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Everything posted by Gustavo527

  1. Dana Monique - Freeway of Love - 13 Cam Anthony - Lay Me Down - 24 Pete Mroz - Can't Find My Way Home - 35 Raine Stern - Electric Feel - 14 Corey Ward - Dancing on My Own - 35 Victor Solomon - Glory - 12 Gean Garcia - All I Want - 14 Aaron Konzelman - Ordinary World - 12 Zae Romeo - Falling - 16 Ryleigh Modig - when the party's over - 9 Pia Renee - Master Blaster (Jammin) - 8 Jose Figueroa Jr. - At This Moment - 15 Halley Greg - I'm Like a Bird - 43 Avery Roberson - If You're Reading This - 16 Gihanna Zoe - She Used to Be Mine - 22 Savanna Woods - Zombie - 29 Lindsay Joan - Nightmare - 15 Zania Alake - Sweet Love - 44 Savanna Chestnut - Hold Me Now - 15 Keegan Ferrell - She Will Be Loved - 8
  2. I completely forgot about her . Still, she got really poor reception from Minivan, so, i don't expect any other LGBT+ coach to be treated better than her
  3. Homophobic, don't forget homophobic. For that same reason, we will never have an LGBT+ coach on the panel
  4. Actually, Xtina was in a TV competition when she was a child, wasn't she? Idk why suddenly she acts so surprised and disgusted about how The Voice actually works, she should know better that most of these realitys are heavily manipulated by the producers but oh, well. And yeah, Ariana has worked on TV before, but if i'm not wrong, this is her first time working on a reality TV show. Anyway, i still think that she will do a good job regardless.
  5. Also, if someone can make young people watch this show, it's definitely her. Her fanbase is a lot bigger than both Miley and Nick's, and not only bigger, the Arianators are a really dedicated fandom, there is a really good chance they will fully support her during the show.
  6. Ok, i haven't give my opinión about the whole "Ariana will be the next new coach" thing; all i can say is that, i'm really excited, even though i'm not the biggest fan and i don't like some of her music, she feels like a totally fresh addition and i'm pretty sure she will do a great job. I mean, the woman can SING, and i know that she will take care of her contestants, especially the younger ones since she knows how it feels being young in the entertainment industry.
  7. Hey, I wanna play too: Pick a coach: John Legend (This season has made me respect him a lot more) Mega Mentor: Taylor Swift Former Voice Winner: Sawyer Fredericks Contestant from season 17: Rose Short Who should have won: Matt Mcandrew
  8. Battles: Episode 1 Ryleigh Modig & Gean Garcia - pov - 10.0 Connor Christian & Aaron Konzelman - I Ain't Living Long Like This - 6.5 Dana Monique & Devan Blake Jones - Stuck with U - 9.5 Pia Renee & Christine Cain - Baby - 6 José Figueroa Jr. & Awari - You Say - 7 Ethan Lively & Avery Roberson - Just Got Started Lovin' You - 7.5
  9. Basically just like the Top 5 of the las two seasons, with only one woman who happens to be african-american lol.
  10. Season 5: Caroline Pennel being eliminated broke my heart Season 6: Kristen Merlin deserved better Season 7: Taylor Phelan, it still hurts remembering him being eliminated so early Season 8: Mía Z (Same situation as Taylor Phelan) Season 9: Korin deserved to be eliminated but her elimination was so DAMN sad. She was completely broken. Madi and Amy's eliminations also hurts so bad Season 10: Emily Keener, she didn't deserve to be eliminated after that performance Season 11: None, really. Maybe Ali Caldwell but it didn't make me really sad. (She still deserved to make it to the finale though) Season 12: Hunter!! Season 13: Janice, saddest elimination ever. RIP beautiful Queen Season 14: None, really Season 15: Watching a guy being threw under the bus by his own coach, i don't think there is nothing more depressing than that. Season 16: Literally all the eliminations the whole season were tragic asf LOL Season 17: Myracle! She deserves better Season 18: The Semifinal elimination still hurts my soul. It was painful Season 19: Sid, Payge and especially, Cami
  11. Let them to believe that, they're in for a big surprise
  12. At least, it's justifiable, they are gonna probably montage José in the Knockouts, so montaging him twice when he made it to the lives would make no sense. Rachel and Bradley was the only battle that got a standing ovation by the four coaches, so if it was that good, they are not montaging it either. The only possibly candidate would be Lindsay vs Zae, but between that battle and Gihanna vs Halley, i'm more interested in Lindsay vs Zae, especially because that battle also seems to be the least worse of these two.
  13. And also, if Ciana vs Denisha is montaged, i'm pretty sure they will not montage two Team John battles LOL
  14. Gihanna vs Halley, i love Gihanna but that song choice is just....no.
  15. In another note, i haven't give my opinion on the Battle Leak, all i can say is.... that was GREAT! I was not much a fan of Gean at first, but i heard his tone in this one, and man, it fit the song perfectly; i liked it so much that i had to rewatch his blind and i all have to say is that, i was harsh on him, his tone is actually liquid gold (maybe not for everyone since it's kinda polarizing, but for me it is) And about Ryleigh, she freaking KILLED it, having that control over her voice as such a young age is just amazing! She won this battle hands down, but Gean deserved the steal
  16. Literally thanks to this season, i made the decition of never watch that version of the show like, never again. (I'm gonna keep follow the kids version though, that one is actually good)
  17. Honestly, i'd prefer if you do them just collectively
  18. I wish there would be such a thing as "gay vote". I'm pretty sure that we, the gays, would actually pick better winners
  19. The whole season was planned for Xtina to win, but it's fine, since Alisan is a really talented vocalist so i can't complain (And we know TPTB's plans don't always work anyways). And i genuinely think that she would have picked Xtina regardless of what TPTB said to her, they were meant for each other.
  20. How i am not part of this fan thread yet?? @Spurrious Add me please, i am a big fan of the Queen
  21. A very interesting idea in theory, an absolute mess in the practice
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