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  1. Is Idol Games still a thing here
  2. Is Idol Games still a thing here
  3. Is Idol Games still a thing here
  4. Firemaster was one of my favs. I’m convinced Charlotte had a whole family of accounts
  5. We were Golden Age IDF, nobody did it like us
  6. Weirdoo is an IDF Staple long before most of y’all were here. He’s one of the original spoiler posters, put some respect on his name back in topic, im so excited for Team Niall, I haven’t been interested since Season 17, so this will be a nice change hopefully
  7. Hi hope you’re alive & well :party:

  8. I totally agree Catsy This is reminding me of Katriz Trinidad’s robbery in S7
  9. Camila has nowhere near the Fanbase Ariana has lol, she can barely get her own album and singles to chart-
  10. THE WAY NO ONE ASKED FOR HER- She has no charisma and likability LOL
  11. I’ll nominate @Bk1234for their consistent contributions to this forum! @TeamAudrafor being a consistent fellow Hailey Mia stan Before the IDFApocolypse, I would have nominated the late Great Team B
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