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ah so sorry for the hold up, i get back home in like 6 hours or so, so i'll definitely have my cut/saves in tonight at the latest! it's been a crazy packed weekend. this should be the only time aside from 4th of July Weekend that I get this swamped.

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4 hours ago, Alex95 said:

Very excited for The Acolyte tomorrow. I'm getting more Andor than Obi-Wan or Boba Fett vibes from it 🙏

Same! I'm glad they are setting it during Republic times. I think exploring more the timeline of Star Wars is a great way to expand the Universe rather than centering on times (and characters) in the Skywalker saga.

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Crix Madine


Once again we go with who has the shortest Wookiepedia and StarWarsDatabank entry, and of my four options, this guy is pretty short in both. He used to be a member of the Empire's military, but he defected to join the Rebel Alliance where he rose to the rank of General. In fact it was his actions and planning that lead to the destruction of the Endor Shield Generator, allowing the Rebels to take a definitive victory against the Empire. In 5ABY, Madine was rumored to have died during the Attack on Chandrila during the Liberation Day celebrations. This seems like a character that should have more in the EU but he does not. We don't even know if he died for sure!


Saving: Queen Breha

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Mas Amedda


Mas Amedda was the Vice Chair of the Galactic Senate turned Grand Vizier when the Galactic Republic was turned in to the Galactic Empire following the Clone Wars. Clearly no moral backbone. He's noted for having a booming voice which allowed him to effectively call for order when arguments and debate would dissolve in to partisan bickering. He had a high opinion of himself, but like most politicians with big mouths and big egos, he was seen as a week-willed sycophant of the Emperor. After the Empire fell, the Rebels allowed Mas Amedda to be a leader in name only on the planet of Coruscant.


Saving: Jan

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1. Derek

2. Patryk

3. Alex

4. Megan


5. Megan

6. Alex

7. Patryk

8. Derek


9. Derek

10. Patryk

11. Alex

12. Megan


13. Megan

14. Alex

15. Patryk

16. Derek


We've crossed the halfway point of this first round!

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The Fifth Brother


Droopy McCool
Cad Bane
Dexter Jettster
Paige Tico
Force Priestesses
Gara Petothe

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Posted (edited)

Force Priestesses


Oh good, the wookiepedia updated their logo to rainbow for gay! Is Star Wars woke now?????? The answer is yes, Star Wars has literally been woke from episode four. I am cutting the Force Priestesses because we don't need a group in this game. This isn't America's Got Talent! You're competing individually or not at all!!!! I could've use my wildcard to bring the entire Ewok population into this game, and trust me I would've liked to. But I just gave it to a singular Ewok. The Force Priestesses are only seen in The Clone Wars, which I've already admitted to not having watched. I cannot make a 7 season, 133 episode commitment at this time in my life. The Acolyte's upcoming eight episodes sounds more up my alley.

Anyways, onto these ladies, or I should say ethereal beings. They represent Serenity, Joy, Anger, Confusion, and Sadness. Who's excited for Inside Out 2?! They are the connection between the force that resides in living beings and the spiritual entity that is The Force. The Force is ~a lot~ when you think about it, and when I do think about it, it stresses me out. Yoda encounters them on his adventures during the Clone Wars. I feel like he's the right Jedi to encounter them. He'd just ~get~ them. The Force Priestesses have one of the shorter wookiepedia so I don't think even the extended universe expands on them as much as some of the random pilots I've cut in this game.


Save Droopy McCool

Edited by Alex95
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Gara Petothel


Okay time to dip my toe into an extended universe cut. They don't even have entries on starwars.com so I have to rely solely on the wookieepedia here. She worked as a spy and assumed multiple different identities such as Lara Notsil and Kirney Slane. She is only seen in the X-Wing comics. She seemed to play for a bunch of different teams throughout the novels. She was originally loyal to the Galactic Empire when she served as an Imperial Intelligence agent. But then she worked for Zsinj, which I take is another bad guy. But soon she made her way over to the New Republic when she learned she was fed propaganda about the New Republic and realized that was the team she wanted to fight for. It took her a while to make it over to the good guys, but she got there in the end which is all that matters. She also has a different hair color for each of her aliases. Way to keep em guessing Gara! She seems pretty cool, but I have absolutely no attachment to her, so sorry Gara. Gotta start getting some of these EU characters out.


Save Dexter Jettster

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Bossk | StarWars.com

Star Wars Won't Stop Trashing One of its Strongest Characters


Bossk is actually pretty cool and has a pretty extended backstory, not just the goofy cliche stuff but it seems people actually spent time fleshing him out beyond his appearance in the movies. Which is where we first meet him. He's one of the motley crew assembled and summoned by Darth Vader to seek out and capture Han Solo. A collection of bounty hunters that included Boba Fett. Obviously we know that Boba is the one who ultimately captured Han in the movies or at least was involved in that whole thing in some capacity. Bossk didn't finish the mission. Aaaaand he hasn't been in any movie since. But he was in a handful of Clone Wars episodes and like 400 other extended universe appearances including being heavily featured in the Star Wars: Bounty Hunters 42 issue comic book series which is from like 2020 and is actually canon! So damn I should save him but he's been nominated a bunch and I'll be honest and say robots and inquisitors are automatically cooler than bounty hunters in my book, sorry bro. 


Save Fifth Brother

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Star Wars Kenner Vintage Collection Ree-


This 3-eyed guy is kind of iconic to me just because I'm always obsessed with Return of the Jedi. Give me every Jabba Palace background character before any Cantina background character lol I don't know why. But his time is up in our game. He's something called a Gran and his job at Jabba's crib is to just watch his dog lmao.


Buboicullaar Creature Star Wars - STL File for 3D Print


Honestly, the frog/dog is cooler than Ree-Yees so we'll call this an honorary Buboicullaar write-up as well. Ree-Yees didn't do much and then died when Jabba's ship exploded in the movie. Our boy Bubo tho? I've quickly scanned his wiki entry and I see no concrete evidence that he died at the same time. There is no reason to believe that he didn't especially if Ree-Yees was on board the ship, but maybe they left Bubo at home! Maybe Bubo jumped off the ship and escaped into the desert! 




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Paige Tico


Paige Tico was Rose Tico's sister who was a pilot and a a gunner. She operated the ventral guns on a resistance bomber. One thing I think is very funny about StarWars.com's Databank is that they won't mention when a character dies. Even if that death is part of another character's storyline or happens at the very beginning of the movie. In this case it just mentions "Paige loves animals, particularly fathiers, and dreams of seeing one during some quiet period when the galaxy is at peace." Well that won't happen because she dies VERY early on! I remember being sad about it. I get sad when any woman dies in a movie TBQH. I believe Paige gets fleshed out more in the comics but her role is pretty much always Rose's cooler sister.


Saving: Greedo

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I'm just going to quote his ENTIRE databank entry here because it's so short it wouldn't even suffice as a full write-up! "Klaud might have joined the Resistance as a result of mistaken identity, but he is welcomed as an ally by the freedom fighters." Anyway, in the picture above, Klaud is on the right. He's a male trodatome who worked as a mechanic for the Resistance. I do actually really like Klaud's design. I think he's a cool looking alien. But I just do not remember him at all from the sequel trilogy. Like. This alien could be anybody, any character. I think in Star Wars as an alien you have to do more than just exist to be memorable. And I think that says a lot about how fleshed out the world can be that just being a non-human doesn't make you stand out immediately.


Saving: Cad Bane

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8D8 | Star wars canon, Star wars pictures, Star wars episodes


I'm a huge fan of most of the droids but this one can go. We first saw him in the background operating a weird hot iron branding torture device in the back rooms of Jabba's Palace. Mostly just there for adding visuals and ambiance to the scene. He wasn't on the ship when Jabba and his crew blew up, so he was still there when Bib Fortuna took over. And when Boba Fett came back to take things over from Bib, 8D8 was still there again. So 8D8 served Boba and was kind of his creepy C3PO to help him manage the area, translate, and whatever else. It was fun to see this random background character fleshed out and given a larger role. But at the end of the day he will always be the scary robot in the background of my favorite movie. Also tbh his role was still not that large oop


Save Garsa Fwip who was in fewer episodes than the robot but made a bigger impact on me and was more interesting

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A Sarasota Man Is Selling a Life-Sized Sculpture of Watto From The Phantom  Menace | Sarasota Magazine


Is this the most prominent character cut so far? Probably. He's not real so I can't pretend that he deserves to be cut for being a slaveowner lol. But of all the annoying Episode I aliens I'll make sure this guy leaves before my Jar Jar Binks immunity expires! Watto was an unpleasant character with an unpleasant voice that was unpleasant to look at. They went over the top in making him sleazy in appearance and personality. As if we'd accidentally mistake the human trafficker as some cool character! His wings defy physics and that's probably the best thing about him. Really ambitious to include this type of alien front-and-center in the prequels considering the computer technology at the time. So yeah he was in the movies because he owned Anakin and Anakin's mother as slaves, which the Jedi came to collect Anakin since he was an immaculate conception force-sensitive or whatever. I remember them trying to use jedi mind tricks on Watto and it didn't work. I don't think Watto ever died, so that's cool for him. But yeah him selling Anakin's mom off was a catalyst to a lot of pretty bad things. He's lucky that Anakin didn't come back and find him because little Ani was sure in a bad mood when he found those tusken raiders. And not just the men. But the women and the children too. Can I 100% blame Watto for Darth Vader? Of course not, but he's not in the clear either. Obviously Obi and Qui should have bought both Anakin AND his mom from Watto. But we can't pretend that the slaver is somehow blameless in the situation here.


Save Majordomo even though he doesn't deserve it 

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