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Thoughts and Sounds

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Everything posted by Thoughts and Sounds

  1. Lana actually sounds best when belting, but seriously struggles immediately after
  2. Really enjoyed that! Very tasteful and fun but they still let it go at the end
  3. Aw they have great chemistry. It's crazy that I look at them and think they're the same age though
  4. I've watched the entire live season on an Ariana fan's channel who plays her performances during the breaks and mutes the ads. It's actually really pleasant
  5. What if we have all this discussion about the note and she doesn't even attempt it like that
  6. How are they gonna fill the time next Monday if not with coach duets? Maybe a group performance with all the finalists? Remember when we actually had non-coach group performances
  7. I kinda hope they just randomized the duets so we end up with something like GNT and Joshua or Wendy and J&S
  8. I don’t remember where I heard it, but I thought it represented some weird combination of streaming and sales. Could be wrong on that, but for sure all of the data available to us are essentially worthless estimates of sales equivalents edit: just to say I don’t understand the mechanisms of the iTunes chart, especially when there’s also the Apple Music chart. But the fact that the top 200 overall would be just a couple dozen downloads and we had some artists not even make t200 of their genre chart seems definitely wrong
  9. I think the studios can frequently be very enlightening, but there’s so much uncertainty imo that results will really depend on if the artists can match the quality of studios in this case ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. Not apples to apples, but Rose won the IS and then closed the finale I don’t think it’s happening though
  11. For those who do not have access to the YT videos, the studios are starting to show up on streaming services for me now
  12. Honestly would not mind a J&S finale spot if they do well tomorrow, we love a redemption arc
  13. I know itunes is dead, but I think it did a pretty good job of showing us directionality of movement last week (notably J&S doing a lot better and Holly falling off the face of the earth). Tomorrow I'll be really interested in how Paris does. He's been pretty solid across metrics but I'm curious how much of that is just casual support and I'm a bit worried for him
  14. Paris opens and one of Wendy/Joshua closes while the other has the top of the hour slot.
  15. Alright, through with all the studios, and all of the contestants sounded good! Wendy - While I personally really enjoyed Jolene, it's good to have pre-lives Wendy back, even if this is not the perfect vote-getting song. A+ GNT - Angelic, a big step up from Viva La Vida imo Paris - A for vocals F for studio mixing, but the live performance will be much better Lana - I actually like this studio the most of all of hers so far! I'm not sure it's what she needs, but we'll see how she does live Hailey - She sounds great, I hope she channels the emotion a tad bit more for the live! J&S - High key good, might actually be their best live performance Jershika - She sounds incredible, but again the mixing is bad Joshua - Definitely my favorite from him, the song really matches his style better than any prior song. Some of the falsetto is just a little too much for me, but I wonder if he could do some damage with a good live performance
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