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Pokemon Rankdown 1.0


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how many total badges and titles do i have and is it >2 more than everybody else?






totes4totes - 12 (Soul, Marsh, Volcano, Earth, Plain, Fog, Dynamo, Heat, ???, ???, ???, ???)

ePastorJames - 10 (Boulder, Thunder, Rainbow, Zephyr, Hive, Storm, Heat, ???, ???, ???)

Deeee - 9 (Cascade, Volcano, Zephyr, Hive, Fog, Mineral, Dynamo, ???, ???l)

1234567890 - 7 (Boulder, Thunder, Hive, Plain, Fog, Mineral, ???)

Solaris - 6 (Boulder, Volcano, Fog, Mineral, Dynamo, ???)

Carrie&BlakeFan - 4 (Boulder, Rainbow, Plain, Fog, ???, ???, ???)

NGM - 3 (Plain, Fog, Mineral)

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It's 3 for a Z-move?


No thank you! I dealt with Florges not being in Sword and Shield I can deal if my favorite gets eliminated from an inconsequential rankdown. Especially when there's a chance it gets eliminated at Top 34 anyway. :rolleyes:



inconsequential? That's a little harsh. I am going to lose Starmie at top 34, everything is game. :haha:

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inconsequential? That's a little harsh. I am going to lose Starmie at top 34, everything is game.

If somebody doesn't like my favorite Pokemon and therefore cuts it, sure I'm a little bummed. But at the end of the day I don't win anything if my favorite Pokemon makes it far and I don't lose anything if a favorite is cut early.

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If somebody doesn't like my favorite Pokemon and therefore cuts it, sure I'm a little bummed. But at the end of the day I don't win anything if my favorite Pokemon makes it far and I don't lose anything if a favorite is cut early.



Looking at it from that perspective, I can understand where you're coming from. But its all about the journey. I enjoy seeing how far I can push my favorite.

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Nah, I have brought Starmie as far as I could. If I played any differently, it would have still gotten cut at 34. Megan said as much last round, but that goes for everyone's favorite. Everything will be vulnerable I am sure soon.

Edited by Solaris
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You seem to forget Megan is not opposed to deals and is not hellbent like you and Nico.



I have tried to make deals with her in the past, she doesn't like them. :haha: Or at least mine. I have held up every deal I have ever accepted. In this case, only 2 people offered in this rankdown. I followed through :flowers:


in terms of hellbent, I wouldn't say I am hellbent. I just dont want more then half of the Top 20 to be Gen 1. Also a Gen 1 isnt my main target in the next round either. :*

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Cycle 21 - Victory Road

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Whenever a Pokemon trainer finally reaches Victory Road, they know they are just one step away from reaching to the final test, the Elite Four. However, before battling the best of the best they still have to navigate through Victory Road and face many challenges that will test their learned skills and see if they are up to the level of the Elite Four. Victory Road is a cave that is often filled with expert Trainers and in order to successfully make your way out you need to use all the knowledge and skills you've acquired during your entire Pokemon Journey.

I'll be putting you against some of the previous challenges and test if you in fact are up to the challenge of becoming the best Pokemon Trainer. We'll be revisiting some of the previous cycles with some minor changes incorporated in them where each of you will be in charge of a particular cycle thanks to the number you picked before. Here are the rules:


1. There will be 5 rounds (done in the order below), each assigned to five of the previous cycles:

Round I - Welcome to the Pokemon World
Round II - Double Battles in Hoenn
Round III - Triple Battles in Unova
Round IV - Go Teams!
Round V - Mixed Horde in Kalos

2. Round I - Welcome to Pokemon World
One ranker will nominate 18 pokemon with no restrictions and the rest will be saving 2 Pokemon and cutting 1 Pokemon. The 12 Pokemon saved will move straight to the Top 34.

3. Round II - Double Battles in Hoenn
Two trainers will face in a double battle where each must Pm me 2 pokemon. Then I will post the battle and the other five rankers will vote for the duo they want to survive. The 2 Pokemon that win the battle will move straight to the top 34.

4. Round III - Triple Battles in Unova
One trainer will post a battle of 3 v 3 Pokemon. The rest will then vote for the trio they want to survive. The 3 Pokemon that received the most votes will move to the top 34.

5. Round IV - Go Teams!
Two rankers will both together and nominate 15 Pokemon. The remaining 5 rankers will then save 1 Pokemon and cut 2 Pokemon. The 5 Pokemon saved will move to the top 34.

6. Round V - Mixed Horde in Kalos.
The final ranker will encounter a mixed horde of the remaining Pokemon where he must use Poke Balls to catch 8 of the Pokemon in the Horde. The 8 Pokemon catched will move to the top 34.

7. Here are the rounds assigned according the number you picked:

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Round I - Dee
Round II - Victoria vs Sola
Round III - Steven
Round IV - Nico and Megan
Round V - James

Round I (Welcome to the Pokemon World) is officially on and Dee is now free to post his nominations whenever he's ready!
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so much for accepting every deal.


TBH you actively worked to get my favorites cut and you were one of the only people I tried to make deals with from the very beginning of the game. This is karma Sola. You sort of sealed the fate of your fave.

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