/2020 at 7:05 PM, Crisis said:

With that said, from this post it appears our thread mascot is on the naughty list right now. :haha:



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2 hours ago, miss denise said:


I feel like I always *want* to do as much as I can, but the reality is I don't. :broken: :haha: 


Nooooo. But at least you can say this. ❤️ 


Wow, I'm curious what the hold up was.... did you have to wait in line all that time or did they say your order wasn't ready and it took them that long to gather it together? :? That is so crazy. Yeah, that is a good call about delivery next time. :haha: At least you got yourself something out of it! 


Aww. :( 


That is a good point and maybe she'll be back. 😮 


12. Sean Michel: I don't remember him at all, but this was really good and unexpected. LOL the first cut to Simon's face and then his comment when the singing was finished. "Well, that's cheered us up." :dead:  So funny, but yes, this guy is good.

11. Sundance Head: I don't remember what Sundance did in Hollywood, but I do remember his audition here being good and him disappointing in the finals. It's too bad when that happens, although I wasn't necessarily a fan of his. He was good though. What the heck at Simon commenting on his lucky things and saying "One out of three." :dead: lol I heard about him on The Voice and that is so crazy how things work out. 😮 Kind of curious to see him on there. 

10. Doug Kiker: I appreciate his sincerity and humbleness. I agree the audition was much better once Luke got on the piano. Overall, he was okay for me but had potential to grow. The audition was a nice moment. 

09. Ashley Hess: She has a great voice and I agree this audition felt really effortless. I would have liked to hear her sing more too without the judges interruptions... oh well. It's also a shame she fell short of the finals. :(  


The procrastination force is strong with this one. :haha:


Yeah, at least there's something positive out of it. :haha:


It was the latter. They said online orders are often delayed due to Cyber Monday. At least the Best Buy was in a shopping center and near a good number of restaurants, so I ate something and did a little window shopping while waiting for the order to be ready. Absolutely about delivery when it comes to Cyber Monday. :haha: Yeah, at least all wasn't lost.


Yeah, that was unfortunate.


If she is back and makes it to the voting rounds, there will be the first time I'll see her. :haha:


12. It was certainly unexpected. I did not expect that voice to come from him. Oh yeah, that Simon comment at the end was pretty funny, especially considering the song Sean sang. :lmao:

11. There were a number of clips showing him struggle during the Hollywood Rounds. The main thing I remember was when the show made it seem that the final male spot was between him and Tommy Daniels, and the judges picked Sundance. I mostly remember Tommy being upset over it and Sundance making a joke about hiring Tommy as his bodyguard. :lmao: It's too bad he didn't do better after his audition. I didn't pay attention to when Simon said that. :haha: I may have to re-watch it.

10. I pretty much agree with everything here. At least this commentary was nice compared to others... :/ :haha:

09. Again, pretty much agree here. As good as the audition was, it would've been better without the judges' antics. :/


While we're on the subject of auditions, here's one as a tribute to someone who didn't make it far in Idol but has done well in spite of it. Plus, it's to honor someone who many felt could've won in a different show but was eliminated last night (placed in spoiler tags just in case though I doubt they're needed :haha:) :






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21 hours ago, Crisis said:


The procrastination force is strong with this one. :haha:


It was the latter. They said online orders are often delayed due to Cyber Monday. At least the Best Buy was in a shopping center and near a good number of restaurants, so I ate something and did a little window shopping while waiting for the order to be ready. Absolutely about delivery when it comes to Cyber Monday. :haha: Yeah, at least all wasn't lost.


If she is back and makes it to the voting rounds, there will be the first time I'll see her. :haha:


11. There were a number of clips showing him struggle during the Hollywood Rounds. The main thing I remember was when the show made it seem that the final male spot was between him and Tommy Daniels, and the judges picked Sundance. I mostly remember Tommy being upset over it and Sundance making a joke about hiring Tommy as his bodyguard. :lmao: It's too bad he didn't do better after his audition. I didn't pay attention to when Simon said that. :haha: I may have to re-watch it.

10. I pretty much agree with everything here. At least this commentary was nice compared to others... :/ :haha:


While we're on the subject of auditions, here's one as a tribute to someone who didn't make it far in Idol but has done well in spite of it. Plus, it's to honor someone who many felt could've won in a different show but was eliminated last night (placed in spoiler tags just in case though I doubt they're needed :haha:) :



  Reveal hidden contents




Ugh, I know. Might as well change my name to Procrastinise or something. :dead:  


Oh wow. So, I would guess the reason for the long wait was because they were so busy and not because it took them three hours to pull your order from the shelf. :dead:  Yikes. Thank goodness you had ways to stay busy during that time! And now you know. :haha: 


Ooh this is true. 😮  I forgot you weren't going to watch anything prior to that.


- Ahh, I see. I don't remember Tommy Daniels at all, but he does look kind of familiar. LOL the bodyguard joke. I wonder how that went over. Haha you should rewatch that part of the audition with Simon's comments. It was kind of funny. :giggle: 

- I always try to be nice. :blushingwave: 


Oh yayy I love this tribute. ❤️ Her audition was so short, but still good. Ugh Simon not thinking she has a good voice at all AND giving her a no. :wacko:  She has one of the best voices I ever heard and it was a shame she didn't go that far on Idol, but at least she made a strong career for herself later on. ❤️ I love her music. She was so robbed on TMS. :broken: :( 

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1 hour ago, miss denise said:


Ugh, I know. Might as well change my name to Procrastinise or something. :dead:  


Oh wow. So, I would guess the reason for the long wait was because they were so busy and not because it took them three hours to pull your order from the shelf. :dead:  Yikes. Thank goodness you had ways to stay busy during that time! And now you know. :haha: 


Ooh this is true. 😮  I forgot you weren't going to watch anything prior to that.


- Ahh, I see. I don't remember Tommy Daniels at all, but he does look kind of familiar. LOL the bodyguard joke. I wonder how that went over. Haha you should rewatch that part of the audition with Simon's comments. It was kind of funny. :giggle: 

- I always try to be nice. :blushingwave: 


Oh yayy I love this tribute. ❤️ Her audition was so short, but still good. Ugh Simon not thinking she has a good voice at all AND giving her a no. :wacko:  She has one of the best voices I ever heard and it was a shame she didn't go that far on Idol, but at least she made a strong career for herself later on. ❤️ I love her music. She was so robbed on TMS. :broken: :( 


giphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1 :dead:


Yes, that was pretty much it. There was someone who was there for nearly four hours when I got there, and it appears he was still there when I went back after my leisure time. I guess mine wasn't so bad when looking at it that way. :haha:


Yep, I'll be in the dark regarding the contestants.


- Here's his audition:


About the bodyguard joke, IIRC, I don't think Tommy took it all that well. He smiled at it, but it was easy to see he wasn't in the best of moods. I think it mainly had to do with him not being picked to advance. Going back to Sundance's audition, I re-watched the part with Simon, and it was pretty funny. :haha:


- I noticed. ❤️ :yes: Some of us can learn from your example... :/ :haha:


I don't know what was up with Simon regarding that. Then again, it wouldn't be the first time Simon would prove to be off in the future. IIRC, he also said no to Chris Daughtry at his audition. :haha: It is a shame she didn't go far on Idol, especially considering the season we're talking about. :haha: At least she was able to have a nice career despite this. Admittedly, I'm not all that familiar with her music, but I'll definitely check it out some time. :yes: Yeah, I definitely thought she would at least be in the finals; however, it wasn't meant to be thanks to the format. :(


I'll try to have the next set of auditions up tomorrow.

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21 hours ago, Crisis said:


giphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1 :dead:


Yes, that was pretty much it. There was someone who was there for nearly four hours when I got there, and it appears he was still there when I went back after my leisure time. I guess mine wasn't so bad when looking at it that way. :haha:


- Here's his audition:


About the bodyguard joke, IIRC, I don't think Tommy took it all that well. He smiled at it, but it was easy to see he wasn't in the best of moods. I think it mainly had to do with him not being picked to advance. Going back to Sundance's audition, I re-watched the part with Simon, and it was pretty funny. :haha:


- I noticed. ❤️ :yes: Some of us can learn from your example... :/ :haha:


I don't know what was up with Simon regarding that. Then again, it wouldn't be the first time Simon would prove to be off in the future. IIRC, he also said no to Chris Daughtry at his audition. :haha: It is a shame she didn't go far on Idol, especially considering the season we're talking about. :haha: At least she was able to have a nice career despite this. Admittedly, I'm not all that familiar with her music, but I'll definitely check it out some time. :yes: Yeah, I definitely thought she would at least be in the finals; however, it wasn't meant to be thanks to the format. :(


I'll try to have the next set of auditions up tomorrow.




OMG that is so crazy. 😮 I mean I can imagine how hectic it is for them at this time of year, but I never heard of anything like this. :omg: 


Thank you! He does have a nice voice. Yikes at Randy saying "A charm or it's over" :dead: Jeez.  Yeah, I wouldn't think that joke went over too well in the moment when he had just been cut. pinch.gif.e236d83ca250453a89703410cc693db2.gif Not good timing, Sundance. Glad you liked that Simon part too. :giggle: 


Aww thanks. :haha: :hug: 


Me neither, but that's true. :(  Did he say no to Chris? I don't remember that. 😮  Ugh, sooo true about it being Season 9 as well. :closedeyes: But yes, thankfully she made a name for herself despite Idol not working out. Aw, I hope you do check out her music and enjoy it. ❤️  Yeah, the format really messed things up because I have no doubt she would have made the finals (and could have won) otherwise. :/ :( 

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2 hours ago, miss denise said:

Just for you. :giggle: 




Christmas comes early for me! :wub: 🥰


2 hours ago, miss denise said:




OMG that is so crazy. 😮 I mean I can imagine how hectic it is for them at this time of year, but I never heard of anything like this. :omg: 


Thank you! He does have a nice voice. Yikes at Randy saying "A charm or it's over" :dead: Jeez.  Yeah, I wouldn't think that joke went over too well in the moment when he had just been cut. pinch.gif.e236d83ca250453a89703410cc693db2.gif Not good timing, Sundance. Glad you liked that Simon part too. :giggle: 


Aww thanks. :haha: :hug: 


Me neither, but that's true. :(  Did he say no to Chris? I don't remember that. 😮  Ugh, sooo true about it being Season 9 as well. :closedeyes: But yes, thankfully she made a name for herself despite Idol not working out. Aw, I hope you do check out her music and enjoy it. ❤️  Yeah, the format really messed things up because I have no doubt she would have made the finals (and could have won) otherwise. :/ :( 




Neither have I. I don't know if it's the norm or the pandemic having something to do with it. 🤷‍♂️


He does. I don't know what Randy was thinking when he said that. From that season alone A.J. Tabaldo auditioned for the fifth time. Plus, I believe Pia auditioned more than three times before she made it, among others. I guess it was like that for the early seasons despite my A.J. example. :haha: Also, Ryan holding the dog while Thomas and his family celebrated cracked me up for some reason. :lmao: Yeah, Sundance needed to learn how to read the situation better.




Yes he did!


She could've made the season better, or she may have been an early casualty considering the season. I guess we'll never know. 🤷‍♂️ :haha: Since I have a billion of things to do at the moment, I'm not sure when I'll be able to get to her music. She could've been a favorite to win although Sun is amazing in her own right. Yeah, the format and especially the grouping was not great this season.

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8. Megan Joy

I expect some negative comments for this one. :giggle: Regardless, while not the best singer from a technical standpoint, Megan was someone I highly enjoyed during S8, and her audition is where it all began. She had one of the more memorable auditions to me with her rendition of Can’t Help Loving That Man of Mine, which was certainly an out of the box song choice. I just fell in love with her tone and despite not having any singing lessons, her transitions were done well although there were times her pitch wavered. I think she is someone who would have benefited from a few lessons before auditioning; however, she still has one of my favorite auditions when it’s all said and done.


7. Michael Johns

Michael is someone who while not bad I felt was capable of more during his time on Idol. Still, I liked him and I was first intrigued from his audition. His version of I’ve Been Loving You Too Long showed he had a nice soulful voice with great control, and his runs were nicely executed. The only negative thing I can say about it is that it was too short. It was probably here where the judges thought he would be a blue-eyed soul singer instead of the blues rocker he was on the show. They should’ve known later when he sang Bohemian Rhapsody during Hollywood that he could do rock as well, but I digress. Back to his audition, it’s one of my favorites despite its brevity.


6. Jurnee

At #6 is my favorite S16 contestant. Jurnee just has this beautiful voice that sounds effortless, and her audition of Rise Up was no different (although as I’ve mentioned before, it’s a song I could go many lifetimes without hearing again). She had such great control of her voice, and her runs were done really well. With that said, I did agree with the judges that she could’ve loosened up some; however, that is something that comes with time and experience. Also, Luke’s Jurnee/Journey joke was just 🙄. Despite that, it was an audition that made me take interest in her and as mentioned in the beginning, she went on to become my favorite of her season.


5. Katharine McPhee

Show of hands, 🙋‍♂️ 🙋‍♀️ how many expected this to be my favorite audition? :giggle:I’ll post a minor spoiler: this isn’t even my favorite S5 audition, let alone all-time favorite. With that said, it’s in my Top 5, so it’s obviously one I love. I did mention in my other thread that I felt Katharine had one of the best Idol auditions, so I’m putting my money where my mouth is. 🤑 I loved her audition of God Bless The Child; I thought it was nicely done and I liked how she was able to make it sound current (at least in 2005). Also, how prescient was her mother when she said she would worry when Kat was in the Top 2? I wonder what happened to Kat after Idol; I hope she was able to make something of herself. :giggle:All kidding aside, it's one of my favorite auditions, but I wonder how I felt about her then and feel about her now...


08. Megan Joy

07. Michael Johns

06. Jurnee

05. Katharine McPhee


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I'll go ahead and finish this ranking now.


4. Jovin Webb

Has anyone ever listened to a singer and came away with an understanding where that singer came from? Well, that was the case for me with Jovin during his Whipping Post audition. He had this powerful raspy tone that really suited itself well for blues/rock. In addition, I could tell he was using the hurt and tragedy he experienced as inspiration for the song. Lionel Richie had a great quote when he said what BB King told him: it’s hard to sing the blues in the back seat of a limousine and based on his audition, it appeared Jovin had never been in the back seat of one. He definitely brought the BBQ sauce in his audition, and it’s too bad the season was affected by COVID-19 because who knows what he could’ve brought to the table in a normal season.


3. Melinda Doolittle

I always thought Melinda had one of the better auditions. Here she is, walking in with little confidence in herself but putting herself out there to be front and center after years of singing in the background yet sounded strong and confident while singing. She had a great rendition of For Once In My Life (though right now I can’t think of the song without thinking of the epic duet of it on I Can See Your Voice :giggle:). During the season, there were thoughts this shy and humble persona was an act and she didn’t appear genuine. However, I want to believe she was being genuine in her audition. I thought Simon was dead on when he said she was in the top two percent of voices of the season (though I’d say she’s in the top two percent overall). Overall, Melinda definitely had one of the best Idol auditions.


2. Lindsey Cardinale

I’ve mentioned this before, but Lindsey has one of my all-time favorite voices of any Idol contestant. I instantly fell in love with it the first time I heard it, which happened to be at her audition when she sang Standing Right Next To Me. It was so pure, husky, and as Paula described it, hypnotic. She displayed some nice control and even added a little vibrato in a few spots. Needless to say, she was someone I was looking forward to during the season and hoped she would do well. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case, mainly due to some poor song choices that did nothing to showcase her voice in the best possible light. Nonetheless, her audition is a huge favorite of mine, and it’s one I revisit every now and then.


1. Paris Bennett

Speaking of auditions I revisit from time to time. Paris was someone whose singing voice was far different from her speaking one. I didn’t know what to expect from her audition when I first heard her speak. However, she really impressed me with Cowboy Take Me Away. As solid as that was, however, it was her second song Take Five that really blew me away. The timing of that song is difficult to nail, but she made it look really easy. She was someone on my short list of contestants who I looked forward to at the beginning of the voting rounds and although she did pretty well during the season - she made it to fifth place after all - I felt she really didn’t show her true potential. Despite this, however, she had one of the more memorable auditions and to this day it is my favorite American Idol audition.


04. Jovin Webb

03. Melinda Doolittle

02. Lindsey Cardinale

01. Paris Bennett


A recap of the auditions:

16. Vonzell Solomon

15. Amber Fiedler

14. Dennis Lorenzo

13. David Brown

12. Sean Michel

11. Sundance Head

10. Doug Kiker

09. Ashley Hess

08. Megan Joy

07. Michael Johns

06. Jurnee

05. Katharine McPhee

04. Jovin Webb

03. Melinda Doolittle

02. Lindsey Cardinale

01. Paris Bennett


I don't what to do next although I have a couple of ideas. As of right now, however, I'm considering taking a break, especially since I have final projects and finals coming up. I'll have to see what everything looks like from here.

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12 minutes ago, Crisis said:

I don't what to do next although I have a couple of ideas. As of right now, however, I'm considering taking a break, especially since I have final projects and finals coming up. I'll have to see what everything looks like from here.

Good luck on your finals and final projects! :thumbsup:

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On 12/5/2020 at 1:45 PM, Crisis said:


Christmas comes early for me! :wub: 🥰


Neither have I. I don't know if it's the norm or the pandemic having something to do with it. 🤷‍♂️


He does. I don't know what Randy was thinking when he said that. From that season alone A.J. Tabaldo auditioned for the fifth time. Plus, I believe Pia auditioned more than three times before she made it, among others. I guess it was like that for the early seasons despite my A.J. example. :haha: Also, Ryan holding the dog while Thomas and his family celebrated cracked me up for some reason. :lmao: Yeah, Sundance needed to learn how to read the situation better.


Yes he did!


She could've made the season better, or she may have been an early casualty considering the season. I guess we'll never know. 🤷‍♂️ :haha: Since I have a billion of things to do at the moment, I'm not sure when I'll be able to get to her music. She could've been a favorite to win although Sun is amazing in her own right. Yeah, the format and especially the grouping was not great this season.


:lmao:  Merry Christmas.


Ahh yeah, maybe it was a mix of both. :( 


Ugh, it was like Randy just wanted to be discouraging or something. :dead:  So true. LOL Ryan holding that tiny dog. :wub:  I'm glad the puppy wasn't squished. And agree about Sundance.


Wow, thanks for sharing this about Chris. I forgot. :haha: 


Very true about Tori and that season. :( We can only imagine, but I guess everything happens for a reason. Aww, that's fine, but I will share one of her new Christmas songs here, if you want to listen to this. :bobo:  🎅  



That is true about Sun and I agree she'd be a worthy winner as well, even though I prefer Seahorse. I just wish she got the chance to compete for the win, at least. :broken: 


08. Megan Joy: Not a favorite of mine, but I do remember you liking Megan, so I can understand the appeal. I like how she came off in this audition, as she seemed unassuming and humble. Oh, and looks like Simon agrees with you, since he mentioned this being one of his favorite auditions. :haha: 

07. Michael Johns: I really liked this song choice for Michael, and preferred his soulful side, even though he could do rock too. I also wish it was longer, but maybe it was just the editing. 

06. Jurnee: I also liked this audition from Jurnee and thought it really showcased her voice beautifully. ❤️ 

05. Katharine McPhee: I did expect this higher, if not #1, so am surprised to see it already. 😮  Curious to see your favorite S5 audition. She sounded really good on this song and I can't believe she was 21 here. 😮  Also, did not expect those "newer" clips of her talking about the audition. :haha: I forgot she used to have blonde hair and looks so different there.


04. Jovin Webb: This one doesn't stand out to me too much, but I do think he sounded good and I like his raspy tone.

03. Melinda Doolittle: Good audition from Melinda and I'm not surprised it's near the top of your list. LOL YES your mention of the epic duet from ICSYV! :wub:  My favorite! :dead:  But yeah, this was really good and she does appear much more confident while singing. 

02. Lindsey Cardinale: Yeah, I always liked Lindsey's voice a lot too. Her tone is so captivating. ❤️ She did have a lot of potential, so it's a shame how the season ended up going for her. I really like this audition as well.

01. Paris Bennett: Yes, Paris had a fantastic audition! I loved both songs on her voice, but the second one was especially impressive. 😮 I love everything about this and so funny how different her speaking and singing voices are. She did have a good run on the show, despite maybe not quite living up to this audition.


I wondered if you might be interested in ranking favorite Christmas songs from Idol alum? 🎅  That could be a fun and appropriate list to do next. But whatever the case, best of luck on your finals and projects. :hug: I know it's a busy time of year. 

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