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Zett Jukassa


Zett was a young Padawan from Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. I think it says a lot that the picture above is the highest quality picture that even StarWars.com has. Let's see, he fought HEROICALLY after Clone Troopers marched on the Jedi Temple to execute Order 66. If you do not remember Order 66, that was the Order that declared all Jedi as traitors to the Galactic Republic. Zett Jukassa did not survive the attack. He was able to strike down Commander Appo by getting him in the leg but shortly after that he was shot and killed by Commander Fox as a horrified Bail Organa watched. 


Saving: Selbulba

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Admiral Kendal Ozzel


OMG I closed the tab when I had so much written. Anyway, all the offscreen background info to fill this out. Kendal Ozzel was born in to a wealthy family. He was commissioned into the Clone Wars fighting for the Galactic Republic. Post Clone Wars he continued to serve presumably transitioning to an NCO as he eventually rose to the rank of Admiral. It was at this time that he commanded Darth Vader's own flagship vessel the SUPER STAR DESTROYER EXECUTOR (emphasis MINE because what a cool name). As such he was in charge of finding the Alliance's secret base. It seems he was unable to as he was only able to attack Hoth AFTER the Empire gave him the information. Darth Vader was displeased with his incompetence.


He had a fiancée, but it seems he loved fascism more than he loved her.


StarWars.com describes his end as a "sudden and permanent demotion" AKA Vader force choked him to death.


Saving: Watto

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Ponda Baba

Ponda Baba™ Arms Magnet Set - WAREHOUSE FIND - LIMITED TIME!


He doesn't like you. That's pretty much the extent of characterization we get from Ponda in the first Star Wars movie. We meet him along with Luke in the Cantina scene. Ponda doesn't speak English but his compadre Dr. Evazan helpfully translated Ponda's disdain for Luke to understand. Luke tried not to engage with the gentlemen but things escalated and Ponda ended up getting his arm lightsabered off courtesy of Mstr. Kenobi. The scene fun and an extremely successful storytelling device to show that the Cantina is a seedy bar full of dangerous misfits and that barfights are pretty run of the mill and don't shock the other bargoers. Beyond that, the Star Wars universe tells us that Ponda and Evazan partnered up and were working for Jabba. And after the amputation, the two buddies had a disagreement about the reattachment procedure and ultimately parted ways. 


YARN | I mean, Ponda Baba can try to shoot Luke? | 30 Rock (2006) - S05E15  It's Never Too Late for Now | Video gifs by quotes | a2c8a570 | 紗

Lemon knows what's up


Save the Jawa!!!!!!!!!!! Nebit :wub:

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Wes Janson

Wes Janson | StarWars.com


We've lost most of the random rebel starfighters from the first movie and the Death Star battle, so it makes sense that Wes from the second movie would follow soon after and not outlast Mr. Antilles. Wes actually worked with Antilles during the Battle of Hoth. AKA the frozen planet. I think they were in the same ship? Where one guy drives and the other shoots? There are details in here about what he did after the battle but I don't see him as appearing in Return of the Jedi so that all must happen off screen? And of course film appearances are not the end-all-be-all of this game considering the randoms that I added as wildcards. But a random white man without force powers is a tough sell these days when there are so many aliens and jedis and mandalorians to choose from


Save Holdo

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Momaw Nadon




Momaw Nadon first appeared in "A New Hope" movie, but was an unnamed character with no backstory. He later got his own action figure and was identified as "Hammerhead" (no idea why, lol jk). Basically, Momaw Nadon was present in the Mos Eisley Cantina at the time when Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived in search of a pilot who could take them to Alderaan. His species was called Ithorian and they came from planet Ithor. Momaw was exiled from it though, as punishment for revealing the secrets of his species to the Empire. Anyway, those who played Knights of the Old Republic probably still remember the Ithorian speech :haha:


Haja Estree

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Lobot was Cloud City's computer liaison officer, and served as Lando Calrissian's aide and chief. His brain was connected to the city's central computer which allowed him to communicate directly with the city's computer network. During the production of Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, the filmmakers decided that the he had been lobotomized as a result of the installation of his cybernetic implant, causing him to become a mute, and was named "Lobot" as a reference to this. He was working with Lando aboard the 'Millennium Falcon', but none of that was shown on screen. Lobot was supposed to die in Episode V, but the scene was cut from the movie.


Kawlan Roken

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Cham Syndulla


I've been avoiding the Clone Wars and Extended Universe characters because I literally have no idea what to say about them. I also haven't been nominating them because I don't want to accidentally nominate the wrong ones. But if I keep avoiding them they'll all end up in the end so I guess it's time to rip off the bandaid. Cham Syndulla is a freedom fighter who worked closely with Mace Windu. He was hoping to give his daughter a better life, away from Empire tyranny, aww that's sweet. But it does seem like he had a bit of ~drama~ with his daughter, so that's less sweet. But I feel like that was more of a Hera problem than a Cham problem...maybe? Anyways, he appeared in Clone Wars, Bad Batch, and Rebels. He seems to be one of the "mainer" characters that's been cut so I feel bad. But then again I've never seen any of these so maybe he's not.


Save Droopy McCool

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And now, onto someone I know! Wuher is a bartender at Mos Eisley Cantina and kicks C3PO and R2D2 out when they try to come in because no droids allowed. A bit discriminatory if you ask me. And the Cantina descends into chaos on like a daily basis, so I'm not sure what kind of drama these droids are starting. R2's always getting into drama though so it was probably for the best they were asked ordered to leave. Well the Star Wars wiki does give him a backstory about his dislike of droids due to his parents being killed by droids during the Clone Wars. He also dislikes slavery so good for him! On a moral level, it seems like Wuher is a good guy. But this isn't a ranking of goodness and as a character, he's nothing.


Save Dexter Jettster

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Dryden Vos


I saw Furiosa this weekend and I saw somebody on twitter compare it to Solo. As in they were both prequel origin stories on characters who we didn't really need an origin story for. And while that's a bit true, Furiosa is a genuinely good, exciting, and fun to watch movie. None of those things can be said about Solo. This makes pretty much any of the Solo characters a pretty easy cut this early in the game. Because they add nothing to the overall Star Wars universe. You can completely take them out and I don't think anything would really meaningfully change. Anyway, Dryden Vos is the head of the Crimson Dawn crime syndicate and the rival to Han's mentor Tobias. He is a near-human alien because they originally cast somebody else and then that guy couldn't make any re-shoots and then had to throw away all the mo-cap so they settled for basically the easiest answer in the replacement. He tried to kill Han and after failing Qi'ra stabbed him to death.

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Meebur Gascon


Meebur Gascon is from The Clone Wars. A very good TV show! A very bad movie! Anyway, Meebur Gascon is a colonel during the Clone Wars. His Starwars Databank entry is "Colonel Meebur Gascon." He eventually got promoted to Brigadier General. Let's see, he looks normal-sized here but as a Zilkin he's actually pretty tiny. He was on the side of the Republic during the Clone Wars and the Jedi Alliance put him in charge of the D-squad's mission to obtain an encryption module from the Separatists. He likes to believe that this is due to the fact that he's a good leader and strategist and not because he's tiny. The fact that he was promoted to Brigadier General does indicate that he is a pretty good military strategist.


Saving: Bossk, Paige Tico

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The mask of Garindan in the Star Wars IV : A new hope | Spotern


This plague-doctor-lookin mf appeared in the first movie and is a snitch and is boring. This guy appeared in his goofy mask when the gang went to the Cantina on Tatooine and he ratted them out to the Empire. He barely has any role besides pointing in the general direction that Luke Kenobi and/or droids went. But that didn't stop the Star Wars fans from inventing a backstory! Apparently he's the "greatest spy in Mos Eisley spaceport." Oh, F off. Sometimes backstories are fun but in this case it's so limited to just the exact thing he did on screen amplified to the max. He's a species that looks like the mask but has to wear a special mask when visiting other planets. Or is that supposed to be his actual nose? I'm seeing conflicting information/art about this Kubaz species but we've reached the end of this write-up.


Save Klaud lol 

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Star Wars OCD: Malakili the Rancor Keeper - IGN


This is the guy who raised the Rancor for Jabba and was super sad when it got killed by Luke. It was a great scene, imo, showing him just being sad about the beast after we were rooting for Luke to survive. Made for a richer environment. I do think it was kind of jarring to have just... a regular random human man hanging out in Jabba's Palace along with the greatest collection of aliens and puppets and costumes and prosthetics ever haha. It takes me out of it a little. When I was a kid I'd watch this scene over and over trying to find out what kind of alien he was, if he had extra arms/nipples/anything lol. But in the end he's just some guy lmao. The only reasoning I can figure is that they wanted the crying scene about the rancor to be done by someone regular to really sell it. He survived the downfall of Jabba's Palace and eventually went on to join the ranks at the Crystal Moon Restaurant, which is featured in a Lego video game. 


Save Ree-Yees (who is listed under Episode 1 but I can't find his appearance in that)

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