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Thoughts and Sounds

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Everything posted by Thoughts and Sounds

  1. So, Paris then GNT. Jershika and Wendy the last two for the first half
  2. Honestly the live really took me back cuz she's so casual and down to earth about it. It was two minutes where she was like "We're picking a winner tonight and I hope its me but regardless I'm just super grateful for this experience even with the broken arms... yeah i'll need surgery on this elbow after the show because it's completely destroyed but i can't wait to get back on the road..." And I was sitting there like Completely de- excuse me wtf
  3. Wendy also said on her live that she'll need surgery on her elbow after the show is over
  4. Wendy is honestly the contestant with the most to gain, or rather the least to lose from winning the whole thing. But I bet Hailey and GNT probably want the 100k, I'd want it too tbh, even if I were to never sing again in my whole life
  5. DONT WORRY - I've got you covered Wendy Moten? More like "Wendy needs to work on her emoten." Paris should show her how to put some feeling in her songs. Don't even get me started on Girl Named Monotone. How can three people sound so low energy and the exact same every week? They could learn a thing or two from Paris about energy. And Hailey? How are you gonna be 14 years old and actually look 14? Paris is 20 years younger than Wendy but looks like he could be her older brother. Take notes Hailey. Jershika Girl, you were probably 10th AND 8th place in votes. Paris went from fodder to contender and never needed an instant save. Can't believe Paris is stuck in the finale with these AMATEURS
  6. This thread is in a perpetual need of some chill Anyway, not shockingly, GNT’s two songs are charting in their respective genres. The chain is 39 in rock (Cutoff is 6 for overall t200) Baby Now That I’ve Found You is 147 in pop (pop? But cutoff is 39) River is back top 200 overall. These are certainly small #s but they’ve def got a dedicated group Wendy is the only other one with a song on any chart right now. I wonder whether the Chain or BNTIFY reaches higher
  7. Top 5: 1. OTR - Wendy 2. DITW - GNT 3. Elastic Heart - Hailey 4. Jolene - Wendy 5. River - GNT
  8. I don’t think it’s surprising that there’s more interest in The Chain for GNT than their ballad, but I guess we’ll have to see how performances are received
  9. I think her Billie cover will be one of her best performances of the season. She just nails the emotion, with a little bit of wail/whine in her voice at some points. Super good
  10. What I think will happen (based on these studios): 1. GNT 2. Wendy 3. Hailey 4. Paris 5. Jershika What I think should happen (based on these studios): 1. Wendy 2. GNT t-3. Hailey t-3. Jershika 5. Paris
  11. I kinda thought the whole point of moving them to tuesday was so they wouldnt have to make studios
  12. Girl Named Tom - On the spectrum of GNT performances, both of these are kind of medium. Both sound great, because GNT always sounds great. But, where as River was DITW/Wichita Lineman level, these were just a step below. Wendy Moten - Her upbeat song is nice but not spectacular, I hope she actually performs all of the runs and stuff! Better than Freeway of Love for sure. Over The Rainbow, on the other hand, will easily be her best live performance if she pulls it off. Potentially even her best performance of the season. If she cannot win when closing with this, then she was clearly never going to win. Paris Winningham - As usual, Paris sounds great. I personally prefer Ain't No Way. Neither of these are exceptional though, and I think all three of his last song choices could have been a little better. Hailey Mia - I loved IDWBYA. I hate Deja Vu as a song, so I did not like that performance. I don't know if she has the necessary moments in here to pull something off, but on the other hand they are fantastic song choices for her support base. Jershika Maple - Really enjoyed RitD, was refreshing and fun. She sounds great on I'm Going Down, but it was a little on the familiar side. All in all though, all of them sound really good. So now, how I *think* things shake out: 1. GNT - Not my favorite song choices, but it would probably take something very special for them to lose. 2. Wendy - I don't think it's enough to win, but Wendy might be able to go out with the best performance of the season. She does have the song to pull off an upset though if the stars align. 3. Hailey - Her fans will eat the songs up, so a lot depends on reception and performances, but I feel third right now. 4. Paris - Dude's got an incredible voice, but his song choices haven't been it for the semis and finale. 5. Jershika - Sorry Jershika, but there's no instant save out of fifth
  13. Votes are not cumulative. So only from the voting window that starts tomorrow night.
  14. They're my top two, and while I prefer Wendy, I think Wendy still has only an outside chance to win. I think GNT is just too far ahead in support and goodwill even if this is not the best finale set possible for them
  15. I love Rolling in the Deep from Jershika, some of her head voice notes seem a bit abrupt but its so much fun. She also sounds great on I'm Going Down. It was a bit too expected for me though, but still good. She's getting an undeserved fifth though
  16. I did not like The Chain as a song choice, but I actually prefer it to Viva La Vida for an upbeat song (even if it's still not my favorite from them). It sounds like some of the harmonies are going to be difficult live, because the words are very quick and sharp though. Was noticeable during the verses, but I think they'll put if off. BNITFY is surprisingly upbeat for a ballad choice. They sound great, though! I do think both are a step down from River as song choices, but they're so consistent on their delivery that I'm sure they'll pull it off
  17. Hailey sounds phenomenal on IDWBYA. I don't like Deja Vu as a song so I didn't like that one, but it's not her fault
  18. I listened to How Will I Know and was kind of like "Well it's okay but I hope she does more with the live performance." Then I listened to Over the Rainbow and my head nearly fell off my neck
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