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Everything posted by Dai

  1. Alisan is my #1, but in another dimension where Hannah didn’t get stuck with Pharrell’s song choices I probably would have preferred her over Alisan. The song choices alone are why I didn’t enjoy Hannah’s run as much as I wanted to. I still think that’s why some people prefer Alisan over Hannah. As for one being superior to the other, I think they are both equally as awesome in their own ways. Not the same scenario as Maelyn vs everyone in S16, where the former was clearly the best of the cast.
  2. They are my favorite blinds from their respective seasons, funnily enough.
  3. Actually, Alisan was REALLY hyped as well. Just because she’s my favorite doesn’t mean I can’t accept the truth. I never said there was anything wrong with it. PS: It’s getting tiring to see people claim opinions as facts. IMO Dream On is the best performance from The Voice, and you’re not going to see me claim it as a fact.
  4. Now that we’re talking about Thunderstorm, my favorite performance from him is Home.
  5. I mean, if you watched S9 it was pretty obvious that everyone (the coaches, Carson...) acted like he was the best singer ever, and I say this as a fan. You don’t have to get good placement spots to be “pimped” imo. Personally the thing that bothered me about the situation is that you had another fantastic vocalist that season (Jeffery) who didn’t get nearly as much hype or recognition as him.
  6. Late to the discussion but here I go anyways: One of my main problems with the show lately is that almost 95% of the finalists from the last five or six seasons can be classified either as female powerhouses, country guys or pop teens. I don’t have a problem with those archetypes, but the show is getting stale because of it. As for the AA powerhouses fan threads, my theory is that a lot of people who support them (not all of them ofc, this applies better to YT or Twitter) are mainly interested in hearing big notes, crazy runs and impressive vocal tricks, and not as interested in “hearing music as a whole” Which is kinda sad, because a lot of them bring really cool things to the table that deserve recognition and aren’t necessarily vocal related (Rose’s tone and song choices, Kim and Amanda’s stage presence and artistry...) PS: I’m aware this post might sound like a bunch of crap to some people, but all I can say is that in my head it makes sense
  7. I think most people here accepted that Payge was outperformed by Ben iirc.
  8. Based on their blinds, I prefer Jose (and Andrew lol) over Rachel. I could see her struggling live and Jose unexpectedly giving a solid performance, which Nick might reward him with the save (unlikely, but not impossible imo).
  9. Another thing, I put Rachel as CS, but I don’t think she’s a lock by any means.
  10. Before the show even started, I think we have been overestimating Gihanna’s chances. I could see a scenario where she is the one instantly eliminated in her team.
  11. I’m bored so why not: Team Kelly PV: Kenzie CS: Corey WC: Gihanna Team Legend PV: Victor CS: Zania WC: Ryleigh Team Nick PV: Dana CS: Rachel WC: Andrew Team Blake PV: Cam CS: Pete WC: Jordan (winner)
  12. They don’t need anyone. They already have Blake (and Kelly). Besides, most people don’t really care that Blake dominates most seasons (stating that he wins every season is plain wrong tho, only 2 wins in 8 seasons). Also, keep in mind that the people who watch the show are mostly 50-60 years old. Dua would a who to them.
  13. PV Carter Ian Jim M3 Desz (IS) John Ben B3 Cami Bailey Tamara
  14. I put those dresses here as a joke, but people seem to like them unironically so I didn’t say anything
  15. You already have the record of most confused reactions, there’s no need to go for it again
  16. I wouldn’t describe Pillowtalk as emotional, so maybe she used a different arrangement.
  17. Denisha Dalton - Pillowtalk (Zayn) - John, Blake and Kelly turned. Picked JOHN. (full) Yikes that song choice. Hoping she flipped it to make it more interesting.
  18. You misunderstood me. I’m putting myself in the minds of the people who usually hate on these winners. After all, I think Sawyer, Danielle and Chevel all did enough to deserve the win (even if I wasn’t a fan of the latter). Edit: I actually love Sawyer, lol. I’m probably one of the few Kimberly stans who isn’t salty about his win.
  19. I still have some internal debates about this. Is there actually a negative bias towards teens? Or the negativity is because a lot of people agree that they won over more deserving contestants (Danielle-Michelle, Sawyer-Kim?, Brynn-Kyla, Chevel-Kennedy...)?
  20. Me after seeing this thread being brought back:
  21. I’m not 100% familiar with any of them, but probably Brandy and Luis.
  22. Definitely didn’t expect her to have any kind of fandom, lol (this isn’t shade towards Marisa, most Voice contestants have little to no fans after the show ends, specially if you were eliminated in the taped tounds).
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