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Max Rebo


Wow, we've let some of these Alien Musicians come far in this game. I thought most of these guys would be gone by now, but the power of playing alien jazz music I suppose. Star Wars.com describes him as the HEART of the Max Rebo Band. His instrucment is known as a Red Ball Jet Organ. I like how the controls include clearly arcade joysticks. I think it's fun to watch a movie like Star Wars imagine what the future (technically past) will be like in terms of technology and then you have modern Star Wars movies kind of stuck in that same veneer. Because obviously now if you are imagining the same kind of futuristic instruments you'd probably have touch screens! I am padding a bit because there isn't a lot on this guy. He and his band played for Jabba. He escaped the destruction when Jabba was killed and lives on to this day (or as far as imaginable of the current Star Wars timeline). Cool dude. Keep on playing.


Saving: Cad Bane

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2 minutes ago, totes4totes said:

Wow, we've let some of these Alien Musicians come far in this game. I thought most of these guys would be gone by now, but the power of playing alien jazz music I suppose.

I believe I saved him every time and I would've kept doing it!!!!

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Anytime I have to cut someone not on starwars.com I die a little inside because why can't wikias allow us to post pictures on this site???? Yes, I can save the picture to my laptop, then upload it to imgur, then paste it here but I am not interested in going through all that extra labor! I'm a good person, I don't deserve this! The reason why KkH'Oar'Rrhr isn't on starwars.com is because he wasn't in any of the movies or shows. Just in Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsi which is a PlayStation game from the 90's. The only Star Wars videogame I've played is Lego Star Wars. And I own Jedi Fallen Order which I've played maybe an hour of? Maybe one day I'll play it. I'm not much of a #gamer so I don't play very often. I'll get really in the mood for gaming and dedicate a week to playing my PlayStation and then not touch it for a year.

Anyways, KkH'Oar'Rrhr is a tusken raider. He's force sensitive, which is cool, you don't really associate tusken raiders with the force. It seems like he wasn't a main character in that game, he didn't get fleshed out till the extended universe finally allowed him to, as is the case with many of these characters. Ohhhhh so he's the sole survivor of Anakin's villain origin story when he slaughtered an entire tusken village upon rescuing his dying mother. Okay, that makes this guy a lot more interesting. He was determined to get revenge on Anakin, understandably. It seems that revenge turned to Luke, but as we all know he never got his revenge. Poor guy's revenge arc couldn't even make it into the movies! Maybe we'll get a spinoff movie for him one day.


Save Snoke

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Zam Wesell


I actually really like Zam. You know. As far as minor characters in the prequel trilogies go. She's a Clawdite shapeshifter who took a human appearance. She was enlisted by Jango to kill Padmé and if I am going to cut Jango, then I am going to cut Zam. That seems fair. She is somebody who has a LOT of backstory in the Expanded Universe because female bounty hunter assassins are VERY COOL. And the fact that she is often a hot lady? It's all very cool stuff. TBH if they were to explore prequel trilogy timeline stuff, I wouldn't mind seeing more Zam. Anyway, she failed at killing Padmé but before she could spill on who hired her, Jango killed her.


Here she is in her actual Clawdite form:



Saving Greedo who is also a bit character but his bit is one of the most important in Star Wars lol

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3 minutes ago, Alex95 said:

Anytime I have to cut someone not on starwars.com I die a little inside because why can't wikias allow us to post pictures on this site???? Yes, I can save the picture to my laptop, then upload it to imgur, then paste it here but I am not interested in going through all that extra labor! I'm a good person, I don't deserve this!

lol, i use a program called gyazo which when i click it allows me to take a screenshot and then immediately uploads it and gives it a url

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Pre Vizsla


We've got a starwars.com picture again! We move! Unfortunately for him, not a character I'm too familiar with as he's just from the Clone Wars tv series. He's also a Mandalorian! Very clearly not the most famous one amongst the fanbase though lol. He pretended to be an ally of Duchess Satine Kryze, but was actually scheming behind the scenes to take over and return the Mandalore's to their warrior roots as opposed to being pacifists. I think the politics of the Star Wars universe are really interesting and have rarely been explored properly. The prequel trilogy obviously tried leaning into the poltiics, but not well. So I'd be very curious to see how Clone Wars portrays Pre Vizsla and his beliefs. He is mainly known for leading Death Watch and aligning with villains such as Count Dooku. It seems once he's revealed to be the head of Death Watch, he's no longer playing both sides and just completely leans into the villain role. After working with the Siths and accomplishing his goal, the Siths obviously turn on Death Watch when they have no use for them and Darth Maul kills Pre Vizsla in a duel. If I ever watch Clone Wars I'll let you know my true feelings on this guy. Could be interesting, could be one-dimensional I'm not sure.


Save Dexter

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1 hour ago, Alex95 said:

Ohhhhh so he's the sole survivor of Anakin's villain origin story when he slaughtered an entire tusken village upon rescuing his dying mother. Okay, that makes this guy a lot more interesting.

Fair cut and this trivia is the only reason I added him haha so your write up gets a passing grade ✅

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Mother Talzin

Momma Ain't Happy, Nobody Happy: Mother Talzin and The Clone Wars – The  Star Wars Report

Talzin (center) is a Dathomiri which is a subspecies of Zabrak... you know, the thing that Darth Maul is. Darth Maul has that striking red/black appearance but I think the black is all tattoos. I don't know why he's red but yeah. So Darth Maul is the iconic member of the race and Talzin just so happens to be the guy's mother. And her other kid is Savage Oppress, who is still in the game. And she has another son named Feral lmao. So Talzin doesn't win any awards for subtlety in the naming of her sons. But that's okay. The Dathomiri are known for using magick, a version of the force. And I'm also seeing the word Acolyte thrown in these articles but I haven't seen the new acolyte show so I don't know if there is any significant connection there aside from other magick in the galaxy. She has a lot of drama in the Clone Wars series with Dooku and Grievous and the whole prequel gang. We know not that Maul survived being bisected in the movies and Talzin was the main source of putting his mind and body back together via her magick. Maul was the apprentice of Sidious aka Palpatine but at some point Talzin made him her enemy which is never a great idea for characters... eventually she was killed by Grievous after a confrontation with him, Dooku, and Sidious. 


Save Droopy

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Queen Breha Organa

Star Wars: Everything You Need to Know About Breha Organa


She's the wife of Senator Organa, the family who adopted/hid Leia after the whole prequel events. I don't think she has much of an identity in Star Wars beyond being an extension of Bail. She's the person who was kind of... also there for the important events, such as taking in Leia, forming the rebel alliance, etc. And unfortunately she was also there when Alderaan was blown up by the Death Star in a moment that still seems WAY to casual for how it was executed in the first movie lol. Poor Carrie Fisher was supposed to react to her entire home planet being blown up instantly in front of her? How do you even portray the gravity and shock of that event? Anyway, her Wiki page is kind of long but most of her "Appearances" section says "mentioned only" "mentioned only" "mentioned only" "indirect mention only" "mentioned only" "indirect mention only" "mentioned only" "indirect mention only" "mentioned only" so while she is a well-known character in the series she doesn't make much of an impact for me.


Save the robot

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Arvel Skeen

Kino Loy

Lieutenant Gorn

Timm Karlo


Tahiri Veila

Koska Reeves


Ezra Bridger


Val Beckett

Commander D'Acy



I think I'm next and the last one for this round but correct me if I'm wrong!!!

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Timm Karlo


My initial thought was not to cut anyone from Andor and see if the entire cast could survive the first cycle. But they do have to go sooner or later. And I decided I wanted to be in charge of who the first Andor character to be cut would be, and it should be this loser. Timm was the luckiest man in the entire galaxy. He managed to convince Bix Caleen to date him. Possibly the baddest bitch in the entire galaxy


Yet, he manages to fumble that bag. Not before giving us the first implied Star Wars sex scene. But he becomes paranoid about Bix's relationship with Cassian. Now, I don't necessarily blame him. He was shooting way out of his league with Bix. He knew it, I knew it, Cassian probably knew it. Cassian is so much cooler and hotter than Timm, Bix absolutely should have been cheating on Timm with Cassian. But she wasn't. For some reason, she cared for Timm (even though she wasn't sharing all her secrets with him). And she was right not to! Because Timm ends up betraying them and reporting Cassian to the Empire. Timm's reward? He gets killed by the same police he ratted Cassian out to lol. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!

Timm's death scene is great. It was such a shocking moment in the series. And so brutal. Just shot in cold blood. And Bix being handcuffed and forced to watch, and subsequently forced to stare at his dead body lying in the middle of the street. Timm's death was a turning point in the series where I knew this was something special. More than just your run-of-the-mill Star Wars series. Timm helped radicalize a lot of people in Ferrix due to his incompetence. But it was still his own incompetence that led him to this point.


Save Kino Loy

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since @Alex95 is wishy washy on Tahiri, I'm going to ENFORCE THE TIME RULES and save her. (I am pretty sure he would have hated doing her write-up anyway since she isn't in the databank).


Save Tahiri, Lobacca

Cut: Val, D'acy



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I love Thandiwe Newton. She's like the right level of famous and a good enough actress where you see her in Star Wars and you get excited but it still looks like she belongs in a Star Wars Universe and not plucked out of our own. (You know the cameos I'm talking about!!!!!). But Solo was a disaster. It's the epitome of explaining things that don't need to be explained (when they were like "Oh he's Han SOLO because he's alone" I almost walked out) and on top of that it is BORING. Also, I am pretty sure both the Database AND Wookiepedia just list her name as Val, but she was a part of Beckett's crew.


Anyway, she was good with a blaster. She and Beckett were in love with each other. And then she sacrificed herself and died. Her character section is 6 paragraphs long on Wookiepedia. And she's a major character in a canonical Star Wars movie. They couldn't even give her more anything! And then it didn't mean anything because Han had to give up the cargo from the heist to save Beckett! She died for nothing! Solo is so bad!!!!!!


Saving: Tahiri

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2 hours ago, Alex95 said:

He managed to convince Bix Caleen to date him. Possibly the baddest bitch in the entire galaxy

peak midwestern heterosexual couple vibes. a mediocre man and a woman who is way too hot and cool for him.

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Commander D'Acy


LOL I was going to nominate the character multiple times but I was like "should I be nominating the background character with no storyline and could easily be wiped for International (AKA China's) release that they chose to be a lesbian. During PRIDE?" But yah. Because honestly, Disney was being Disney again and they were like "we have GAY characters" and people were like "POE AND FINN FINALLY" and Disney was like LOLOLOLOLOLOL of course not, you remember VERY IMPORTANT CHARACTER Commander D'Acy? It's her! She has a wife! Rise of Skywalker was so bad!


Don't worry though, the databank makes sure to mention she has a WIFE in the longest sentence ever:

"With the support of her wife, Wrobie Tyce, who adapted her acumen as a courier ship pilot to fight the First Order by Larma’s side, D'Acy has stepped into a broader strategic command position, personally advising General Organa and rolling up her sleeves for the hands-on work of getting the Ajan Kloss outpost fully operational."


Anyway, she was a commander of ground forces. She did resistance stuff. She was recruited by Leia. Whatever!!!!!


ETA: the background kiss was shockingly not censored by China but by the UAE and Singapore. Can't miss the opportunity to make a billion + 1 dollars, couldn't just settle for a billion!


Saving: Lobacca! A Wookie JEDI

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Ezra Bridger


Quite possibly the hottest non-Han Solo character in the franchise. Ezra seems to be a pretty big name amongst the Rebels fans so when he appeared in Ahsoka it was a big deal. But for me, I didn't know him and I was just meeting him for the first time. I think Ahsoka works better if you're familiar with Rebels and Clone Wars and all that. I think they did the best they could for us casual fans, but it was still pretty hard to follow for me. He's actually missing at the start of Ahsoka and we aren't formally introduced to him until about halfway through the season if my memory is serving me correctly. Unfortunately after being reunited with the Ahsoka characters, he does fly off again by the end of the season. I thought he was cool and would be interesting and seeing more of him maybe in less clothes in season two. But I think I'm missing too much of his character just from watching Ahsoka. So I never really grew attached to him, or particularly cared about his relationships with the other characters.


Save Koska Reeves

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Arvel Skeen



The last cuts of the first cycle! I had to do this write up over and over again because I am in Poland now and my old laptop here kept crashing everytime I accessed Wookiepedia lol. So apologies for the wait. As Alex mentioned, I also wanted to see if the entire cast of Andor could make it past the first cycle, but since Timm has already been cut, Arvel will follow his destiny. Arvel Skeen was a part of Vel Sartha's team and was one of the group that carried out a mission on Aldhani. He was hesistant on recruiting Cassian Andor, however was dismissed by Sartha. He survived the heist, only to be shot by Cassian after he suggested they abandon their teammates and flee with the haul. While I did enjoy the heist episode, I didn't care much for Arvel, so it's time to cut him now.


Lieutenant Gorn

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