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(Unnamed) Twi'lek Majordomo



I was confused for a moment before I thought that Majordomo was the actual name of this character lol, but he's just one of majordomos. We never got to know his name, all we know is that he served for Mok Shaiz, mayor of Mos Espa on Tatooine. He was sent by Shaiz to Jabba the Hutt's palace to greet Boba Fett, who was in charge. Unfortunately he didn't bring any tributes, so Fennec Shand wanted him to serve as snack for Jabba's pets, however, Boba let him go unharmed. After assasinasion attempt, Boba Fett went to see Mok Shaiz, where Majordomo didn't want to let him in and tried to stop him, and later fled to his speeder to escape. Sadly he was caught as he crashed through a farmer's market with meiloorun fruit. I do usually like Twi'leks but this one is actually not really memorable? So I think it's fine to cut him now.


Galen Erso

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2 hours ago, totes4totes said:

i think now @Erestor just has to post his noms!


i hope all your coursework stuff went well!

Will be coming up shortly!


thanks, I submitted it for marking, so fingers crossed that I passed :haha:

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Wedge Antilles

Nate Gunray

Dexter Jettster

Supreme Leader Snoke

Rose Tico

Babu Frik

Baze Malbus

Bodhi Rook

Chirrut Îmwe

Galen Erso


Orson Krennic

Saw Gerrera


Sabine Wren

The Grand Inquisitor

Cad Bane

Steela Gerrera

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Nute Gunray


The way his name is Nute and we've all been calling him Nate this entire time 🙈. Honestly it's kinda wild to me that he was in the entire prequel trilogy because for some reason in my head he's just an Episode 1 kinda guy. Nute, and not Nate, was the viceroy of the Trade Federation. I feel like the political machinations of the prequel trilogy could've been interesting, but the writing was just not up to par. Nute was very much in the weeds when it came to the politics. He was not afraid to play both sides and ally with Darth Sidious in order to get what he wanted. He was a key figure in the invasion of Naboo, but obviously he was just a pawn in Sidious' bigger game. This led to Nute's downfall and subsequent arrest. Nute had it out for Padme after his downfall in Naboo. Dude literally didn't realize he was manipulated by Sidious the entire time. Priorities my guy, priorities! A newly evil Anakin ended up killing him. So I'm glad he got to defend his wife even though he literally didn't do it for her at all?


Save Babu Frik

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Galen Erso


As a Rogue One fan Galen might be a shock cut from me. However, he is more of a plot device than a character to me. Imprisoned by the empire and forced to do their bidding, Galen was forced to create the superlaser for the Death Star. However, he was always loyal to the resistance, and he's the one that helps lead his daughter Jyn to the information about the flaw in the Death Star design. He helps inspire Jyn to join the revolution. He also gives her the vital piece of information that leads to the destruction of the Death Star. He's a very important part of the Rogue One plot. But as a character? Not so important.


Save Bodhi Rook

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The Grand Inquisitor


#Blessed I get to cut another character from the trash Obi-Wan series. I will say, I really like his character design. Very villainous and harrowing. The Grand Inquisitor reported to Darth Vader to find and hunt any Jedi who survived Order 66. So obviously he was after Obi-Wan. Clearly he did not get his way as anyone who watched Episode 4 would know, Obi-Wan is still alive. I assume if you know literally anything about Star Wars, you've at the very least watched Episode 4 :dead:. He seems to be more of a character from The Clone Wars series than from the Obi-Wan series which I have seen. He's killed pretty early in the series when Reva turns on him in order to become the new Grand Inquisitor. As such a vital part of the Clone Wars series it may have been a surprise to them. Or they all knew he was gonna die there since the Star Wars timeline is always out of order idk. But if the series can't even both to give him a name then I can't be bothered to keep him in the game.


Save Saw Gerrera

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Steela Gerrera

Steela Gerrera


I don't have the most in-depth knowledge of this character but she has stayed around because she's the sister of Saw Gerrera, and let's face it, that's a pretty good resume all on its own. Steela appears in the Clone Wars series (obviously, based on the animated pictures above) in 5 episodes and apparently is referenced in Bad Batch which I haven't seen yet. She's from the planet Onderon and that's where we see her battling the Separatists to try and restore King Ramsis to the throne. While the final battle against the droids was successful and the rightful king returned, Steela did not survive the battle. Ahsoka was there for her death and tried to save her but there were enemy gunships that interfered and lead to Steela's ultimate fate.


Save K2SO

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Sabine Wren

Who Is Sabine Wren? — CultureSlate


Welp Sabine has maybe the longest wiki that I've seen yet, so sorry about that. If you've only been exposed to the live action stuff you'll recognize her from the Ahsoka show, but she's also in Star Wars Rebels, Disney shorts, and about 2 million comics and magazines. But she was not in Rogue One so she loses to my other saves lol. She's a Mandalorian but she also has some force capabilities. She had some drama with the Darksaber, her mother Ursa Wren aka the leader of the mandalorian Clan Wren, she got involved with Captain Hera as part of the rebels, and eventually became the apprentice of Ahsoka. But that was all very informal since Ahsoka was not technically a Jedi anymore and Sabine was not technically force-sensitive at the time. She didn't unlock her force abilities until after an encounter with Grand Admiral Thrawn. Anyway she's super cool and pretty important to the series


Save Orson Krennic

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Baze Malbus
Baze Malbus | Shared Nation


Very sad to cut "man with large gun" from Rogue One from the game. We meet him on his home moon of Jedha. He used to work as a monk/warrior as a Guardian of the Whills AKA the Kyber Temple where they would watch over the Kyber crystals or whatever that the moon had in plenty. Later be became a freelance assassin and friend/bodyguard to the blind man Chirrut who was also one of the guardians. However, the empire raided the moon to get all the kyber resources to power the Death Star planet zapper. And when stuff got squirrely with the Death Star construction the empire decided to blow up the whole city/region where the temple was located. Permanently displaced and not thrilled with the empire, Baze and his blind buddy join the ranks of the rebels and subsequently the Rogue One mission. He was part of the battle/distraction on Scarif that was commenced to let the Citadel Tower there be raided and the Death Star plans be stolen. He was ultimately killed during that battle, but the Death Star blew the whole planet to smithereens right afterward so there was really no way for him to get out of that situation either way. 


Save Chirrut Îmwe

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11 hours ago, FrogLenzen said:

I don't have the most in-depth knowledge of this character but she has stayed around because she's the sister of Saw Gerrera

Me reading her last name on the front page daily and never putting two and two together.


  • Haha 1
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Supreme Leader Snoke


Based on the noms from everybody else, I think I am by far and away the biggest fan of Episode VIII. There's a lot of me that wishes that Rian Johnson just got to do the entire sequel trilogy. I think at least the final episode as well. Because what he did was interesting. It may not have been to everybody's tastes but it was new. Where Episode VII felt like a retread of Episode IV to the point where I think you can probably now consider it unnecessary, VIII felt like for one of the first times in a Disney property that new creativity was injected in to a series. Anyway, I bring this all up to say that Snoke was clearly the Palpatine character that was invented by JJ Abrams and when Rian Johnson killed him off in Episode VIII with very little fanfare to the character, I think that's what lead us to "REY PALPATINE" (one of the single worst decisions made in Disney history). There's not too much more to say about Snoke.VIII feels like it was building to something interesting and that involves killing off Snoke but ultimately Disney tried to go "safe" after the outcries of their racist misogynist incel fanbase instead.


Saving: Rose Tico




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Here I am, once again, coming for all the droids. This is actually one of the easier droid cuts because the droid is from Solo: A Star Wars Story AKA the absolute peak of mediocrity. It's like I punted that entire movie out of my head because I didn't even remember a droid in that movie! L3-37 is a FEMALE droid (because droids still fall under binary genders despite being robots) and was passionate about droid rights. She assembled most of her programming and upgrades herself which is very cool and would be cooler if not in SOLO. Because a character cannot survive one of these "A Star Wars Story" movies unless they appeared in canon already, L3-37 eventually died.


Saving: Cad Bane

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