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17 Republican governors so far have issued statements saying that they opposed and/or will challenge Biden's mandate. 


AK - Dunleavy

AL - Ivey

AR - Hutchinson

AZ - Ducey

FL - DeSantis

GA - Kemp

IA - Reynolds

ID - Little

MO - Parson

MS - Reeves

NE - Ricketts

OK - Stitt

SD - Noem

SC - McMaster

TN - Lee

TX - Abbott

WY - Gordon




Edited by season1
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11 minutes ago, season1 said:



17 Republican governors so far have issued statements saying that they opposed and/or will challenge Biden's mandate. 


AK - Dunleavy

AL - Ivey

AR - Hutchinson

AZ - Ducey

FL - DeSantis

GA - Kemp

IA - Reynolds

ID - Little

MO - Parson

MS - Reeves

NE - Ricketts

OK - Stitt

SD - Noem

SC - McMaster

TN - Lee

TX - Abbott

WY - Gordon




I don’t think many businesses will comply. There may be some that would have done it anyway. I work for a very large company. There’s a lot of encouragement to employees to get vaccinated, but I doubt we’ll be complying with that mandate. We can’t afford to lose the employees who would refuse to get vaccinated. 

Does Joe even believe this is viable? 


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3 minutes ago, TeamAudra said:

I don’t think many businesses will comply. There may be some that would have done it anyway. I work for a very large company. There’s a lot of encouragement to employees to get vaccinated, but I doubt we’ll be complying with that mandate. We can’t afford to lose the employees who would refuse to get vaccinated. 

Does Joe even believe this is viable? 



Either a trial balloon to see how far they can push with unconstitutional mandates, or they think it will help them in 2022. Even when the courts and/or the red states stop them, they can claim that they tried to do something but the evil Republicans stopped them. Then they can use this to campaign against the GOP.

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9 minutes ago, season1 said:


Either a trial balloon to see how far they can push with unconstitutional mandates, or they think it will help them in 2022. Even when the courts and/or the red states stop them, they can claim that they tried to do something but the evil Republicans stopped them. Then they can use this to campaign against the GOP.

I think Biden is desperate after the Afghanistan debacle blew up in his face, and someone in his administration convinced him this is a good idea. I don’t even think many in his own party agree, considering they aren’t even acknowledging he gave a speech today. 

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2 hours ago, TeamAudra said:

I think Biden is desperate after the Afghanistan debacle blew up in his face, and someone in his administration convinced him this is a good idea. I don’t even think many in his own party agree, considering they aren’t even acknowledging he gave a speech today. 


The broadcast networks seem to praise Biden about it. Biden just gave them more reasons to demonize the unvaccinated population. Liberals on social media seem to support him, and some even thought he didn't go far enough. I guess they're disappointed Biden didn't mandate that the unvaccinated should wear a red bandanna or something to mark them. /


Many companies with 100+ employees are already preparing their lawsuits. RNC vowed to sue in behalf of the citizens. Several States will be suing due to usurpation of powers (10th amendment).  


The people behind this mandate probably know it's not gonna stand up to challenges but they don't care. They're trying to change the subject from Afghanistan, and stop the bleeding. They don't care that they've scapegoated 100 million+ citizens and sowed more division among Americans.


And if they want to encourage more people to get the vaccine, forcing them by threatening their livelihood won't convince them, and many would be more resistant and defiant



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6 hours ago, TeamAudra said:

I don’t think for a second Biden’s vaccine mandates will fly, but according to this data, the poor would be the most adversely affected.  


The mandates for federal government employees may at least be legally viable, but he exempted the US Postal Service (600,000+ workers) for some reason. Furthermore, there are likely to be a significant number of federal employees who will refuse, and will be out of a job. I expect his approval numbers to continue to slide over the coming weeks. I don’t think he understands what a can of worms this is for him. 

Nothing like pissing off a large portion of the population.... You be you, Comrade Joe.

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2 hours ago, season1 said:


The broadcast networks seem to praise Biden about it. Biden just gave them more reasons to demonize the unvaccinated population. Liberals on social media seem to support him, and some even thought he didn't go far enough. I guess they're disappointed Biden didn't mandate that the unvaccinated should wear a red bandanna or something to mark them. /


Many companies with 100+ employees are already preparing their lawsuits. RNC vowed to sue in behalf of the citizens. Several States will be suing due to usurpation of powers (10th amendment).  


The people behind this mandate probably know it's not gonna stand up to challenges but they don't care. They're trying to change the subject from Afghanistan, and stop the bleeding. They don't care that they've scapegoated 100 million+ citizens and sowed more division among Americans.


And if they want to encourage more people to get the vaccine, forcing them by threatening their livelihood won't convince them, and many would be more resistant and defiant



How's about a 6-pointed star with Unvac in the center?

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5 hours ago, season1 said:



17 Republican governors so far have issued statements saying that they opposed and/or will challenge Biden's mandate. 


AK - Dunleavy

AL - Ivey

AR - Hutchinson

AZ - Ducey

FL - DeSantis

GA - Kemp

IA - Reynolds

ID - Little

MO - Parson

MS - Reeves

NE - Ricketts

OK - Stitt

SD - Noem

SC - McMaster

TN - Lee

TX - Abbott

WY - Gordon




Also IN and MT, according to Daily Caller:



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That flight the Taliban “allowed” to leave yesterday only had 10 American citizens on it. I’m happy they got out, but there’s a long way to go to evacuate the hundreds or thousands of remaining American hostages. I knew they weren’t telling us the whole story, which is why I didn’t even comment on it yesterday.
Edited by TeamAudra
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14 hours ago, monkshood said:

How's about a 6-pointed star with Unvac in the center?



A group in Scotland  actually used that symbolism, and the media called them the "anti-vaccine party." 



14 hours ago, monkshood said:


I saw this on Gab [h/t MajorPatriot] - there are now 26 States challenging the mandate (statements by Gov and/or AG):




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1 hour ago, TeamAudra said:

Remember the drone strike that killed a family of 10, including several small children?  This isn’t Breitbart or The Blaze. It’s the New York Times. Everything he touches turns to shit. 




We know that if a Republican is in the WH, this would be a big news in the media and the cries of "War Crime" would be so loud, Congress would go for impeachment. But it won't get much coverage because it's a democrat in the WH and they released the news right after the Biden mandate announcement. 

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1 hour ago, TeamAudra said:

The VP still hasn’t tweeted anything about the vaccine mandates or acknowledged Biden’s speech, and she’s been relatively active on Twitter. 



She's distancing herself from Biden's mandate. I won't be surprised if they start the 25th amendment process when they need another big story to distract from worse news. 


and then there's this --



Pelosi probably told Biden to exclude Congress. "Rules for thee but not for me" once again.


And I think I know why they excluded USPS - other than the postal union being one of the big donors to democrats. They need the post office for the mail-in voting in 2022; imagine 20-30% of postal workers quitting if vaccine is mandated.

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Biden is not giving a live speech today, regarding the 20th Anniversary of 9/11, 2001. He did post (and pinned it) a pre-recorded video on his presidential Twitter account, with 13.9 million followers. It currently has 666K views. 

Around the same time, a conservative journalist, named “Benny,” with only 380K followers, posted Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis’ remarks about Biden’s vaccine mandates. That video is up to 781K views, and gaining rapidly. This one also has significantly more “likes” and retweets than Biden’s.

Biden’s support is incredibly soft.




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1 hour ago, sneaky said:

I mean yeah, moderates and liberals dont praise everything their officials do. That's kinda like water is wet lol

Unless it’s Obama. 

Seriously, there isn’t one lefty on this board that can convince me they are enthusiastic about Biden. Especially not you. :P

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