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Everything posted by Cookie73

  1. It’s been one hour and my post already hasn’t aged. I might want to see Holly’s audition even more now
  2. This is now the fourth time a singer named Holly has gotten a four chair turn. Will she be the first to make finale?
  3. NOIVAS for every round. I agree, since it seems like he delivered each time
  4. Cait Martin and NariYella as well for me. Also Holly Brand because I want to see if it should have gotten four chairs.
  5. I am looking forward to NOIVAS’s audition the most right now. I have to start with blind auditions because those are the performances we see first.
  6. I agree about Samuel. His audition was in my Top 5 that season as well.
  7. Only Bella was four chair worthy to me, so I didn’t have a problem with him not turning for most of them. Samuel was the only three chair turn that he turned for, and I’m glad he turned for him
  8. Now for a much needed topic change. I was trying to see who is preventing the most four chair turns, and while nobody is like Season 21 Blake, Kelly prevents 3, Blake prevents 2 and Chance prevents 1 from the info so far.
  9. Considering I complete my education at the conclusion of this season, I have no idea what my future with the show will be after this season.
  10. Looks like this could be a good season for BK (and a revival for post-season rankings)
  11. This is an issue that comes with seeing the Top 8 spoilers before watching a single performance. We don’t know how singers are going to do on the show, or how they will be edited. Compared to post Knockouts, it is harder to tell who will advance because we don’t know who the coach favorites are, or how contestants are edited on the show. Don’t forget that some contestants that make it far do not have many videos up, and those are usually the people that IDF sleeps on in preseason.
  12. Something else to keep in mind, don’t take source’s opinions for granted, as we’ve seen quite a few examples of performances that were overhyped or underhyped by sources. Plus, if a contestant gets feedback in one round, we still don’t know how they did in the other rounds.
  13. Exactly. We haven’t seen any performances from these contestants, so I don’t know what they will be like on the show. Maybe some of the singers that advanced will be better than we think.
  14. I wonder if Manasseh’s elimination will be a controversial one here, especially considering her team.
  15. It stings that Manasseh is now going to have only three performances this season, especially with all of the positive feedback for her battle.
  16. This is all true. A lot of the fan threads of R&B contestants aren’t even that active though. Fan thread activity is more based on who has the most dedicated fans, not the largest number of fans.
  17. Hopefully they won’t be like some of the performances from the last time there were taped playoffs
  18. I agree. it wasn’t a great performance from him, but it wasn’t terrible either. That was actually the only round I preferred Tamara to him.
  19. I felt that I liked his early performances more compared to his later ones. John excelled with songs that were jazz leaning, including his audition and battle, but he started getting pop songs in the Lives. His finale night was the only one that was “bad” though.
  20. Was that Ross in the promo? I saw a four chair turn prominently featured
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